Football Kung Fu Player

[271] Manager Pang Is Waiting For Him

"Get down quickly. As soon as Wang Xing finished speaking, there was a relatively dull sound of single-shot shooting. The bullet hit Zhou Yu when everyone was caught off guard, and Zhou Yu fell down immediately.

"Fuck!" Leng Xiaodao couldn't help cursing at the sight of this situation, and then continued: "This is AWM. One shot killed him, but Zhou Yu, explain why you stood up?"

Seeing that she was dead, Zhou Yu slumped on the seat, and then said sadly: "I wanted to follow Wang Xing to the other side to see if I could reach them, but who knew they would beat me to death?" , I'm not convinced."

Wang Xing shook his head, and said to Zhou Yu secretly; "It's so reckless, you have to follow me without looking at the surrounding situation, just remember it in the future."

"Oh, I see." Zhou Yu nodded, and then said to Wang Xing: "Revenge me, kill that sniper."

Wang Xing replied: "You can go at ease, I will leave this place to me." Then regardless of Zhou Yu twisting him, he ran to the small building on the side first. Compared with Zhou Yu's kind of mindless running, Wang Xing While looking at the opponent's position, he deliberately used the obstacles around him to avoid possible bullets.

Since Zhou Yu died, he has been watching Wang Xing's operations with wide eyes. After seeing Wang Xing's movements, he joked that he was simply too wretched. It made Wang Xing a little embarrassed to refute, but if he didn't say it, he felt that the word "her" was too inappropriate for him.

But after going up to the proud upstairs, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu felt that his position was really good. From the top, they could indeed see the positions of those guys, and as long as they shot, they would be killed. , or they will dodge their own bullets, but where can they dodge? On the other side, Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu have also sharpened their knives

Waiting for them, so in this kind of place with both sides, they have only one end, which is death.

"The place you are looking for is really good. It seems that you have already gained experience playing games these few days~" Zhou Yu said to Wang Xing with a smile.

"You can play a little more, it's okay, well, wait, they are finished." After Wang Xing finished speaking, he saw those guys who could no longer avoid standing up, and then started to attack Leng Xiaodao. side ran up.

"They gave up." Zhou Yu looked at those people. Although they were running, it was meaningless. They were completely running targets.

"Well, I saw that sniper, do you want to..." Before Wang Xing finished speaking, Zhou Yu immediately said, "What do you think?"

"Okay!" Wang Xing agreed, and then pulled the trigger: "Bang!" The guy holding the AWM fell to the ground in response, and then Wang Xing gave the mouse to Zhou Yu and let Zhou Yu do it himself.

Zhou Yu stuck out his tongue at Wang Xing, then leaned towards Wang Xing, then picked up the mouse and clicked, after a few short pauses, the guy on the ground who beat Zhou Yu to death was killed by Zhou Yu.

When Leng Xiaodao saw Zhou Yu's posture, he immediately smiled and said, "Oh, what are you doing in public?"

Zhou Yu realized that his posture was not elegant, so he quickly sat back on his chair, and then looked at the screen with a flushed face, while Wang Xing pretended nothing happened, "Continue shooting the remaining two personal.

"It's still the snake skin moving, it's all for this, brother." Leng Xiaodao looked at the two people in the scope, and then pulled the trigger.

In the end, under the joint shooting of several people, the two people on the opposite side were finally killed, and soon, several large characters appeared.

Wang Xing and the others were very happy looking at the large characters that represented the final survival of the few people, but they looked at the time and found that it was getting late, so they said it was time to go home and play together when they had time.

Wu Yu said: "I'll see you off." Unexpectedly, both Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao replied: "No need.

Leng Xiaodao said: "The hospital is nearby and the time to get on the bus is already up."

And Wang Xing said that Hongyun Dangtou is not far from here, so there is no need to give it away. If possible, I hope I can give it to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu looked at Wang Xing, thought for a while and said to Wang Xing: "Good night, see you tomorrow."

Wang Xing nodded with a smile, saying that he will go to the hospital to find you if he is free tomorrow, and just like that, the few people parted at the entrance of the Internet cafe. Before Wu Yu drove away, he said to a few people that the bodyguards will match you up tomorrow. Don't be surprised when it happens.

All the translators were stunned and thought it was just a joke of Wu Yu, but who knew that he actually took it seriously.

Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao walked together on the way to the hospital. When they reached the gate of the hospital, Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao separated. It was agreed that he would keep the glass door for himself, and he just had to push the door and go in. Because of the camera, there was no need to be afraid of someone thinking about it.

As soon as Wang Xing entered the glass door, Manager Pang's voice sounded from the corner at the side. Wang Xing was startled, wondering why Manager Pang was still here so late. Knowing that it turned out to be something like a voice speaker, I realized that it was specially designed by Manager Pang, perhaps for convenience.

Wang Xing didn't know if Manager Pang could hear him, so he replied that I'm back, and then made a face at the camera. When Manager Pang saw that Wang Xing was back, he replied that he knew, and told him to go upstairs carefully. The dormitory that I lived in has already been tidied up for him, and I can find him anytime if there is any inconvenience.

Wang Xing was very happy when he heard it, and hurried upstairs to have a look. After reaching the third floor, he found that Manager Pang (Li Lizhao) hadn’t slept yet, and his door was still open. Wang Xing walked in and found that Manager Pang was sitting on the computer. He was concentrating on doing something next to him, and when he got closer, he found that he was also playing chicken, so he couldn't help feeling a little funny.

«Ah, I’m back, go and have a look, see what’s missing, use mine if you don’t have anything, as long as you don’t dislike it. Manager Pang glanced at Wang Xing and then continued to look at the screen, as if he had reached a very tense moment.

Wang Xing immediately answered how can it be, and then watched Manager Pang's operation from the sidelines. He found that Manager Pang was playing alone, and he had reached the final and most critical moment.

While looking at the small map, Manager Pang analyzed which way to go to minimize the chance of being discovered while not being too passive.

Wang Xing felt that this kind of playing alone was also very interesting and very challenging, so he thought about trying to dress up when he found time. .

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