Football Kung Fu Player


A gust of wind swept across strangely and abruptly, and Chun Han didn't notice it. The cold spring instantly passed through the gaps in the exposed skin with the wind, making Wang Xing shiver uncontrollably.

Why is it so cold this day? It's so unbearable for my physique.


A dead leaf left over from last winter was rolled up.

A shivering person who had just passed Wang Xing suddenly turned sideways, raising his right hand slightly.

Could it be that he is enthusiastic and wants to say good evening to me?

This idea just popped up in Wang Xing's mind, and a silver needle as thin as a cow's awn gleamed with a faint blue light and flew towards Wang Xing's temple passionately.

Miyamoto Musashi is one of the most elite samurai of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan, and his ancestors have served in the "843" Kumi-gumi of the Yamaguchi for generations. In his generation, he has become one of the most famous top fighters in the Yamaguchi-gumi killer.

This time he received instructions from the top boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi to go to Yanhuang to kill a star named Wang Xing.

To be honest, using Miyamoto Musashi, the top killer of the Yamaguchi-gumi, to kill a star in the entertainment industry is really a big deal in Miyamoto Musashi's eyes. But when Miyamoto learned that this goal humiliated the Yamaguchi-gumi heir Kimura Takuya, Miyamoto Musashi immediately took over the task!

The honor of the Yamaguchi-gumi must not be humiliated, even if the target was Yanhuang Ayumoto Musashi, who hit hardest against the killer mercenaries, the police killed this target!

After obtaining a piece of detailed information at a high price, Miyamoto Musashi finally found Wang Xing's address, and spent a lot of time searching to verify the nearby terrain.

In Miyamoto Musashi's view, this position is simply too easy to use as a potential assassination!

In the sparsely populated Yanhuang villa area, coupled with the cold climate, even if Miyamoto Musashi killed Wang Xing, it would be impossible for him to be discovered in a short time.

And in just a short time, Miyamoto can easily use the route that has been arranged, and then change his identity in just one day, transforming himself into a popular Japanese investor in Yanhuang, and is even very likely to be caught by Yanhuang. Reception by the big leaders.

So Miyamoto Musashi didn't care about the safety of this operation at all. The target this time, Miyamoto, has also been investigated. He is just an ordinary star. It is said that he used to practice sports.

After hearing the news, Miyamoto Musashi had a glimmer of enlightenment. Could he defeat and humiliate his young master? It turns out that this guy is still a Yanhuang barbarian! But all this

After meeting the great Japanese samurai, everything will fall apart!

But no matter how good the terrain of this place is and how favorable the environmental factors are, Miyamoto Musashi has to be very careful in this strange and magical place in Yanhuang to prevent being caught by the Yanhuang police.

But after several days of dormancy, Miyamoto finally got his chance.

The weather seems to be extremely cold today, and the pedestrians who should have appeared on the road have disappeared one by one. The target, Wang Xing, also came along this road unprepared. In the eyes of these people, there is no precedent for dangerous incidents in this villa area, which is known as the safest, but now, I am afraid that they will be surprised!

When Miyamoto Musashi passed by the target Wang Xing, when Wang Xing seemed the most relaxed and unlikely to guard against, he decisively took out the special silver needle soaked in venom, as long as the target was shot in any part of the body Even the top doctors in the world cannot treat him!

A faint blue silver needle seemed to penetrate time and space, and appeared in front of Wang Xing from Miyamoto Musashi's side in the blink of an eye. But just when Miyamoto Musashi was about to look at the distorted face of the Yanhuang people in front of him triumphantly, Wang Xing in front of him strangely leaned back more than 90 degrees, dodging the stick with a posture that surpassed human cognition Silver Needle!


Wang Xing had already realized something was wrong the moment Miyamoto Musashi shot the silver needle, but when he looked at the silver needle that fell on the ground and corroded the floor tiles in a large circle, Wang Xing couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

This silver needle is very poisonous at first glance, if it really stabs me, I am afraid that no matter how strong my physique is, I will be poisoned to death by this poison!

While thinking about it, Wang Xing showed a rare trace of anger, and the murderous look in his eyes was surging.

Such a sinister and vicious desire to put himself to death, this kind of deep hatred is no longer easily forgiven!

Wang Xing didn't have the slightest bit of benevolence for a woman, and without hesitation, he used his whole body's strength to drive the cicada with eight steps and burst forward... …

Since you dare to kill me, then leave yourself alone!

When Miyamoto Musashi saw that the silver needle had failed, he was surprised and at the same time felt a little crazy.

If you don't kill the target this time, the target will definitely be alert next time, and the difficulty of assassinating is not just that!

Since the silver needle escaped, please die!

Miyamoto Musashi suddenly took out a short knife from an unknown part of his body, and miraculously twisted the short knife into a dagger, and frantically stabbed at Wang Xing who was rushing towards him.

The blade of the dagger in front of him was full of green light, it was obviously poisoned like the silver needle just now, if it was pierced by a certain part of the body, it would be extremely dangerous.

But Wang Xing didn't have any hesitation. At the moment when he saw the dagger in front of him swinging empty, the new power was gone, and the old power was gone, he touched the ground with his right foot, and his light kung fu suddenly turned, and instantly rushed to Miyamoto Musashi's side, with a full force The knife in his hand slashed directly on Miyamoto Musashi's wrist.


The dagger was instantly knocked off the ground by Wang Xing, and Wang Xing didn't hesitate, and with his backhand, he slashed at the wrist of the other hand that Miyamoto Musashi swung wildly!


Miyamoto Musashi screamed in an instant, and his hands drooped weakly on his wrists.

It turned out that the power Wang Xing used under his anger was too great. Actually interrupted the two hands of Miyamoto 3.5 Musashi directly!

However, no matter how miserable Miyamoto Musashi's cry was, Wang Xing would not show mercy to a person who wanted to kill him. "The backhand kicked Shigemoto Musashi's knee.


Miyamoto Musashi was so painful that his eyes were about to pop out, and he fell to his knees on the ground, his face flushed and he bit Wang Xing like crazy.

Wang Xing gently moved his body behind him, and Miyamoto Musashi directly bit the air and fell to the ground. And screamed on the ground with weak hands and feet.

Seeing that Miyamoto Musashi had no strength to resist, Wang Xing kicked the dagger away with his backhand, and then stood in front of Miyamoto Musashi, looking at Miyamoto Musashi with contempt like an emperor and asked.

"Who on earth sent you to assassinate me!".

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