Football Kung Fu Player

[235] King Of Entertainment

"My friends, please allow me to stand up and say a few words before the Oscars are over.

Lucian smiled, pressed his hands together, the applause from the audience stopped instantly, and Lucian's voice slowly echoed in the venue.

"As we all know, the development of culture and entertainment is rapid, and the development of culture and entertainment is also rich. In the past 20th century and now the 21st century, culture and entertainment gradually entered our lives from unknown, and then became a part of our life. It is an indispensable part of our life. For our life, entertainment is extremely important, and entertainment is also a very wonderful enjoyment. So here, on behalf of the people of the United States, or the people who love entertainment all over the world, I would like to express my gratitude to You entertainment workers, express your gratitude!"

After Lucian finished speaking, he bowed deeply and sincerely to everyone in the audience.

Many celebrities were excited in an instant. What an honor it would be for the dignified chief executive of the United States to bow to himself and others!

Moreover, these star directors and other workers in the entertainment industry felt a little emotional after hearing Lu Xian's words.

Many people in the world today feel that they have no dignity and a low status. Many cultural and entertainment workers are looked down upon by people in the world, thinking that they just do something casually and reap disproportionate benefits. 25

But in fact, people didn't realize that those stars who paid very little and earned a lot of money were just a few IP stars. Most of the cultural and entertainment workers are actually the same as normal jobs, and they have to pay a lot of labor to get the corresponding remuneration.

Moreover, many entertainment workers actually hope to be recognized and praised. Their work is just like the work of many people, they are all working hard for the blessing of everyone in the world.

But what Lucian is doing now is undoubtedly affirming them, affirming their work, and affirming the entertainment industry...

Lucian looked at the audience's reaction and nodded in satisfaction. With the development of the times, people's leisure and entertainment methods have also achieved great development. Since entertainment is a product of this era and a reasonable product, it should be recognized by people!

"Not long ago, I obtained today's box office of "Avatar". In the final global statistics, today's "Avatar" generated a full box office of 100 million, that is to say. In the 30 days of release time, a total of $3.051 billion at the box office! "Avatar" has achieved an unprecedented result, a result worthy of being recognized by people!

Lucian smiled, stood on the stage and said impassionedly.

"We must affirm the movie "Avatar", and we must also affirm the role and status of entertainment in today's society!"

"So after my in-depth contact with the star selection committee members of today's entertainment industry, as well as entertainment representatives from various countries, on behalf of the entire world entertainment industry, World Entertainment announced that it will establish an official title of the world's number one entertainment person. Inspire all entertainment workers in the world!"

Lucian's voice was still echoing throughout the venue, but all the people who participated in the meeting, the reporters, including Wu Xing were dumbfounded.

No. 1 person in entertainment? What does this mean? Does it mean that one of the stars in the international star rankings should be selected to be No. 1?

You know, in the international entertainment industry, the highest ranking is the first-tier international stars. Now, for Lu Xi'an's intention, it seems that he wants to pick a number one among the many stars, and then be named the king!

Wang Xing was also dumbfounded. What the hell is it that I have traveled from the past life to the future? Where did the title of the number one person in entertainment come out? How come I don’t have any impression in my memory?

Finally Wang Xing finally calmed down and accepted this slowly. Before, Wang Xing thought that his influence in bringing "Avatar" to the world in advance was over, but unexpectedly, the butterfly effect of "Avatar" was so great that something that did not belong to this time period appeared!

Moreover, Wang Xing has never heard of the Oscars that Lucian will attend before. All of this seems to be completely different from driving to the previous life.

For the first time, Wang Xing, who knew the development of the situation better than anyone else, and was able to control the situation better than anyone else, found that there was finally something beyond his control, and he was not aware of it!

No matter what he did before, Wang Xing was able to control it perfectly. Even if there was a small deviation, Wang Xing knew how to make up for it. Faced with any opponent, Wang Xing also has the means to deal with it.

But it's different now, this time the incident is completely unfamiliar to Wang Xing, beyond Wang Xing's control!

In other words, even Wang Xing doesn't know what will happen in the next second, and who will be awarded the title of No. 1 person in entertainment by Lucian!

Without hesitation, Lucian calmed down the crowd again, ready to announce the result of this selection!

The selection this time was hosted by the International Star Selection Committee, with the participation of the star selection teams from each country, and it was made by Lucian upholding justice, that is to say. This selection is absolutely fair and authoritative, and there is no possibility of any loopholes!

The venue fell silent for an instant, and a group of star directors looked nervously and expectantly at Lucian on the stage, because no one knew who the title of No. 1 person in entertainment would be, and no one wanted it!

"Let me announce that the first person in entertainment for the first session is from..."

Lucian raised his voice, appearing impassioned and passionate. Everyone, especially a group of international first-line stars, can no longer hide the tension and longing on their faces!

Who will this special title be?

Lucian waved his hand crisply and called out loudly.

"He is Wang Xing from Yanhuang!"

Bruce was dumbfounded, so was Thomson backstage, and everyone present was dumbfounded, even Wang Xing himself couldn't believe it.

What happened, this title was given to Wang Xing?

I froze, how could it be 020 him!

Wang Xing looked confused. At first, he thought it was not because of himself, but because he was only a second-tier international player. The number one person in entertainment must be after the first-tier international. How could it be him?

Could this be the legendary step to stomach?

"Next, I invite Mr. Wang Xing to come to the stage to accept the award."

In the venue, Lucian's voice was still echoing, Wang Xing finally stood up and looked around.

Bruce Willis nearby was smiling, showing a congratulatory face. In the distance, Xue Qianqian, who was lucky to come here, and other members of Wang Xing's working group also smiled. Looking around, star directors finally accepted At this point, I stretched out my hands without hesitation...

Watching this scene, Wang Xing stepped onto the stage in a trance, and stood in front of Lucian. The smile on the face of the supreme official of the United States seems to make you extremely easy to get close to

Immediately afterwards, Lucian smiled and handed a crystal trophy to Wang Xing's hand, and then patted Wang Xing's shoulder politely and emotionally.

Although Wang Xing didn't quite understand why Lucian, the highest official in the United States, treated him so well, but this did not prevent him from returning respectfully.

Seeing Wang Xing bowing gently to him, Lucian was also a little bit taken aback, and finally he reacted instantly, and whispered in Cheng's ear.

"Congratulations, our king of entertainment."

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