Wang Xing thought for a while, and then said straight to the point: "I'm not going back to the hospital anymore, I want to find a place to live, so that it's more convenient for me."

"You don't have a dime on you. Where can you find a place to live? Go back to the hospital with me. I can make a living there. You don't have to worry about eating. Is it enough?" Leng Xiaodao said to Wang Xing

"I'm not yours, why are you treating me like this?" Wang Xing was a little embarrassed when Leng Xiaodao said this, and then he shuddered and continued with a smile: "Haha, it's like the relationship between us It’s like there’s some ulterior secret in there.”

Leng Xiaodao was also quite disgusted: "Don't look at me being awkward in front of the screen. But I'm very straight. You don't want to bend me."

The two were joking with each other, when they heard a car stop not far away, and then saw a person thrown from the car, Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao were startled and stunned , the car quickly closed the door again, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Damn it, the snake skin is out of position." Leng Xiaodao watched the car twist and turn, as if the driver was drunk [but the Lord focused on the person who was thrown from the car body.

"It's still a snake skin, did you see that person? Let's go over and have a look." Wang Xing was about to take a step, but was grabbed by Leng Xiao with a 337 knife.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Wang Xing was stunned and asked.

"Never mind this kind of thing, this is usually done by powerful people, let's not cause this trouble." Leng Xiaodao shook his head and explained to Wang Xing.

"Do you want to die?" Wang Xing took Leng Xiaodao's hand away, and then walked forward alone.

"What a stubborn donkey, why do I want to be friends with such a person." Leng Xiaodao muttered speechlessly but still walked forward together.

Wang Xing took a closer look, and saw a man about his own age, with a lot of scars on his body, it seemed that he had been beaten. At this moment, he seemed to have fainted, but his mouth kept murmuring in a low voice. Say something.

Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao; 'Call quickly and let an ambulance come. '

"No need to hit." Leng Xiaodao said with a dirty face.

"Ah, why?" Wang Xing asked puzzled.

"It's just a block away from the hospital. Let's carry him there together. It's time to make a call." Leng Xiaodao explained.

"Then come." Wang Xing carried the wounded man on his back, and then ran towards the hospital. Leng Xiaodao was about to say that we should carry it together when he saw a note pressed under the man's body.

Leng Xiaodao picked it up and looked at it, and saw that it said: "In the future, stay away from Hu Luoluo, otherwise you will hit him once you see him."

"Yo, so it's for love." Leng Xiaodao shook his head, and then ran to the hospital after Wang Xing with a note.

When we arrived at the hospital, people from the emergency room came out immediately, put the injured on a stretcher, and then a doctor conducted an examination.

"Doctor, how are you? Are you okay?" Wang Xing asked.

"How did you hit it?" The doctor took out a stethoscope and put it on the injured man's chest to listen, then tilted his head and asked Wang Xing.

Leng Xiaodao answered first: "I don't know, we met at the intersection because we acted bravely for a righteous cause."

"It's you, Xiaodao, don't lie to me, your grandma is still in the intensive care unit. You can't cause trouble, your grandma depends entirely on you." The doctor said to Leng Xiaodao earnestly.

Leng Xiaodao thought about his grandma for a while, and replied seriously: "I know, this person was really seen by us at the entrance of the hospital, and he was thrown from a car.

"So did you call the police?" "Call the police? Not yet." Leng Xiaodao thought that he didn't want to cause trouble [so he said so.

"Don't worry, this person's injury is not serious, it's just a superficial injury, and he will be fine after a few days of treatment." The doctor looked at the wounded person's mouth again, and then said to Wang Xing and the two with certainty.

"Oh, that's good." Wang Xing said, and then said to Leng Xiaodao; "It's okay, I'm leaving."

"Why are you going? (cfaa)" Leng Xiaodao looked at Wang Xing with a frown and said, "You made this troublesome thing, and now you have to leave again, I don't care."

Although Leng Xiaodao said so, he actually didn't want Wang Xing to go out again. At least there was a place in the hospital where he could shelter from the wind and rain.

"Luoluo, don't leave me." The wounded grabbed Wang Xing's arm and said in a daze.

"Eh? I'm not Luoluo." Wang Xing was startled, and wanted to take his hand away, but found that the man's strength was not weak.

There was no way, Wang Xing could only let him grab his arm and walk towards the hospital ward. After some bandaging and another diagnosis, the doctors managed to remove the man's hand from Wang Xing's arm. Wang Xing was just about to shake his arm, because it was a little sore from being grabbed by the man.

"Xiaoyu! Xiaoyu." A fat woman walked in, and after seeing the young man on the hospital bed, she burst into tears and lay down on the hospital bed, wanting to see where the injury was.

"You are a relative of this patient, come here to sign." A nurse cried here when she saw the fat woman coming, and dragged her to the nurse's front desk in order to let other patients rest.

Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao stayed where they were staring at each other, and when they were in a daze, the fat woman came in again, but this time she stopped crying loudly, "Maybe the nurses told her that Xiaoyu was not It's all right.

"Thank you, there are still good people out there." The fat woman's eyes were still red, but they were much better.

"Hey, this is a thank you for you, you must take it." The fat woman took out a dozen red tickets and prepared to hand them to Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao.

"No need, it's easy to do." Wang Xing pushed with his hand, then walked out holding Leng Xiaodao.

Leng Xiaodao, on the other hand, couldn't move his legs, and walked into the corridor, he also complained that Wang Xing was too hypocritical, he looked like a rich man, so don't let it go.

Wang Xing just wanted to find some great principles to explain to Leng Xiaodao, but found that his current situation was not as easy as Leng Xiaodao's, so he couldn't say anything immediately.

"Come on, I mean, let's go, follow me to the small dormitory for one night, don't run outside, there is everything outside, but there is no place for you to live in, at least for the time being." Leng Xiaodao smiled Said to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing nodded, feeling a little tired, so he followed Xiaodao upstairs. For Leng Xiaodao, the people in the hospital gave him permission to walk around in the hospital on the Internet, and in order to allow him to take care of him at any time. Grandma even specially vacated a small dormitory for him in an inconspicuous place.

"Okay, sleep tonight, I have to go to the Internet cafe tomorrow."

"Then, will Zhou Yu still go?"

"Hey, I just said that you are thinking of others."

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