Football Kung Fu Player

【170】No Wang Xing

"I've reached the top 20 in the second tier!"

Xue Qianqian shouted in surprise.

This time, the "Voice of Yanhuang" champion added too much points to Xue Qianqian, so he easily passed from the ranks of third-tier stars to second-tier stars, and also achieved a good ranking.

"I have also entered the ranks of the second line!"

"me too!"

Zhang Jie and Chen Chusheng couldn't help shouting excitedly. After the two finished speaking, Yi Mochou's voice also sounded.

"I also broke through the third line and entered the second line."

The four best-performing and most popular contestants in "The Voice of Yanhuang" have actually received a lot of attention. The only thing missing now is the accumulation of qualifications and achievements.

After "The Voice of Yanhuang" ended, Wang Xing also gave the four of them new songs as agreed. So the four of them just need to practice the new songs slowly, and it is enough to release them after the practice is proficient and slowly accumulate popularity.

Immediately afterwards, good news came from Huang Bo and Wen Wen respectively. They all entered the 25th list from a low-level or low-level starlet, and they also got a good ranking in the third line.

At the same time, Xu Zhen looked at the phone and laughed involuntarily.

Although he is different from others, he cannot be listed on the star list. But just before that, the Yanhuang Film Association sent an email inviting him to join the association. The members who can enter the Yanhuang Film Association are not first-line big directors, but also new directors who are preparing or have hope to enter the ranks of first-line directors. Xu Zhen can be accepted into the Yanhuang Film Association, which means that his "billion director" has finally been recognized. At the same time, it is also accepted by the Yanhuang film circle.

Seeing the good news coming from everyone, Wang Xing couldn't help feeling better, and then found his name on the list.

Hmm? Why is there no name in the second line? Is it true that I have reached the first line?

"Young Master Wang, why is your name not on this line?"

Just when Wang Xing was puzzled, the voices of the crowd slowly rang out.

"Yeah, how could it not be?"

"I looked here, and there is no second line."

Everyone's voices became lower and lower, and they looked at Wang Xing with embarrassment.

Several of them have landed in the second line. If Wang Xing is not even in the second line, it means that Wang Xing is not as good as them.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Wang Xing's popularity is so much higher than theirs. If this is not on the list, will Wang Xing be happy? If Wang Xing is angry, will they have good fruit to eat?

"Don't be angry, let's go to the third-tier list to look for it together."

Lin Ni grabbed Wang Xing's hand with his small paws, and said to Wang Xing softly.

At the same time, the remaining two little girls also comforted.

"It's okay, the third line is also very good, we will get better step by step."

"That's right, the three of us are all on the third line, don't be unhappy.

Xue Qianqian and others around him also smiled wryly when they heard the words, and quickly searched on the third-line list.

On the contrary, Wang Xing had a calm face, as if he didn't care about all this at all.

"What's the matter, there's no third-line list?"

After a while, Zhang Jie's voice rang out first, and the doubt in his tone couldn't be concealed.

"How is it possible? There are hundreds of people in the third line. With Wang Xing's popularity, how could he not even be on the list?"

Now Chen Luo couldn't sit still anymore, and said loudly in disbelief.

"Really not, and I didn't find it either."

Wu Mo's worried voice sounded.

"No way, could it be that because Wang Xing only came back in the middle of this month, the selection team didn't include Wang Xing in the ranking?"

Chen Chu began to analyze calmly.

Everyone's good mood because of the good ranking disappeared in an instant, and they searched the star list over and over again, but they still had to confirm in the end that there was indeed no Wang Xing in this list.

"You should be the only guess. Otherwise, with Wang Xing's popularity, the selection team couldn't and couldn't ignore it."

Chen Luo came to a conclusion.

Then the crowd also looked at Wang Xing with a calm face, looking like he wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to comfort him.

Who doesn't care about their ranking, especially those who are in the entertainment industry, if their ranking can rise by one level, it can already make people ecstatic.

It can be said that Wang Xing's popularity, achievements, abilities, etc. have clearly surpassed most of the stars in the entertainment industry, which makes Wang Xing not ranked. This is simply too unacceptable.

And rising from a low place makes people feel good, but the feeling of falling from a high place is extremely bad.

Wang Xing used to be the fastest and best second-tier No. 1, and he was known as the man most likely to hit the top star.

Now two months have passed. Wang Xing couldn't even make the star list. If it were any other star, they would have been unable to accept this for a long time, and would rush to settle accounts with the selection team.

However, Wang Xing's current performance is extremely calm, showing no signs of anger or annoyance. This made everyone a little unpredictable. You have seen Wang Xing's performance a lot, and you know that Wang Tu's performance is very flat. But that's the star list!

And although Chen Chu's far-fetched statement sounds reasonable, but in fact, there has never been a statement that the evaluation will not be given because it has not appeared for a full month!

So this is absolutely unfair, a selection that ignores Wang Xing's popularity this month, and a selection that ignores Wang Xing's current popularity!

Can't help it, the people around couldn't help becoming angry, and even cast aside the selection group 227 who was grateful for the good grades just now.

"Hey, what kind of selection team is this!"

"Shadow, this definitely has black power!"

"No, you can't just leave it like this!"

Several young men shouted in an instant, and it happened that Wang Xing was in full swing, and his appeal among the common people was boundless. As long as Wang Xing raises his arms and speaks out about himself, it is estimated that many people on the Internet will support him!

Unlike the previous Tu Fei who hijacked the rhythm to death, Wang Xing really had the will of the people. If trouble breaks out, I'm afraid even the selection team won't be able to suppress it!

"What are you doing, don't stop."

Now it was Wang Xing's turn to be dumbfounded, and he felt a little helpless looking at a group of angry friends.

All this thought of going somewhere, and even hijacked public opinion to put pressure on the selection team. Don't say it can't be done, even if it can be done, you, a celebrity, dare to stir up people's hearts, and it is estimated that someone will come to your house to repair the water pipe in less than two days.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, go and look at the star list now, don't forget that there is another list that you haven't seen yet."

Wang Xing said to the crowd with a smile.

"There is another list? Could it be!"

Everyone looked at Wang Xing suspiciously, and finally a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in their hearts, and an unbelievable thought popped up. .

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