Football Kung Fu Player

【295】Familiar With Equipment

"What's the matter, Young Master Wu, why didn't you speak? Is he dumb? Oh, yes, he must have been beaten for the previous beating, and he must have been beaten stupid." Zhou Tian relied on the people behind him, wanting Wu Yu's every word. Outburst of anger.

Wu Yu kept bullying his shoulders, but Wang Xing pressed him desperately, so Wu Yu didn't make any other moves at all.

Seeing that Wu Yu didn't move towards him, Zhou Tian felt that it was really meaningless. Originally, he thought that as long as Wu Yu dared to approach him, he would definitely order the people behind him to beat Wu Yu up.

"Oh, it's really boring. It turns out that Young Master Wu is not only dumb but also a coward. He doesn't even dare to fight. Oh, it's useless." Zhou Tian walked out while talking

I don't know if it's because Wu Yu couldn't bear it anymore, he opened his mouth and bit Wang Xing's arm, Wang Xing let go of his hand in pain, Wu Yu saw that there was no restraint, he ran forward a few steps, flew up One kick landed on Zhou Tian's waist. The strength of this kick is not insignificant. Zhou Tian, ​​who was not aware of it for a while, was kicked to the ground by Wu Yu. Wu Yu didn't mean to stop. 25 continued to want to sit forward on Zhou Tian, ​​wanting to hit Zhou Tian , but Zhou Tian would not let Wu Yu beat him easily, so he said viciously to his subordinates: "I will beat you, young master, to the death.

When the subordinates heard this, they immediately rolled up their sleeves, ready to lift Wu Yu up and beat him up. Naturally, Wang Xing couldn't just watch Wu Yu being bullied, so he joined the battle group with Leng Xiaodao.

Leng Xiaodao is thin and thin, and he can't help beating, but he is very desperate. He shouted loudly, ignoring the wounds on his body, while touching a brick, he was about to swing it on the head of Zhou Tian's subordinate who was closest to him. go.

Wang Xing saw that Leng Xiaodao would not be killed if he went down all of a sudden, so he directly snatched the brick from Leng Xiaodao's hand, and Leng Xiaodao saw that Wang Xing had snatched his own guy, so he called Said: "Wang Xing, where are you from?"

Wang Xing smiled at him, then pulled him and Wu Yu aside, and said to the two of them, "Just take a look, I will deal with these people alone."

"Huh? Which fool are you? How dare you deal with so many of us alone?" One of Zhou Tian's subordinates said to Wang Xing.

"It's okay, you can come to my place and have a try." Wang Xing made a gesture of invitation.

'Damn it, you're courting death. ’ Seeing Wang Xing mocking himself like this, the man immediately became angry, and he immediately flew up and swept Wang Xing's neck.

Wang Xing looked at the man's footwork, and thought that he was a practitioner, but he was not in a hurry, after all, his kung fu was not a vegetarian, so he dodged to the side lightly

Then with his left hand, he grabbed the opponent's leg that was swept away, and pulled it to the side as if using his strength.

"Oops!" The man was caught lightly by Wang Xing, and was immediately pulled to the ground. Like Zhou Tian on duty, he landed on his stomach, unconsciously eating a mouthful of mud.

"Ah! Bah bah!" After being thrown to the ground, the guy froze for a moment, then spit out the mud in his mouth, then got up and said to his subordinates, "Beat me, beat them to death."

Seeing that their boss had been beaten like that, the subordinates surrounded Wang Xing one after another, and then started to fight with Wang Xing together.

Wang Xing smiled contemptuously, saw the tricks, and occasionally stepped forward to give them a few blows, and quickly beat them to the ground. Zhou Tiangang felt that his waist did not hurt so much, so he watched the situation on the field. I found out that my group of people couldn't even deal with a single person, so I didn't feel very angry, and cursed: "What's the use of keeping you all trash. Do you want me to do it myself, young master?"

Hearing Zhou Tian's words, the subordinates were all ashamed, but they really couldn't beat Wang Xing, so they said to Zhou Tian one after another: "Master, let's let them go first, how about we come back when we have time?"

"How about it? If you want to escape, just say it, don't say it so high-sounding." After teaching his subordinates, Zhou Tian took a deep look at Wu Yu, then at Wang Xing, nodded and said: "Okay, Good. Wu Yu, your helper is very strong, but our work is not over, this is just the beginning, you just wait, you have something to look at." After speaking, he walked to the side of the road alone.

When Zhou Tian's subordinates saw their boss leaving, they hurriedly followed. Before leaving, they all looked at Wang Xing with a vicious look, but Wang Xing only moved a little, and those guys immediately looked like He ran away as quickly as if his tail had been stepped on.

Leng Xiaodao saw that those guys were all defeated by Wang Xing's hands, and immediately opened his eyes wide, and kept applauding; "Little big brother is amazing. "Jian Zhong is a master of martial arts."

"Okay, let's go quickly, if the police uncle comes later, it will be broken." Wang Xing pulled Wu Yu and Leng Xiaodao to another path, and then walked around to the training base.

Passing by a chaotic shop, the three of them felt hungry. There was no way, they couldn’t be hungry, right? So the three approached the chaotic shop, but because it was already past the meal time, there was no chaos ready, so the three Personally, I had to help the shop owner in the Chaos shop to pack Chaos.

Finally, after lunch, the three of 517 arrived at the training base, and began to plan the room that Manager Pang requested on the roof that could be used for both tactical analysis and rest.

After discussing and discussing, the three decided to find a computer to see if there was any reference. Soon, they found a structure similar to this small building. After looking at the design inside, they found that it was perfect. , So the three of them called the designer and asked him to start designing according to the idea, and wait for the workers to start construction the next day.

In the evening, as several sealed medium-sized transport vehicles stopped outside the small building, the three of Wang Xing knew that the computer had arrived. When they reached the door, a few workers wearing the same overalls quickly got off the transport vehicle and opened stones to unload the goods. After that, Haoyu asked him where he pretended to be.

Wu Yu told them his idea, and they understood it as soon as they heard it, and started to place and debug. The few people were very tacit, and the efficiency was very high. It only took one night to install the things Wu Yu needed. It's over.

After Wu Yu paid the money, greeted them and sent them away, he and Wang Xing started to turn on the computer to get acquainted.

"Oh, this seat is much better than the one in the Internet cafe." After Leng Xiaodao sat on the seat, he immediately felt as if he was stuck in it. .

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