Football Kung Fu Player

【163】Chen Chusheng

"Has anyone ever told you that I love you very much, has anyone ever cried in your diary. Has anyone ever told you that I care about the distance of this city..."

Fresh, unprecedented freshness!

The big boy on the stage, the acoustic guitar, the little lights...

The many audiences in the audience seemed to have suddenly returned to the craziest and wanton age of the past, and the story seemed to be slowly recalling and unfolding in their minds along with the singing, and each person who was rooted in their hearts was slowly coming to an end. The dream of the mind sprouts, grows, blooms...

I am old, and you are also old. Fortunately, you are gone, and you did not spend your whole life wandering with me.

Some time ago I secretly went to see you, I saw that you are doing well, so I am satisfied.

We were really stupid in the past, we gave up each other for such a trivial matter. But like this song, have you ever told you that I love you very much...

But still, I can't go back...

The audience shed tears silently, and the audience hugged the gray-haired husbands and wives around them tightly, and the lonely figures frowned alone, ~ I don't know who I remembered.

Youth is young, love is just right.

In that era, we would not fall in love, and would quarrel over trivial matters. At a certain moment, they will silently read each other's names in their hearts, and they will think hard because of one person, and even end up in pain. Or it may be because of one person's waiting, but there is no response to spend this youth alone.

Youth, hello!

The viewers in front of the TV were already lying on the chairs tiredly, propped their heads and closed their eyes, remembering where they went.

I still remember that the boy who was most afraid of pain secretly carved her initials on his hand with a knife with a knife, and then showed it to her casually.

Do you still remember the boy who kept running behind you when you broke up? He was willing to run with you in the car just to beg your forgiveness.

Do you still remember that little boy who watched you having fun with your boyfriend and a group of people, but stood alone in the shadow and smiled at you? Did you ever know that he laughed so hard that he couldn't control himself when he watched you happy?

A story, a memory.

Someone once said that this song is not suitable for innocent people.

Everyone used to be innocent, and everyone used to be a fool at that age in the past, caring about her words and actions.

And Chen Chusheng's "Did Someone Tell You" successfully awakened the beauty of the unsatisfactory story in people's hearts.

"Has anyone ever told you that I care, the distance of this city. HE.HE.HE.HE..."

The guitar sound stopped slowly, and the people in the house who supported their heads never opened their eyes, but just recalled the beauty of the past that was not perfect and had no stories. In the end, he slowly revealed a faint smile.

Maybe some of them are already gray-haired, or some of them have just stepped into the society not long ago and were scolded by their bosses because of various documents, but they dare not fight back. Maybe some of them have just entered the society. year crisis.....

Fortunately, at this moment, they have no regrets.

Perhaps at this time tomorrow, they will bury this past story deeply in their hearts, and then put on a hypocritical smile to live. Perhaps tomorrow they will be the boss of the company, Xiao Fan in the shop, the butcher in the vegetable market, and the old king who is arguing with customers and selling vegetables for ten cents. Or maybe, they can't wait for tomorrow, maybe in the next moment, they will return to normal again, watching the programs on TV is like watching ten farces. Even when I heard this song, I was not as moved as I used to be.

But at least, they still stay at this moment...

"My singing is over, thank you all."

Chen Chu said these words in a calm voice, and then walked towards the backstage peacefully.

There was no applause in the audience, and there was even silence, as if this was not a rare good song, but just a bad song that no one liked.

"Papa papa..."

When the court was quiet, Wang Xing clapped his hands sadly, almost crying bitterly.

Why, who the hell knows what your love is, I don't have love!

And with the applause of Wang Xing, the audience in the audience seemed to wake up from a dream, and looked at Wang Xing who was clapping alone on the stage in astonishment. Then they clapped their palms one by one crazily, and thunderous applause surged in the big theater like a tide.

...asking for flowers...0

Chen Chusheng, who was walking on the road, paused slightly. Hearing the applause slowly reaching his ears, he couldn't help showing a smile.

At the same time, the intoxicated viewers in front of the TV were also awakened by the applause, and one by one they returned to the mortal beings.

hello, goodbye.

"Okay, after listening to the wonderful performances of the four contestants on our program, I would like to invite the audience to take out the voting devices next to your seats and vote for your favorite singer. At the same time, if the TV If the former viewers also want to support your favorite star, you can edit the text message sh and add the name of your favorite star and send it to the number of the program group $..."


Wang Xing stood on the stage, and the four singers behind him were standing behind him, with their backs to the big screen, looking at the audience calmly one by one.

No one is canvassing votes, because everyone knows that they have already performed very well, even if they canvass votes, it will not have much effect, and they don't need other extra points at all.

This time, the voting rules of "The Voice of Yanhuang" were also announced by Wang Xing. The voting results of the audience can be ranked by comprehensive scores, and the scores of the four instructors are also counted as another score. The vote of the audience outside the stadium is another ranking.

In the end, the player with the highest score calculated based on the three rankings will become the champion!

"I have to say that the performance of the four players this time really makes it difficult for me to decide, and it is also difficult for me to choose who is the strongest."

Teacher Niu Huan gave a rare sigh, looked at the four people on the stage and said.

"This is probably the most difficult decision I have made since I was a judge."

Wang Banbi, who has served as a judge of various music shows, also had to sigh.

"If I had to choose, I would probably tie four people for first place."

Naying told the truth frankly.

After seeing the other three judges expressed their opinions, Chen Yixun, a well-known star in Hong Kong City, also sighed slightly, and said.

"But no matter what, we still have to make a choice."

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