Congratulations, the first entertainment award in my life!

Although it is said that Wang Xing won the Olympic gold medal, he has never won an award in the entertainment industry, let alone a global award.

However, because Wang Xing was only awarded the award by "Survival on a Deserted Island", a video that does not belong to TV or movies, the organizers thought of a compromise and gave Wang Xing the "Best Cinematography Award".

Because it had to be mailed to Yanhuang, and it arrived in Wang Xing's hands. So a lot of time has been spent on the road, and the awarding time is at the end of this month, near the end of the month.

As long as Wang Xing receives this global award, it is very likely that he will be able to successfully enter into to the list of international stars.

In fact, the reason why there are very few Yanhuang stars on the international star list is because the International Star Committee is set up in the United States, and these sub-judges are more inclined to English version of entertainment works. The scores of entertainment works with different languages ​​have always been low.

The reason Fang Loon was able to make the list is that he shot martial arts action movies. The wonderful movements in the film convinced many American audiences, and 880 made him the spokesperson of Yanhuang Kung Fu. So he was also recognized by the star committee, and he was rated as an international third-tier star.

But even so, Fang Loon's ranking in the international star list is still difficult to move forward, and on the contrary, there is a downward trend in ratings.

Yanhuang culture is extensive and profound, but although the spread of Confucius and Mencius is promoted by Yanhuang 1 news media, it seems to have been loved by people all over the world, but in fact many Confucius Institutes have attracted foreigners because of high scholarships and other factors, Yanhuang The culture of the past was far less attractive to foreigners than people imagined.

But "Survival on a Deserted Island" is different!

With Wang Xing's ten-year vision beyond others, his shooting techniques and themes are suitable for people all over the world, and it is extremely easy to get to the climax of American people.

That's why Wang Xing is confident. With this award, he is very likely to enter the list of international stars.

The Golden Globes, an international award second only to the Oscars in the United States, are waiting for Wang Xing!

The hotel in the United States has been booked, it is a five-star hotel (cfbc) in Los Angeles.

The money on Wang Xing's body has also been replaced with US dollars, and everything is ready. Although Chen Luo also went together, but for some reason, the first-class seat of the train they were going to was full, so in desperation Chen Lu only booked a first-class seat.

"Woo woo woo..."

Following a dizzy tilt, Wang Xing is now on the first-class cabin of the plane, overlooking the whole world slowly passing by in front of him. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Wang Xing suddenly thought of a sentence from a game he once played.

The world is a river, I can go wherever I want.

The development of science and technology is really too fast and incredible, and it even makes people feel a little unreal.

If the speed is too fast, it breaks through the gravity of the earth and flies out of the earth. And the position changes too quickly and it is easy to make people think about it, and it seems like a world away.

While Wang Xing was leaning against the window and thinking about life, there was a sudden loud noise from the side, and then his arm was pushed hard by someone else.

Wang Xing turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with parted hair and thick eyes looking at Wang Xing with a narrow smile. Beside the middle-aged man, a gay-looking man with a pale face was distorted and pale, tightly clutching the armrest beside him.

Well, you still get airsick when you take the plane. This is a direct trip from Magic City to Los Angeles. It’s not a train, and there will be no stops on the way. Don’t you suffer?

But it seems that the gays are gay, and they deserve to live! "Is there any problem?"

Wang Xing said suspiciously. Reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, the two parts are almost laughing, and Wang Xing is not good at swearing directly,


The middle split obviously smiled and wanted to explain, but before he could speak, the little white face on the side turned his pale face and spoke to Wang Xing.

It turned out to be a crooked nut, why are you looking for me?

Wang Xing frowned instantly. Although he couldn't understand what the little boy was saying, Wang Xing could still hear the hint in his tone.

"Hi sir, this is my boss, and I'm his translator. Our boss is airsick, and because of the shortage of tickets for the recent flight, we were in a hurry, so we didn't get a first-class ticket."

The middle part quickly rubbed his hands, and explained with a smile.

"That is to say, although our boss is airsick, he can become more comfortable as long as he leans against the window. So, please agree to change the seat with our boss.

The attitude of the middle split was sincere and serious, and the explanation was relatively clear, so Wang Xing understood it clearly.

"I've been arguing with you for a long time because I just want to change seats, let me tell you sooner!"

Wang Xing suddenly realized, and said with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, the middle part smiled even more, and a surge of joy surged in his heart, and he quickly spoke.

"Yes, yes, that's what we mean."

Wang Xing also nodded in response, the smile on his face grew a bit, and he spoke.

"No change!"

The split head in the middle didn't expect this ending at all, the smile on the corner of the mouth froze instantly, but still didn't have the guts to offend Wang Xing


Hearing the words, the little boy who was in constant pain turned dark instantly, looked at Wang Xing with an unfriendly expression, and shouted angrily.


"Bageya Road!"

Well, it turned out to be a Japanese, it seems that I really didn't reject the wrong person.

Although Wang Xing couldn't understand the first few sentences of the bird language, Wang Xing, the little boy with a white face, could understand it. Isn't this the lingua franca of the Japanese commanders in the Yanhuang anti-Japanese war blockbuster!

And if Wang Xing remembers correctly, this should be the kind used to scold people.

But here is the plane, Wang Xing has no plans to fight this little boy. If we can't do it, we can still piss people off!

Seeing the furious expression on the little white face, Wang Xing stretched comfortably, and then leaned against the window again, making a seductive and comfortable movement.

Seeing Wang Xing's deliberately posed posture, the little white face was even more angry, and his heart was anxious, and the airsickness that he had forgotten because of the anger just now surged up again, and the vomiting rushed into his brain like an earth-shaking sensation.


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