Football Kung Fu Player

【261】Get Together

Wang Xing nodded and replied: "Understood." He took the injured worker from Manager Pang's hand, and then rushed downstairs. The injured worker's co-workers had already stopped the car. Then everyone got into the car and rushed to the hospital.

Wang Xing said, could it be that he has formed an indissoluble bond with the hospital? He had just found a new job, and he had to escort the injured back. After saying that the wounded man's problem was not serious, Wang Xing also breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly helped the wounded man to sew the wound inside.

The doctor looked at Wang Xing's back and always felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Passing through the nurse's front desk, Zhou Yu's girl was also there. Wang Xing went to the nurse's front desk and reported the injured person's name. Only then did Zhou Yu figure out who it was.

"You? Yo, your clothes look nice, what the hell." Zhou Yu joked to Wang Xing.

"I found a job, and a worker was injured as soon as I reported it. This doesn't mean that the wound will be stitched." Wang Xing said to Zhou Yu while filling out the information.

"Oh, that's good. I heard from Xiaodao that you guys fought yesterday. You beat several of them by yourself. Is it true?" Zhou Yu asked Wang Xing gossipingly.

"Don't stop talking nonsense, there's nothing else to do, well, I have to go up and have a look, you are busy, let's chat when you have time." Wang Xing finished filling out the information and thought about going upstairs.

Zhou Yu looked at Wang Xing's back, his eyes were stunned, and he thought that he looked handsome in this outfit, but unexpectedly another nurse lady on the side slapped Zhou Yu on the shoulder and shouted with a smile: "Hey, this is a good one." The halazi is about to flow out, is this thinking of spring or thinking of spring."

"Oh, I'm scared to death," Zhou Yu twisted the nurse, and then replied: "I can't do it because I'm looking at a handsome man.

"Oh? Is there? Which doctor? Could it be that mischievous Leng Xiaodao "He is not your type +1." The nurse lady looked at Zhou Yu.

"What's messed up, okay, okay, the head nurse is coming, hurry up and keep a low profile." Zhou Yu looked towards the other end of the corridor, and a woman with a gloomy expression slowly walked over here, and hurriedly greeted her. Another nurse lady said.

When Wang Xing went upstairs, the doctor in charge came to ask about the situation of the injured. After learning about it, he pushed him to the operating room. Then, another doctor came to ask Wang Xing about the payment. Wang Xing told the doctor that it was Boss Wu’s. The worker, the doctor, nodded and said he understood, reassuring Wang Xing, and walked away without saying anything.

Wang Xinxin said that just the name of Boss Wu is so useful, and he can't help but wonder what Boss Wu has to do with this hospital.

After a while, Wang Xing saw a familiar figure suddenly approaching from the other end of the corridor, took a closer look, shook his head, and said with a smile to the person: "Xiaodao, you didn't go to the live broadcast?"

"I just came back. I passed by Zhou Yu's. I heard you were up there, so I came to take a look." Leng Xiaodao sat beside Wang Xing carelessly, and said as he watched the people coming and going.

"Oh, it seems that we can only play games after I get off work, by the way, what about Wu Yu?" Wang Xing wondered where Wu Yu would be. Shouldn't he also come to the hospital to change his medicine?

"I didn't come all day today. I guess I went to see his girlfriend." Leng Xiaodao took out his mobile phone and wanted to check the time, but he didn't expect to see a mobile phone number that missed the call.

"Huh? It's a speechless call." Leng Xiaodao looked at the phone number on the phone and said.

"Oh, then you can ask him what's the matter." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao.

"Well, wait for me to ask." After Leng Xiaodao finished speaking, he started calling Wu Yu, and heard Wu Yu on the other side asking Leng Xiaodao as if he hadn't woken up: "Hey! Xiaodao, do you have any questions?" What's the matter?"

Just as Leng Xiaodao was about to scold him, he heard a call from the phone about a girl's business, as if he was asking Wu Yu who was calling. Upon hearing this, Leng Xiaodao immediately said awkwardly: "Oh! No wonder it's so important I haven't woken up yet, I understand, I understand, hehe."

"What?" I could tell that Wu Yu on the other end was also a little embarrassed, but he quickly said to Leng Xiaodao: "I heard that Wang Xing has reached the end of his fortune, and he is probably learning from Manager Pang now." , when are you going to visit him?"

"No need, he is in the hospital now." Leng Xiaodao said directly to Wu Yu.

'What? Why did you go to the hospital again? Did you get beaten?' Wu Yu was so startled by Leng Xiaodao's words that he seemed to stand up from the bed. The girl vaguely said: 'Oh, put on your clothes. '

Leng Xiaodao smiled and replied: "No, it seems that a worker in the hotel was injured a little today, so Yu Xing accompanied him to take a look."

'That's it, I was shocked, how about this, let's get together tonight, by the way, what is the name of the girl who brought Wang Xing? Zhou...Wu Yu suddenly couldn't remember the target

〃Huh? Oh, you're talking about Zhou Yu, right? "Leng Xiaodao thought for a while and guessed that Wu Yu should be talking about her, and then secretly watched Wang Xing's reaction. As expected, he saw that Wang Xing was particularly interested after hearing Zhou Yu's name.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Xing approached Leng Xiaodao's phone suspiciously, wanting to listen to their chat.

"Okay, that's it, let you meet my Luoluo tonight." Wu Yu said as if showing off, and then hung up the phone.

Knowing that Wang Xing would question him, Leng Xiaodao simply told Wang Xing the matter. After hearing that he was going to bring Zhou Yu with him tonight, Wang Xing was also full of expectations. Seeing Wang Xing like that, Leng Xiaodao knew that the two of them were There must be something going on, and I chatted with Wang Xing again, and Leng Xiaodao was going to the intensive care unit to see grandma, and the two parted temporarily.

After waiting for a long time, the injured worker finally finished the operation. Wang Xing accompanied the whole process, and reassured the workers that the wages and so on will definitely be paid as usual, and the injured worker will also get some compensation. After the incident, Wang Xing rushed back to the head of Fortune, only to realize that at this time, there was another young lady at the front desk.

"Huh? Who is this handsome guy?" The young lady at the front desk was very curious after seeing Wang Xing, and hurriedly asked the young lady who had met Wang Xing before.

"He... Oh, I didn't ask his name. Come on, are the workers finished?" the young lady asked Wang Xing.

"Oh, I'm done." Wang Xing answered truthfully.

Then, without waiting for the previous question, the later lady asked, "What's your name?",

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