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[233] List Without Him?

The host on the stage was full of red, and read each word affectionately, and then worked hard to show himself on the stage, watching the world-renowned stars come to the stage to receive awards.

The host is named Thomson, and he is a US and even world-class host. He has hosted many world-level award ceremonies. But even so, Thomson was able to win the position of host of the 100th "Oscar Award" this time because of fierce competition among more than one hundred world-class hosts.

Thomson is very excited. He believes that the host of the "Oscar Awards" this time is a rare opportunity for the United States and even the whole world. It is not expected that there will be an award ceremony of this level in the next ten years.

Looking down from the stage, nearly a thousand people are world-class stars, any one of them is the top star of each country, or is likely to become a top star, the son of tomorrow's international star.

So it is a rare opportunity to become the host of the 100th "Oscar" this time, and it is also a rare experience for Thomson, an opportunity to make Thomson a world-class host.

However, the hosting this time is not too difficult, as long as Thomson performs normally. The special identities of the following participants are almost all entertainment workers who have won various awards, and they are very clear about the process of the award ceremony.

Moreover, under the flashlights of thousands of journalists from all over the world, these stars wanted to show their best side, how could they cause trouble in this kind of awards ceremony?

Therefore, before hosting the award ceremony, the organizer did not ask Thomson to pay attention to the venue. On the one hand, it is the recognition and trust of Thomson's consecutive "Oscar" hosts, and on the other hand, the belief in the quality of the participating stars. It's just that before Thomson hosted, the organizer repeatedly emphasized a point of attention, or a person who must pay attention!

That's Wang Xing! This international entertainment circle has turned heads!

Thomson didn't care about the organizer's repeated emphasis. Not only did the organizer treat Wang Xing like terrorists, but even Thomson, who was constantly preparing for the awards ceremony, was constantly on guard.

To be honest, one of the reasons why Thomson was able to get the opportunity to host this time is that many world-class hosts are extremely afraid of this host who must participate in the awards ceremony.

The host status this time is actually an opportunity on the one hand, and a risk on the other hand!

Not because of anything else, but because Wang Xing has too much dark history.

Almost all world-class hosts will do this guy's homework and try their best to avoid the job with Wang Xing. The reason is that they are afraid of not being famous, and in the end they smashed the signboard.

Think about the "Golden Globe Awards" that have been so cold, and then think about the last "Oscar Awards", Wang Xing is really too bold and capable of causing trouble.

There is absolutely no doubt about one thing, that is, whether Wang Xing will stop because of the unprecedented grandeur of this "Oscar Awards", or whether he will be afraid of causing trouble and being hacked because too many reporters come.

Just kidding, is there any place in this world where this guy dares not to cause trouble?

So while reciting the award speech he had prepared long ago, Thomson nervously glanced at Wang Xing who was sitting upright in the second row of the venue.

However, Wang Xing, who hadn't heard anything about it for a while, made Thomson calm down a little. Thomson couldn't believe it. How could this guy be so honest? No fuss?

If Wang Xing was causing trouble now, Thomson would still be able to accept it, or it would be convenient for him to deal with it. But now that Wang Xing has stopped, Thomson is a little nervous.

Could it be that he is planning to calm down for a while, and wait until we relax for another day?

While thinking, Thomson hurriedly stepped aside when a star came to accept the award, and then hurriedly checked the list of winners in his hand.

The "Oscar Awards" this time is not the same as usual, where the invitation letter for the award is sent out in advance at a glance, and then the award-winning stars come to the venue to receive the award. Instead, they chose to directly invite the stars of the whole world, and finally read out the names and awards of the winners, and finally let the winners come to the stage to accept the awards.

……ask for flowers…

This awarding method was approved by the "Oscar Awards" Organizing Committee through a unified vote, but this method is only used during special "Oscar Awards", and it also makes the stars participating in the venue extremely looking forward to it. Not the one who won the prize.

Thomson kept flipping through the list of winners in his hand, although this list of winners is not open to others [but as the host, Thomson still has ten lists of winners.

So Thomson is eager to find Wang Xing in the list of winners in his hand. The reason is that half of the award ceremony has gone on, and most of the stars in the audience have won awards, but Wang Xing has not won any awards. Not earned.

But when Thomson repeatedly checked the list of winners in his hand, his whole face changed instantly.

No! How could there be no Wang Xing's name!

Thomson has already looked through the list of winners twice, and the ugly name seems to be counted out of the list of winners.

Although Thomson was extremely afraid that Wang Xing would make trouble in the venue and affect him, but he still admired Wang Xing.

In a few months, he broke through from a small entertainment country in Yanhuang to the world entertainment industry, and finally reached the second-tier international! Later, he made a movie that broke the movie list, and even though the next movie was not released, it was already extremely outrageous Topped the world charts!

Is it possible that a person of this level cannot win an Oscar?

Not to mention that Thomson didn’t believe it, even the people of the world who watched the live broadcast couldn’t believe it! Not to mention Wang Xing himself!

Thomson walked up from the corner in a trance, then bit the bullet and watched the award-winning stars come up to the stage one by one, and then watched the remaining number of people on the award-winning list in his hand getting smaller and smaller, and the fear in his heart grew stronger. The accumulation is getting deeper.

It's over, it's really over now!

Thomson turned his head sideways, raised the last piece of paper with the list of winners in his hand, and recited with all the strength in his heart.

It’s just that for some reason, Thomson always felt that Wang Xing in the audience was staring at him when he was chanting, as if he didn’t know when he would explode... how many times....

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