Wu Yu originally wanted to keep ignoring Zhou Tian, ​​but under the signal of Wang Xing's eyes, Wu Yu reluctantly stretched out his right hand and held Zhou Tian together. Hu Luoluo saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel a little happy. She hoped in her heart that the two of them would stop fighting for her like this.

"This match, let me see how powerful you are, I appreciate it very much, I also almost died in the hands of the last living person in your team, so please tell me, which guy finally fought me Yes." Zhou Tian swept across the faces of Wang Xing's team before asking.

"It turned out to be you?" Wu Yu couldn't help but said, it turned out that the person he almost killed just now was actually his opponent, but unfortunately things didn't go as he expected, and he lost to him.

"Ah, I said that I feel like an acquaintance. It turns out that it is really "Four Four Three" you. Hehe, you are very powerful. Please calm down, maybe I will be defeated by your subordinates." Zhou Tian She smiled, and then suddenly said a word: "Take care of her, don't let me down."

Wu Yu looked at Zhou Tian suspiciously, and instantly felt that Zhou Tian didn't seem to be a bad guy, because from what he said just now, it can be seen that he is still a person with feelings.

"Of course you don't need to worry about this, she is my woman now." Hao snorted coldly and stopped looking at him.

"Okay then..." Before Zhou Tian finished speaking, the team members on the fans' side said to Zhou Tian: "Captain, come quickly, we are going to be overwhelmed.

Zhou Tian waved his hand towards that side, and then said: "Here we come." After speaking, he started to walk over there.

Because of the loss in this game, most of the previous fans became members of Zhou Tian's team, but Wang Xing and the others didn't care about this. Although they didn't get the first place, it's good to get the second place.

Soon the staff came here, and then told Team Zhou Tian, ​​Team Wang Xing, and Team Dungeon who won the third place about receiving the award.

When it was time to receive the awards, the three teams stood in their respective positions, accepting the trophies, certificates and flowers brought to them by the staff.

Leng Xiaodao looked at the ones hanging on his body, and the ones he held in his hands felt very happy, and said to Wang Xing and the others: "I just found out that what God Pang Dao said is true, it really doesn't matter if you get the first or second place." the difference.

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

After receiving the awards, several people went to the lounge. Unexpectedly, Wen Xiaoyi had already been waiting there. Looking at the four medals hanging around Leng Xiaodao's neck, Wen Xiaoyi didn't think it was a joke that Leng Xiaodao said that he was like Like an upstart.

After making a joke, Zhou Yu asked Wen Xiaoyi, "How is your team's performance?"

Wen Xiaoyi shook his head in disappointment and said: "The third place is not ours, I am very surprised, it is reasonable to say that our technical tactics cannot be this result, maybe it is due to other factors, but who cares, Xiaodao's medal is not It's mine, hehe."

"Haha... I just like Xiaoyi's temperament." Zhou Yu walked up to Wen Xiaoyi and hugged her.

"To celebrate our winning the second place, where shall we go to celebrate?" Leng Xiaodao asked everyone.

Wu Yu thought for a while and was about to speak when he heard Hu Luoluo's voice from the lounge door: "Come with me, the car is ready."

"Hey, talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there, well, Wu Yu, you can talk to Hu Luoluo, we'll go out and wait for you." Leng Xiaodao hurriedly led Wen Xiaoyi to greet the others to go out.

Wen Xiaoyi walked by Hu Luoluo's side, and stretched out a fist to her, which meant cheering up, Hu Luoluo patted Wen Xiaoyi's head and nodded.

After everyone left, Hu Luoluo approached Wu Yu and wanted to say something, but Wu Yu stopped him, and Wu Yu said with a smile: "Isn't it too modest in the morning? Needless to say, I know what your heart is like." , I understand everything. Well, let's go out quickly, don't make them wait too anxiously."

Hu Luoluo nodded, and then let Wu Yu lead her outside.

So several people were eating, drinking and having fun again. The next day, Wang Xing and others continued to return to the base and started training.

Manager Pang always likes to be late, but this time when Manager Pang came, he told everyone an exciting thing. It is notified that Wang Xing and the others will participate in the cross-city competition that is one week away from now...

"There is another competition, and someone is looking for us. It seems that we are famous." Leng Xiaodao said to everyone with a smile.

"I think so. If things go on like this, even if we don't get a good ranking, our skills will still go up." Wu Yu said in agreement.

"By the way, I have to see how much my fans have increased, hehe." Leng Xiaodao turned on the computer after finishing speaking, and saw that his fans had doubled from hundreds of thousands to two. Hundreds of thousands, couldn't help roaring happily.

Wen Xiaoyi was also very happy when she saw it, the smile on her face was like a flower.

"Tsk tsk, look at you two. As for being so happy, Wang Xing went to see yours. I watched it on my mobile phone yesterday. They fully affirmed your performance. I think there should be a lot of fans .” Zhou Yu poked Wang Xing with his hand.

Wang Xing let out an oh, and then turned on the computer, and saw a number of 200,000 that surprised everyone.

"Ah! How is this possible? Oh my God, I have accumulated so many fans over the years. How come this guy Wang Xing has accumulated so much in the past few days?" Leng Xiaodao thought it was too unfair.

Wen Xiaoyi couldn't stop giggling watching Leng Xiaodao's expression of beating his feet and chest, but he really admired Wang Xing 3.0.

"Huh? You all have fans, I'll go and have a look too." Wu Yu also turned on the computer, and immediately saw the number of his fans, and couldn't help but smiled proudly.

'Wu Yu looks at your expression, probably a lot. ’ Zhou Yu asked with a smile on his hands.

"Well, although it's not as good as your knife and knife, it's more than 100,000." Wu Yu replied with a smile.

"So much?" Everyone took a deep breath. Wu Yu has been unknown in the team, and he didn't expect him to be so tall.

"By the way, where is Zhou Yu's big sister? How much does he have?" Wen Xiaoyi asked.

"Oh, me, forget it, don't watch it, it's so-so..." Although Zhou Yu refused to let others see it, there was a little pride on his face. .

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