Zhou Yu found out about Wang Xing's coming to the hospital again. Zhou Yu was so anxious that even the head nurse kept talking behind her that Zhou Yu left his post without authorization, which made Zhou Yu want to order the two A bodyguard beat the head nurse.

But it was only after Zhou Yu went to the emergency room that he discovered that although the name on the register was Wang Xing, the person in the ward was not. I wrote my name on it, and it should have been written as Manager Pang.

This caused Zhou Yu to think that Wang Xing had been beaten to the point of unconsciousness, and rushed to see him in a hurry, but after seeing Wang Xing sitting beside Manager Pang, he immediately felt relieved, but tears followed.

Naturally, Wang Xing also saw Zhou Yu, and saw her pear blossoms coming towards him with rain, and knew in his heart that he was worried for him, so he stood up and looked at her with a smile.

Who knew that after Zhou Yu approached him, he punched him directly, and when he saw that he didn't respond, he punched him again. Wang Xing was stunned, and wanted to open his mouth to ask what was going on, but he didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yu naturally knew Wang Xing's temper, and knew that the reason why he didn't say anything was to hit her at will, as long as she was happy.

"You scared me to death, 847, do you know? It's actually a coma. Do you know what I thought of when I first saw your name? You were lying on the hospital bed covered in blood and dying." Zhou Yu cried Get up, not caring about the people around you at all.

Wang Xing was very moved, and immediately stepped forward, and said softly: "It's my fault that made you worry, then, this is the ward, let's go out and talk about it."

Zhou Yu nodded, and let Wang Xing lead her to the corridor outside the ward. The bodyguards behind Wang Xingjian were still following, so she said to them: "Don't follow, you two, let's talk quietly.

Seeing Wang Xing talking, the two bodyguards actually left, Zhou Yu curiously asked Wang Xing why they listened to you so much, Wang Xing replied with a smile: "Maybe it's because I'm better."

Zhou Yu punched him again, but soon, he told Zhou Yu about why Manager Pang was in that alley. Zhou Yu heard that Wang Xing still fought, and said a little angrily: "You You can't fight with people anymore, you know?"

Wang Xing spread his hands and said that he didn't want to fight, they wanted to fight with him, and if he didn't fight, he might really lie on the hospital bed covered in blood.

Zhou Yu frowned, and said to Wang Xing: "Why don't you tell Wu Yu to pay for two bodyguards, it's too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine." Wang Xing made a guarantee with Zhou Yu, and then saw the head nurse coming, and said to Zhou Yu, "Look who's here." Zhou Yu turned around, and then secretly called out: "Hey, the ghost is still there."

Zhou Yu said to Wang Xing: "Just to see you, I seemed to have offended the head nurse, what should I do?"

'Easy to handle, look at mine. 'Wang Xing stood up, took Zhou Yu's hand and came to the head nurse, and said to the head nurse; "Big sister, my Zhou Yu is sometimes a little capricious, but she is absolutely gentle and kind, especially obedient, this time It's really because I was worried about me that I may have verbally offended you, but after all, with a big sister like you here, the little girl will not be without direction, so I want to express my gratitude to the big sister first, and wait until I have time I will treat Big Sister to dinner."

The head nurse just wanted to ask Zhou Yu who this is. Wang Xing continued: "I am her boyfriend, my name is Wang Xing, hello big sister." After speaking, he stretched out his hand.

Seeing Wang Xing stretching out his hand, the head nurse felt a little embarrassed, so she stretched out her hand and shook Wang Xing nervously, and then said with a flushed face, "Okay, okay, that's all about Miss Zhou. Forget it, but Zhou Yu, if you have something to say, you must talk about it in advance. Okay, let’s go back to work.” After speaking, the head nurse seemed to feel a little hot, and flickered (cfeb) her hand to think Cool yourself down.

Watching the head nurse leave, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu laughed together. Just as they were about to say goodbye, Leng Xiaodao also came. Seeing Wang Xing here, he immediately cried out in surprise

"As for it, it's as if you haven't seen each other for many years. Zhou Yu couldn't help but shook his head, and then said to Wang Xing: "Let's talk, I really want to go back

"Okay, see you in the evening." Well, see you in the evening.

"Huh? Did I come at the wrong time?" Leng Xiaodao looked at Wang Xing and Zhou Yu and asked them.

"How could it be, this is a hospital." Wang Xing stepped aside to give way to his seat (but where were he sitting just now?)

Leng Xiaodao sat next to Wang Xing, and Wang Xing also rewarded Leng Xiaodao for what he did just now. When Leng Xiaodao heard that Wang Xing had beaten up the bad guys, he immediately raised his fist excitedly and said, "It's really It's too exciting, by the way, are you injured? Why did you come to the hospital again? Is it just to see Zhou Yu?"

"No, my colleague Manager Pang was beaten up. It happened to be in that alley. I don't think it's that simple. What do you think?" Wang Xing wanted Leng Xiaodao to help him think about it.

Leng Xiaodao touched his head, frowned and replied: "I really don't know what to say about this matter, but I don't think it's possible to say it doesn't matter, but the most important thing is to wait for your Manager Pang to wake up." After reading it, ask him, "Everything will be very clear."

"That's the only way, you have to be careful, maybe those talkers will come to trouble you at any time." Wang Xing reminded Leng Xiaodao.

"Don't worry, there are these two big guys here, let alone being bullied, they don't even dare to look at me." Leng Xiaodao looked proud, and then continued to ask Wang Xing: "Do you want to continue playing tonight?" game?"

Wang Xing naturally agreed and said: "Okay, but I have to see if Manager Pang is awake. I can rest assured that he is fine. If it is too late, I may not be able to go."

"Okay, that's it. Anyway, I'm definitely in the Internet cafe, so you can come and find me when the time comes." Leng Xiaodao made an agreement with Wang Xing and left.

Wang Xing went back to the ward again, and just sat on the side of Manager Pang's bed, Manager Pang suddenly moved, then let out a haha, as if he had woken up, and then said to the host: "Where is this place?"

"Huh? Are you awake?" Wang Xing looked at Manager Pang in surprise, and then asked Manager Pang, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Manager Pang sat up, and then said to Wang Xing: "Actually, I'm fine, it's just to give the illusion to the people present at that time."

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