Seeing that the store owner let him go, the bad guy in the lead quickly got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, ran forward to the road, then turned to the store owner and Wang Xing and said, "Wait for me!" Come on, I'll call someone right away."

The shop owner didn't bother to look at that guy, but just picked up another wine bottle from the ground. The bad guy in the lead looked at the wine bottle in the shop owner's hand, and immediately stopped talking, calling many younger brothers to run away.

"I have caused you trouble." Wang Xing stood up and apologized. Zhou Yu also stood up.

The store owner waved his hand, then looked at Wang Xing and said to Zhou Yu: "It's really suitable.

Wang Xing reacted relatively slowly, so he asked what the shop owner meant, but he was quickly stopped by Zhou Yu. Seeing Zhou Yu's embarrassed face, "Five Five Three" Wang Xing knew that the shop owner was What's the meaning.

"Those guys saw that the store owner made a move, and they might cause trouble for you. What is the store owner going to do? Wu Xing expressed his doubts.

The owner of the shop opened the bottle cap of a bottle of beer with a thumb, then took a big gulp, and then replied: "Tomorrow, I won't be here anymore, I plan to sell steamed stuffed buns."

"Ah?" Wang Xing didn't hear what the shop owner said clearly for a while, so he wanted the shop owner to say it again.

"You heard me right, I'm selling steamed stuffed buns, which is what everyone eats for breakfast when they go to work." The shop owner said with a smile.

Wang Xing couldn't understand it. He thought that this is not a good job. Why do you want to sell steamed buns? So he asked the shop owner: "If you are afraid of those gangsters, there are many ways to solve it. Don't worry about it." If you want to change your career, I remember that your business is very good now."

"Haha..." The shop owner laughed loudly, then finished the wine in the bottle, and then told Wang Xing about his life experience.

It turns out that the owner of the store is actually a boss with hundreds of millions of assets who doesn't like to show his face very much, but because he doesn't like to associate with those who do business, he handed over the big business to his son, and he is in this humble place. A tavern opened in the place.

Maybe it was because I felt that it was meaningless to do this, so I thought about doing something else to make a living. It wasn't because I taught the little bastard a lesson this time that the shop owner wanted to sell steamed stuffed buns.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu looked at each other with a smile, and said that this big boss is really interesting, he can do things according to his whim, he can't stay idle, and he can work for a short time, but he can actually have a net worth of hundreds of millions.

"Then, shop owner, if you sell steamed stuffed buns, would you know how to do it?" Zhou Yu asked with some doubts.

The store owner understood Zhou Yu's question, and knew that Zhou Yu must have thought that since he was thinking about it at random, he must have not prepared anything.

"Don't worry, girl, it's not just steamed stuffed buns, even if I'm asked to make a table of dishes now, I can do it." The shop owner said to Zhou Yu with a smile.

Zhou Yu nodded, then stuck out his tongue and said, "I'm fine now."

Wang Xing said that tonight was really amazing. Not only did he meet bad guys, but he also met a rich man who said he didn't like to show his face. Regardless of whether it was true or not, it was fun.

When they were almost done drinking, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu got up and were about to leave. The shop owner sent them off, and then joked to Wang Xing: "When you are free, go to that alley, and I will sell buns there."

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu replied in unison: "Okay!" After finishing speaking, the two continued to walk forward.

"Wang Xing, where are we going?" Zhou Yu was a little bolder now after drinking, and asked against Wang Xing's body.

Wang Xing was very sober. Seeing Zhou Yu like this, he knew what Zhou Yu was thinking, but he also knew that he could not promise her anything at this moment, so he said to Zhou Yu, "Where is your home? I will take you home."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu seemed to be stunned, thought for a while, then nodded, and told Wang Xing.

When they arrived at Zhou Yu's downstairs, Wang Xing said to Zhou Yu: "Go up, and call me when you get home." Zhou Yu said to Wang Xing somewhat ambiguously: "Think about it, whether you want to do this or not."

Wang Xing pretended to think about it, and then said to Zhou Yu: "I've made up my mind." Go upstairs. I'll come to you tomorrow.

"Hmph! Don't come looking for me tomorrow." Zhou Yu turned around angrily, then walked upstairs without looking back...

Wang Xing touched his head, sighed, and then walked towards the Fortune Hotel.

Guessing that Zhou Yu had already gone upstairs, Wang Xing took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Yu. However, after hearing Wang Xing's voice on the other end of the phone, he didn't speak. Wang Xing didn't answer whatever he called. Knowing that Zhou Yu was angry, he said good night to Zhou Yu and hung up the phone.

Wang Xing felt a little heavy on his body and walked back to the head of Fortune. Manager Pang was still leaving the door open for him, and when he saw Wang Xing came back, he told Wang Xing to close the door.

Wang Xing went up to the third floor, and then lay down in his small dormitory. Seeing that there was still no call from Zhou Yu on his mobile phone, he fell asleep in a complicated mood. The next day, before dawn, Wang Xing's stomach was full He was hungry, so he got up and washed, and wanted to go to the fast food street below to buy breakfast.

Who knows that just as he went downstairs, he heard a voice that he seemed to hear somewhere: "Sell steamed stuffed buns, warm steamed stuffed buns, make sure they are big enough, and they are very affordable.

Curiously, Wang Xing looked in the direction of the voice, and then froze there, because he saw that the shop owner from last night was actually selling steamed stuffed buns.

"Eh? Shopkeeper?" Wang Xing said, staring blankly at the shopkeeper.

"Huh? Aha, it's you! How about it? I said I sell steamed stuffed buns, but I really sell steamed stuffed buns. Come on, come and have a taste." The shop owner saw that it was Wang Xing, and he was very happy at 5.9, and asked Wang Xing again and again. Beckoning.

Wang Xing said that since it is the shop owner's first business, he must take care of it, so he said to the shop owner: "Boss, give me two copies, one for three..." Wang Xing just thought He said he wanted six steamed stuffed buns, but who knew that after the store owner opened the drawer, he was immediately stunned.

It was too big, one steamed bun was the same as the biggest steamed bun, so I told the shop owner, "Just take two."

"Okay." The store owner quickly packed two big steamed buns for Wang Xing, and then said to Wang Xing with a smile, "Try it and see how it goes.

Looking at the steaming, white buns, Wang Xing bit it without hesitation, and then his eyes lit up and said to the shop owner: "This is really delicious."

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