Just when Takuya Kimura pulled over, Wang Xing had reacted vigilantly, and then Wang Xing raised his hand instantly. As if he had eyes behind his back, he grabbed Takuya Kimura's wrist with precision.

Takuya Kimura felt his right hand being grabbed, and a strong sense of shame surged into his mind instantly. He glared at Wang Xing angrily, then moved his left hand into a claw, and moved towards Wang Xing like crazy. Throat grabbing.


Wang Xing who was calmly felt something was wrong instantly. Although the energy in Kimura Takuya's hand was weak, if he met an ordinary person. I'm afraid it can easily injure others, not to mention that he aimed at the throat. If an ordinary person is not careful, he will be squeezed to death by him?

Originally, Wang Xing was going to let Takuya Kimura go, but he didn't expect that this guy would dare to kill him, which instantly aroused Wang Xing's anger.

If I don't get angry, you think I'm a stick!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xing easily dodged Kimura Takuya's claws, and the backhand caught Kimura Takuya's left wrist so that he could not move, and then the other hand loosened, and without hesitation, he slapped Kimura Takuya with a slap past.


No one knows how powerful Wang Xing is. Takuya Kimura has been trained by the Yamaguchi-gumi since he was a child, and he has practiced kung fu for more than ten years, but when he was slapped by Wang Xing, he still turned to the outside like a dead fish and fell to the ground!

The burning pain on his face continued to surge, and Takuya Kimura lay on the ground in despair. From childhood to adulthood, the fight with others did not end with his victory, but now he was beaten like this by a Yanhuang man in front of outsiders!

In an instant, the sense of humiliation even made Takuya Kimura lie on the ground like this, not wanting to wake up.

And watching the scene of Takuya Kimura lying on the ground, Britz was dumbfounded, Bruce was dumbfounded, and a group of star directors were also dumbfounded.

The reason why Kimura Takuya, the second generation ancestor, keeps making troubles and can dance so vigorously is because he has a good background and his own strength is not low. Now he was beaten by a young man, and he was beaten like this?

Suddenly, someone in the crowd recognized Wang Xing and shouted.

"Oh my God, he's the guy from Left Behind"!"

"Oh! mygod, I just said why he is so strong, even Kimura Takuya can't beat him, so he is the man who beat the shark!"

"God, I like him, Wang! The strongest man on earth!"

The shouts in the crowd became more and more excited, but Britz on the side regretted it. He hurriedly ran over from a distance, ready to help Takuya Kimura.

Although the Yamaguchi-gumi is only a Japanese force, it is not something he, an American director who has been in the entertainment industry, can offend. Now if something goes wrong with Takuya Kimura, the successor of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Britz will be the most troubled.

But when Blitz approached, he felt a thump in his heart, and was instantly dumbfounded.

He actually saw that Takuya Kimura, the second ancestor who was once mighty on the ground, was crying on the ground!

God, this is a big deal!

Blitz thought it was just a simple fight before, as long as he appeases everyone, he hastened to give out the prizes and the rest of the people can play as they want, and it is none of his business for Takuya Kimura to take revenge.

What's going on now? Takuya Kimura, the sole successor of the Yamaguchi-gumi, was knocked to the ground and cried.

If this is not handled well, then how should he, the "Golden Globe" whistleblower, deal with revenge from the Yamaguchi-gumi, one of the world's three major gangsters?

Britz regretted pushing away the surrounding crowd, and slowly helped Takuya Kimura up. If I had known that he might as well not show up, it would be better to pretend that I was not there, but now that I have come here, a group of people have seen me. If you pretend that you don't know, the trouble will be even greater.

"what's up?"

Britz asked in English pretending not to know.

"This Mr. Kimura Takuya is dissatisfied with the seat arrangement, so he wants to change seats with this Mr. Wang Xing. It's just that Mr. Wang Xing refuses to agree. I didn't expect this Mr. Kimura Takuya to take the lead. What's more unexpected is that He failed to beat this Mr. Wang Xing, and was beaten to the ground by Mr. Wang Xing and cried."

Bruce spread his hands, and Taguchi said.

Bruce has long been annoyed by Takuya Kimura's little boy, and what they Americans hate most is the second generation ancestor and the boy. Unfortunately Takuya Kimura has both.

Moreover, he chatted happily with Wang Xing before, and Takuya Kimura would always come up to disturb him, how could this not make Bruce feel disgusted.

Wang Xing on the side looked at Bruce in surprise, unexpectedly Bruce would speak for him.

But Blitz has long been scolding Bruce in his heart.

I was on the sidelines, "Do you know what happened?

You also told me the whole process in detail, you think I offended the Yamaguchi-gumi enough to offend you! What the hell did you tell me that someone was beaten and cried, this is a person who can see that he is crying, you still deliberately Bring up several meanings!

Britz wanted to cry without tears and supported the wooden Takuya Kimura on the chair, and then his eyes kept rolling.

I am the organizer of the "Golden Globe Awards". He should handle the matter this time, but how should he deal with the two of them?

"Ah, let me introduce myself first. I am the organizer of the Golden Globe Awards, Brits, welcome to come here, this..."

Blitz chattered and stalled for time. Then he quickly thought about it in his mind.

Behind Takuya Kimura is the Yamaguchi-gumi, insidious and cunning, he must handle it to satisfy Takuya Kimura, and at the same time satisfy the Yamaguchi-gumi behind Takuya Kimura.

Although Wang Xing is a top star of Yanhuang, Yanhuang has never dared to provoke Americans, and it is not easy to resist when he is bullied. If I leaned towards Takuya Kimura, Wang Xing, the Yanhuang man, shouldn’t take too much revenge, and (for money) I gave him a Yanhuang man award, presumably he will give himself this face for the sake of the award

Now that the ceremony hasn't started yet, and the reporters haven't come, I can just take this opportunity to turn black and white!

OK, so do it!

Britz glanced at the two of them, Wang Xing didn't care, and Takuya Kimura still had tears in his eyes, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

"Although what you said about Bruce is correct, why do I feel that there is something wrong with what you said!"

Britz suddenly raised his voice and spoke.

"Why not?" Bruce asked suspiciously.

"I just saw Mr. Wang Xing hit Mr. Takuya Kimura first, and beat Mr. Takuya Kimura so soft!"

After Britz finished speaking, he looked at the group of directors and stars outside.

"You people who are nearby should know the best, don't you think so?",

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