Football Kung Fu Player

【300】Eat Chicken Immediately

Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu knew that these gunshots were the death knell of the people on the other side, so Leng Xiaodao heard the car at a suitable angle, and then the two quickly got out of the car, because they had seen the positions of those who shot, so the two of them After getting out of the car, he quickly threw a few grenades over there.

"Bang! Bang!" Maybe the other party thought that he hid it too well, so he didn't change the place after shooting, but how could he hide after being discovered by Leng Xiaodao? After hearing the sound of the grenade, the ground left Dropped a box for two people.

"Ahaha..." Leng Xiaodao looked at Wu Yu and smiled, feeling very refreshed. After all, he killed another team and was one step closer to victory. This is it.

The two checked their equipment, and to Leng Xiaodao's surprise, he found an AWM, which can kill the enemy with one shot. Leng Xiaodao was very happy, and quickly threw away the 98K in his hand, and then changed On the AWM over there.

But Wu Yu searched the box and found that those rifles were turned over and over again. Thinking that he had basically played with these 25 guns, Wu Yu improvised and replaced it with a small submachine gun.

"Little V? Why did you change to this gun?" Leng Xiaodao looked at the gun in Wu Yu's hand curiously and asked Wu Yu.

"I'll play with it and see if it's fun. Doesn't it mean that this version of the submachine gun has begun to increase its power?" Wu Yu said to Leng Xiaodao.

Leng Xiaodao nodded, and then replied: "That's true, but are you really sure you want to use a submachine gun instead of a rifle to shoot the next person?"

"Ah, isn't it suitable? If so, I'll change it back." After Wu Yu finished speaking, he wanted to change back to the previous M4.

"No, if you like it, just use it. I'm just suggesting." Leng Xiaodao said awkwardly.

Wu Yu nodded, and said to Leng Xiaodao with a smile: "Then you can rest assured that there will be no problem."

The two prepared their equipment and boarded the jeep again, because Leng Xiaodao found out that although the jeep had been shot a few times before, the car was not damaged. This is a lucky thing.

The two continued to drive forward, looked at the number of surviving players in the upper right corner, and found that there were only four players, and the small white circle was right in front of them. So all they had to do was rush in and kill the two remaining men.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu also drove to the vicinity of Xiaobaiquan. For some reason, Wang Xing's round was the first to start, but compared to Leng Xiaodao's round, it was a bit slower.

But fortunately, the situation on both sides is very clear now, and there is a possibility of perfect eating chicken, especially Leng Xiaodao's side, the more it gets to the end, the more requirements are placed on the player's ability to use guns. The advantage of the two guys is that Gun so this one is steady.

And Wang Xing and Zhou Yu are relatively weak, because firstly, the time for the two of them to play the game is not too long, but because they usually use the method of black guns, although occasionally they will shoot at each other, but relatively speaking Still relatively few.

Manager Pang naturally knew it well, so he turned his attention to Wang Xing and Zhou Yu, but Manager Pang didn't intend to give them advice, but let him and the two of them figure out their own way.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu got out of the car, because there was a small white circle in front of them. If it is not bad, the small white circle will be fixed here and will not move anymore. In other words, occupying a good position can win even if it is a black gun.

Thinking of this, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu continued to get on the car, and according to the markings on the small map, they found a big rock in the center. Apart from the fact that this big rock is easier to hide people, there are some lush grasses nearby. , It is convenient to hide, and it is also convenient to move to other places.

"Get out of the car," Wang Xing said and was the first to get out of the car. Zhou Yu also wanted to get out of the car, but suddenly, a shuttle of bullets hit him.

"Ding Dang Dang" bullets all hit their car, and soon smoke rose.

"Oops." Zhou Yu called out, and Wang Xing found that Zhou Yu seemed to have been shot, and the original full HP had now become half.

"I was hit, Wang Xing hide now." Zhou Yu also jumped off after finishing speaking, because she knew that the car was about to explode, so she hurriedly ran to the grass beside her.

As soon as he ran out a few steps, he heard a voice behind him, a huge explosion sounded, because Zhou Yu was relatively close, and because he was shot before, he was seriously injured and was blown up like this. It became a red blood bar.

Seeing that it was okay, Wang Xing hurriedly crawled to Zhou Yu's side, and then began to treat Zhou Yu. Wang Xing's heart was pounding at the moment, and he was afraid that he would be shot again, but fortunately, this position was not bad. , As long as you lie on your stomach, it's hard to find out. After Wang Xing rescued Zhou Yu, Wang Xing gave Zhou Yu several blood packs. Then he quickly ran back behind the big rock.

Zhou Yu used up the blood bag and was dead when he stood up, so he followed Wang Xing's example and crawled despondently behind the boulder. After getting behind the boulder, Zhou Yu discovered that Tian Xing had already started following a person who was heading here. The runners turned on their guns.

"Hide and hide, and I'll shoot him. Did he hit me?" Zhou Yu moved aside, then picked up the 98K, and shot 030 in the head.

"Bang!" The bullet passed by the man's head, but the man was not hit, and Zhou Yu let out a oops. Knowing that he had no chance, he looked to the other side of the boulder and found that it was not peaceful here, and two people were running towards this place. It seems to be heading in this direction.

Zhou Yu became ruthless, and said that it seems that the previous one was not the one that hit him, and these two were the ones who hit him, so he was not polite. 98K shot a bullet and directly hit one of them in the body. Originally, Zhou Yu did not expect You can beat that person to death, but sometimes it's like this, the more you don't think about it, the more miracles will happen. For example, this time, just hitting the body, the person was taken away.

Later, when Zhou Yu told Wang Xing about this matter, Wang Xing only knew from his answer that it was because that person had only a little bit of health, so he happened to be caught by Zhou Yu's bullet.

Zhou Yu also couldn't figure out why that person didn't fill up his blood and ran wildly in an open place, but at this moment, it was not the time to think about these things. After knocking out that guy, another accomplice of his hurriedly Lie down nearby, and disappeared in Zhou Yu's scope. Zhou Yu observed carefully but couldn't find it. .

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