At the beginning of February 2008, the International Star Organizing Committee selected Yanhuang star Wang Xing as an international third-tier star. This is also the second time that Yanhuang star has been recognized and placed below the international star list since Van Loon.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Wang Xing's status as Yanhuang's top star. At the same time, this is also a great recognition of the development of Yanhuang Entertainment by international cultural and entertainment organizations!

The reason that directly led to Wang Xing's selection was the video "Survival on a Deserted Island" released by Wang Xing. In the eyes of many people, this is just a wonderful recorded video, but in the international star selection organization committee, many committee members expressed great approval for this shooting method.

They believe that entertainment does not mean only movies and TV shows, and at the same time, every bit of the wonderful stories around them can also be transformed into entertainment. In other words, Wang Xing's method of filming his own experience into a video has been recognized, which means that the era of national entertainment has arrived ahead of schedule.

The next day, the "YouTube" video platform announced that it has officially added a personal video option. Everyone who has registered with "YouTube" can choose to upload the video, and it can be released publicly to the world.

In the past, people could only watch videos and watch movies and TV series shot by others. After carrying out this reform, people began to have the opportunity to participate in shooting videos, providing opinions and so on.

Of course, this reform is only preliminary, or it will take some time for the people to adapt and get used to it, and then it will be promoted to the whole world. But no one can deny that this is a kind of progress, a kind of entertainment progress!

Wang Xing doesn't know and doesn't know, the type of video he brought out ten years later has inadvertently promoted the development of entertainment ten years ago. This led to the early launch of the "YouTube" video platform, which was supposed to launch the personal upload video function in three or four years, and also led to immeasurable progress and development in the form of entertainment.

However, change and evolution need time to develop and adapt. It is impossible for Wang Xing's video to advance the World Entertainment in 2008 to 18 years, but since it is a kind of progress, we should recognize it.

And in various countries of the world, the name Wang Xing has also appeared with the continuous and gradual reform of world entertainment, and has been heard by countless people around the world.

The news slowly spread from the international to Yanhuang, but what attracted people's attention was not Wang Xing's promotion of world entertainment. It was the news that Wang Xing had been recognized by the World Entertainment Organization and was selected as a third-tier international star.

The development of Yanhuang Entertainment has always been a step behind the world, which is closely related to Yanhuang's national conditions or the way of life of Yanhuang people. But this does not mean that Yanhuang Entertainment does not want to be recognized internationally. After so many years, even a small country like Japan has stars on the international star rankings, and the results are not bad, but Yanhuang stars have never been able to make it. list. What a sad thing this is for a big country like Yanhuang.

So now Wang Xing has broken the curse and entered the international list, what an inspiring thing!

The entertainment circle boiled instantly, everyone praised and congratulated Wang Xing under Weibo. No one has any doubts about the identity of Wang Xing, the top Yanhuang star.

There are many famous and popular stars in Yanhuang, but there are not many stars who can be recognized internationally. The previous Fang Loon and the current Wang Xing are the only people in Yanhuang who can be called top stars!

But even though the voices praising Wang Xing on Yanhuang Network increased day and night, Wang Xing still did not show up. Just like being besieged by the entire entertainment industry and being bitten back by many fans, Wang Xing still didn't show up, as if he didn't care about the glory or any attacks.

At this time, the African continent is thousands of miles away. One after another, easter egg fireworks flickered in the air.

Wang, my good friend, congratulations``!"

An African aunt, wearing a unique African costume, embraced Wang Xing with a sincere smile on her face.

This is Heidi Manimek, a passionate African aunt. Played the role of Wang Xing Yu's son and sister in "Wolf Warrior 2".

"Oh, Heidi, it's your honor too."

Being hugged by Heidi Manimek's plump African mother's body is painful and joyful. So Rao is Wang Xing, hugged by such a mass of meat, he also has a face of thinking about life.

And just after Heidi Manimek hugged Wang Xing, Bruce, who was hiding and watching this scene laughing, was dumbfounded, because Heidi Manimek walked towards him with the same excitement .

Facts have proved that there is always retribution for laughing at others, so even the famous martial arts star Bruce Willis can only look pained when facing the passionate African aunt Heidi Manimek And happily accepted.

But Bruce is not in a bad mood now, because this time the filming that he remembers most is finally over, that is to say, this movie called "Wolf Warrior 2" has finally finished!

"It's done, it's done!"

"Okay, it's over!"

A group of dark African children were excitedly running and chasing the fireworks in the darkening African sky, holding the candies distributed by Wang Xing in their hands and shouting happily.

In this black land, many African children have never seen such gorgeous fireworks, and there are few things like candy to enjoy. Being able to actually hold candy in their hands has already made them feel very satisfied and happy.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is finally finished.

Wang Xing looked at the black smoke rising from the broken house in the distance and merged with the darkness spreading between the sky and the earth. Such a thought came to his mind, and the comfort in his body could not help awakening the latent (Wang Liao Zhao) for more than a year. month of fatigue.

When the time comes, it is time to go back.

Yanhuang, I'm back...


Yanhuang, Weibo Building.

Chen Jian sat in the director's office, working hard to correct one document after another.

As time goes by. The development of Weibo Company is getting better and better, and its market value has risen by 10% recently, and even his director's worth has also doubled.

While correcting, Chen Jian slowly raised his head, and fixed his eyes on a corner of the computer beside him.

It's already February 13th, and there is only half a month left before the "Oscars" are awarded, how come they haven't used it yet?

While thinking, Chen Jian stretched out his hand to the international phone beside him, hesitated for a while, but slowly withdrew his hand.

And at this moment, the door of the director's office suddenly opened.


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