"Not only that, I believe that the potential of every Yanhuang person is huge, and the potential of Yanhuang Entertainment is also immeasurable. And I, on behalf of Yanhuang Entertainment, will present to American entertainment, Japanese entertainment, and world entertainment. challenge!"

Wang Xing's words echoed deafeningly on the awards ceremony, a group of journalists, judges and winners stared dumbfounded at the impassioned Wang Xing on the stage, and the emotions in their hearts were already tumbling.

Nima, what do you mean by this guy? You even launched a challenge, what do you want to challenge? You are so crazy, do your parents know?

History is not without arrogant winners. After all, people in the entertainment industry can be regarded as half-art workers, so it is normal to have some common problems of literary teenagers.

But no matter how crazy people are, they are just talking. Well, I deserve this "Oscar Award", and I will win this award in the next year, how could it be like Wang Xing in front of me, who is so crazy!

"Ahem, Mr. Wang Xing is really heroic. We believe in being young and frivolous, and our Mr. Wang Xing is also young and frivolous to win the award. It is understandable to be a little arrogant! Well, let's invite the next winner, Oscar Best Actor winner Victoria Tove took the stage to accept the award."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the host finally brought into play his many years of on-the-spot experience in hosting the "Oscar Awards", and tried his best to support Wang Xing.

And having said this, the host also believed that Wang Xing would not be so stupid, he had already given him a step down, he would not take such a big risk and offend everyone.

"Not young and frivolous."

Wang Xing smiled slightly, then pushed away the host who wanted to take away Wang Xing's monitor, and spoke to the audience~.

The host, who had just been pushed away by an unimaginable force, had a bad feeling in his heart, and began to pray secretly in his heart.

This is my last time to host the Oscars, you old man, please don't make troubles!

And Victoria Tov, who was smiling and preparing to enjoy thousands of admiration, was also dumbfounded. The right foot he just stepped out was neither retracted nor raised.

Many award winners present and the judges were also dumbfounded. If they weren't being filmed by a group of reporters at this moment, they really planned to drag down Wang Xing who kept doing things.

And the most excited people are actually a group of reporters. That's how it goes with the Oscars news every year, and they have to come and film interviews. In the end, some material must be found among the mediocre material to barely pass it as news.

Now it seems that Wang Xing is going to make trouble. If this is not big news, what else is big news?

"I'm not targeting anyone, I'm just telling everyone here that in front of me, Yanhuang Wang Xing, they are all hot chickens!"

Wang Xing said calmly and firmly, as if what he said must be true.

"In three months, I will shoot a movie that people all over the world love to watch and rush to watch. Let you know that the movie of our Yanhuang people can also be called a blockbuster movie!"

"I know that many people have opinions and doubts about my performance of "Wolf Warrior 2"! Because these people think that I just shot a Yanhuang-style war movie, and the source of the box office is only Yanhuang. country. But let me tell you now, my goal is to use the box office contributed by foreigners to reach the first place in the movie box office list!"

There was an uproar in the auditorium, and the famous actors and directors in the United States couldn't sit still. They stood up and glared at Wang Xing, "I almost couldn't bear it and wanted to perform a full martial arts show in front of many reporters.

You must know that Yanhuang movies have never been called blockbusters, because Yanhuang movies are generally only exported to China, and there are basically no films exported to foreign countries. There is also no country that will cooperate with the Yanhuang Agreement to deliver film sources.

Because as long as Yanhuang movies are released in foreign countries, there will only be one consequence! That is to lose money and lose money again!

No matter how sinister, cunning, and speculative American businessman is, he will not set his mind on Yanhuang Movie. Because for the entire movie market, Yanhuang movies are simply a huge and bottomless pit!

Now Wang Xing actually said that he wants to make a movie that people all over the world like, and he also said that he wants to use his country's box office to occupy the first place in the box office list! This is not madness, what is it to speak wild words!

The current top spot in the international movie box office list is an American movie called "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King", with a box office of 1.11 billion US dollars. Even for Wang Xing's most proud film, "Wolf Warrior 2", the box office of 5 billion RMB is equivalent to more than 600 million US dollars. What confidence does he have to say that he can surpass "Lord of the Rings 3" and clamor for the entire American entertainment industry?

…… Ask for flowers………

"Nowadays, the world's largest filming location is Hollywood in the United States. Yanhuang is far inferior to the United States in terms of equipment and scenes. Why do you utter wild words to surpass us?"

An American director went up against the crime and shouted righteously.

The director's name is Adolf, and he is the director of the "Hero" movie that was robbed the day before this year's Oscars. Now that the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, and Wang Xing yells so arrogantly that you are all hot chickens, how can this make Adolf swallow his anger.

"That's right, the best filming base for Yanhuang is called Hengdian. But we know that the equipment and scenes in Hengdian are absolutely inferior to those of other countries. Even if you can go to the sky and have all kinds of skills, you will never be able to shoot the American people that the American people like. Blockbuster!"

Another Oscar judge also couldn't help scolding.

Indeed, not to mention the rest of the world. Even the blockbuster style favored by the people of the United States is definitely not comparable to Wang Xing's "Wolf Warrior 2" type of film. And "Survival on a Deserted Island" before was just an accident, and the film is not a documentary, so how did Wang Xing have the courage to make such a clamor?

"Who said I must have filmed in Yanhuang Hengdian?"

Wang Xing raised his eyebrows, "Looking at this American event like a fool.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Yes, although Wang Xing is from Yanhuang, there is no rule that he has to film in Yanhuang? It’s just that because Wang Xing is from Yanhuang, everyone’s thinking is fixed, thinking that Wang Xing will be in Hengdian, the best filming base of Yanhuang filming.

"However, Hollywood can't agree to your filming!"

A Japanese actor stood up suddenly and said contemptuously.

Everyone who was still in a daze just now came to their senses, right! Where else could he be filming if he wasn't filming in Yanhuang, Hollywood, the best filming base in the world, is dominated by his group of directors, not to mention that Wang Xing has offended himself and others people. With what he said just now, I am afraid that it is impossible for anyone in Hollywood to agree to his filming!.

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