Football Kung Fu Player

【314】Xiaoyi Is Angry

"What's your name Xiaoyi......" Wang Xing just watched the fight over there, and only subconsciously answered Leng Xiaodao's question, but soon, Wang Xing turned his head and said to Leng Xiaodao with a smile: "Xiao Yi, do you know him?"

"Why is Xiaoyi still the second child?" Leng Xiaodao felt that Wang Xing's question was very strange, so why talk about it at this time.

"Oh, it seems that you don't know, it's really ruthless." Wang Xing said such a sentence suddenly.

Leng Xiaodao smiled and said to Wang Xing: "Don't make me useless, what do you mean?"

"Did you watch her little girl during the competition? They know about you. No, I heard that you were kidnapped. I feel like you have found someone to rescue you." Wang Xing replied.

Leng Xiaodao thought for a while, and immediately guessed who it was, but this was simply "520" too unimaginable, and then continued to ask the main street: "Is the little girl you are talking about very petite.

"That's the one, it's unmistakable, the one who checked the eyes." Wang Xing said to Leng Xiaodao with a smile.

"So, is she... on top now?" Leng Xiaodao asked, pointing to the top of the underground warehouse. "That's right, it's up there. Do you want to go up now, or save Wu Yu?" Wang Xing asked while looking at Leng Xiaodao.

"Of course, let's save Wu Yu first. Well, let's follow up and take a look." Seeing that there was no one on the third floor, Wang Xing expected that the fox Uncle had opened up the road leading to the fourth floor. People hurried down to go down.

When they reached the fourth floor, Wang Xing and the others saw that Uncle the fox had finished the battle, and those who were lying on the ground at this time were all Zhou Tian's subordinates, and Wu Yu was flexing his wrist at this time, seeing Those guys on the ground just wanted to kick a few times.

"Okay, we've found all the people, let's go quickly." Uncle the Fox greeted everyone immediately, Uncle the Fox's subordinates lined up in science, and then forgot to run to the ground, while Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao After seeing that Wu Yu was safe and sound, he was also very happy, and immediately stepped forward, and the three hugged each other.

"Wu Yu, are you alright, where is Zhou Tian?" Leng Xiaodao looked at the scars on Wu Yu's face and asked.

"Don't mention it, that guy only showed up once, and then disappeared. He probably ran away. Well, now the three of us are together again." Wu Yu was also very glad that he escaped from death.

"Can any of you tell me where these powerful guys come from?" Wu Yu was still recalling the scene of the melee between Fox Uncle's people and Zhou Tian's people just now.

"The fight was really exciting. The question is who owns such a powerful subordinate." Wu Yu looked at Wang Xing and then at Leng Xiaodao, and said to himself, which one of you two knows.

"I, I don't know..." Leng Xiaodao pretended not to know anything, looking around.

"If you want to know who did it, we'll find out when we go up." Although Wang Xing told Wu Yu, his eyes were on Leng Xiaodao.

Wu Yu was a little confused, but still felt that staying here was meaningless, so the three of them started to walk up.

When they got to the ground, they had been in the dark underground lights for a long time, and when they got to the ground, the glasses were a little uncomfortable. The three of them squinted their eyes one after another, covering the sun with their hands.

"They came out! There." Zhou Yu's voice sounded, followed by the sound of several people running.

After the three of Wang Xing gradually got used to the light, the passers-by immediately smiled when they saw it. The three beautiful girls all looked worried, but they felt a little relieved after seeing the main row and them coming out.

"Yo, they're all here. Hmm! Aren't you the little girl from the competition?" Leng Xiaodao saw Zhou Yu and Hu Luoluo walking over and was about to say hello to them. that girl.

"It's me, black eye, are you okay?" Xiaoyi looked at Leng Xiaodao with a smile, and reached out to check the injury on Leng Xiaodao's face.

"Oh, don't move, it's not serious or serious." Leng Xiaodao grinned, and obviously Xiaoyi didn't touch it, so he started to complain about the pain.

"Pfft!" Xiaoyi laughed, and then everyone laughed.

A solid car came to the crowd, and after it stopped, Uncle the fox's head was exposed from the window of the car, and then Uncle the fox said: "Miss, the matter has been finished, we are going back, you all pay attention to safety, I Two people have been arranged to protect you secretly..."

"Thank you Fox Uncle." Xiaoyi said to Fox Uncle with a smile.

Uncle the fox waved his hand, and then made a cheering gesture to Leng Xiaodao, then patted the car, and the car drove away.

"It's actually yours, my god, it's amazing." Leng Xiaodao naturally understood the meaning of the fox Uncle's gesture, but was even more surprised by the quietness of the girl in front of him.

"Next, let's celebrate. I think everyone is here. Haha." Wu Yu looked at the thing in the eyes of Leng Xiaodao and Xiaoyi, knowing that there must be no mistake, so he proposed. .

"I knew you would say this a long time ago, and I'm ready." Hu Luoluo said to the stinky hand while looking at the scars on Wu Yu's face with distress.

Wu Yu signaled Hu Luoluo not to worry, and then said with a smile; 'Then what are you waiting for, let's go. '

Hu Luoluo nodded, and then waved his hand at the car on one side. Immediately, a super long Hummer was heard in front of everyone, the door opened, and everyone sat down one by one

Xiaoyi also got into the car, hesitating where to sit, Zhou Yu said with a smile to Xiaoyi: "It goes without saying, there is such a big empty seat for Leng Xiaodao, isn't it?" '

Then Zhou Yu and Hu Luoluo laughed, while the other three boys were still in a daze.

Xiaoyi didn't mean to be shy 4.1, she nodded to Zhou Yu with a smile, and then went straight to the seat next to Leng Xiaodao and sat down. This time, Leng Xiaodao felt a little embarrassed, and didn't say anything along the way Said, just pretending to look at the scenery outside the car.

Seeing that Leng Xiaodao didn't talk to her, Xiao Yi thought that he didn't like her, and after thinking about it, she said, "Big sister, I want to get out of the car.

"Ah?" Everyone was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Is there something wrong with Xiao Yi?"

"'s fine, I just don't want to go." Xiaoyi didn't know what to say.

"Huh?" Zhou Yu and Hu Luoluo looked at each other, and then thought of the crux of the matter, so Zhou Yu kicked Leng Xiaodao, and said to Leng Xiaodao: "You are a piece of wood, you are usually very good at talking. , why are you dumb?".

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