In a tall building in the United States. The international star selection committee is having a heated debate.

Sain sat triumphantly on the high platform, and swept across many colleagues with a look of contempt, the embarrassment in his heart could no longer be concealed.

"Facts have proved that Wang Xing's recent popularity is no longer enough to stay in the international second-tier, and his bet this time is undoubtedly lost. What qualifications does this disgraced person have to continue to stay in the international star rankings? superior."

Thain's words echoed in the conference room, and many selection committee members looked embarrassed, obviously lacking confidence.

Although it is said that the decline in star popularity after the star selection will not cause any loss to these committee members, in fact this is also a very embarrassing thing. Generally speaking, a new star on the list, even if the popularity is no longer, the exposure is far less than before, and it will take almost half a month to fall down the star list.

But there is no such thing as Wang Xing, who didn't even get any news when he went to film. If it weren't for Victoria Film Company's lighting up all night and the sound of filming, everyone might think that Wang Xing didn't go to film at all, but disappeared in the entertainment industry.

For the extremely competitive entertainment industry, disappearing in the media means slow death. Any star who goes to filming will find ways to expose himself during filming, take various photos of filming, and even simulate various news to hype himself. The purpose is so that the exposure among the public will not drop, and their own reputation will not drop too much.

But Wang Xing did not report any news for two consecutive months. Even the reporters who rushed to Hollywood's Victoria Film City to interview were stopped instead. In the end, it was reported that Wang Xing beat the reporter and so on. Bad news. But later on, even the negative news about Wang Xing disappeared, and Wang Xing just disappeared from the entertainment industry.

And the direct result of this reason is that there is only one point. Although it is impossible for Wang Xing to fall from the international star list if there is no appearance in two months, his ratings have dropped, and even the final ratings have dropped to the second tier ranks.

So for the few committee members who elected Wang Xing to power from the very beginning, this is a very embarrassing thing.

"Sean, there's no need to say more. Although (cfai)'s popularity rating in Wang Xing is not as good as that of the international second-tier, the update of the star list last month has ended, and we have no precedent for rashly dropping a star from the list .”

An old man from the English country squeezed his white beard and said.

Indeed, even though Wang Xing's score has fallen into the second-tier list of international stars, but today is May 2, and the star list has just been updated not long ago. The list is updated again.

"Okay, this is very easy to handle!"

Unexpectedly, Thain was not unhappy because of the old man's words, but a cunning flashed in his eyes, and he spoke with a little complacency.

"Labrador, you're right, since the star list has been updated, we can't change it. But if Wang Xing hasn't reached the second-tier star score this month, we have to drop him from the second-tier."

After Thain finished speaking, he stood up directly, swept around several members of the selection committee and added a sentence triumphantly.

"This is the principle!"

The English old man named Labrador looked at Thain with a bad face, and finally had to hold back his face and say something.

"Yes, this is the principle!"

It was the old English labrador who recommended Wang Xing to be promoted to the second line before, and he was very optimistic about Wang Xing's "Survival on a Deserted Island", and he had always had high expectations for the star Wang Xing. Now Wang Xing He naturally looked bad when the score was lowered.

However, as members of the star selection committee who have been carefully selected, they naturally know the rules of star selection, and it is also a principle that no one can violate!

Stars are judged by their scores, not by their personal preferences!

Internationally, because several directors who had made a bet with Wang Xing's films were broadcasting hotly, this bet was gradually raised. The current situation is that several directors, including Adolf, have made amazing films and are expected to be famous in history, but Wang Xing has never made any noise.

It is also because of this that there have been a lot of unfavorable remarks against Wang Xing in the world. The international fans who clamored that Wang Xing could not become an international second-tier star did not give up. The rhetoric of bringing the oppression down to the second line is being promoted on the communication platform.

Among the international netizens who do not support Wang Xing, especially Adolf's fans are the most enthusiastic and active.

Adolf was ranked first in the international third-tier before, and he was only a little short of breaking through the second-tier. After two months of dormancy, he came back with all his skills and invited several famous stars in the world. At the same time, his new film's amazing performance made his popularity remain high in the world. It is inevitable to go to the second-tier international.

But coincidentally, two months ago, the biggest obstacle for Adolf to land on the second line was Wang Xing, and it was also because Wang Xing occupied a position that Adolf failed to make it to the international second line.

And two months later, the star ratings changed in various ways, and the stars on the list were also replaced in various ways. Adolf, who had broken through again, was stuck at the top of the third line. And in front of him, Wang Xing was just above the last place in the second line.

In other words, as long as Wang Xing falls below the third line, Adolf will just be on the international second line!

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other! Not to mention under such circumstances, Adolf tried every means to pull Wang Xing down.

And in this kind of star competition, the first step is to improve one's own strength, and then successfully reach the top. The second is to discredit one's opponent, generate fishing reels, and then lower the opponent's comments.

Wang Xing's black spot Adolf is not very clear, but this bet is closely related to Adolf!

At the same time, Adolf also formally cooperated with several recently popular directors, the Japanese director Ichiro Yamaguchi who released "The Ninth Man", the well-known British director who released "Britain", and a certain recently popular star, joined forces Get up and hold a celebration party for the box office of "Number X Warship" breaking through 200 million box office, which is also a press conference for the outside world!.

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