After Wu Yu heard Zhou Yu's call, he immediately knew that things were not that simple, but he was still taking care of Hu Luoluo who was sick, so he didn't feel a little headache, what should he do.

"Did something happen to your aunt's hotel?" Hu Luoluo took a sip of the cold medicine that Wu Yu handed over.

"For sure, this aunt of mine must have thought of some weird idea, causing those friends of mine to suffer 100,000 points of damage." Wu Yu did not forget to tease Hu Luoluo with a joke at this time.

"Giggle, cough cough......" Hu Luoluo wanted to laugh, but his breath became unsteady and he coughed again. Wu Yu patted Hu Luoluo's back and said, "Slow down."

"Okay, that's it for me here, you go and have a look. Zhou Yu got angry on the phone, and he seemed very angry. If you don't go, maybe they really ignore you

Hu Luoluo tried her best to smile at Wu Yu, but maybe she was seriously ill, so she smiled reluctantly.

"Oh, otherwise, I'll send you to the hospital first." Wu Yu thought about it and thought it would be safer to do so.

Hu Luoluo pushed Wu Yu and scolded with a smile: "Why are you so disobedient, you stubborn donkey? I told you I'm fine. Hurry up.

'Well, remember to call me if you have something to do. ’ Wu Yu handed the pills in his hand to Hu Luoluo, then stood up and started to walk out the door. When he reached the door, he still did not forget to tell Hu Luoluo to call himself.

"Got it, go." Hu Luoluo waved at Wu Yu, and then lay down: "You go, I'm going to sleep for a while."

Wu Yu saw that Hu Luoluo was lying down, so he walked out softly, then closed the door, and walked a few steps forward quietly, until he felt that Hu Luoluo could no longer hear, then ran towards the car.

"Oh my god, my aunt, what do you want to do?" Wu Yu dared to say that his aunt was at this time, and it turned out that this was the way to entertain his friends who had promised to treat him well. Okay, I will see you later You, must tell you well.

Thinking of this, Wu Yu stepped up the accelerator, and the car quickly jumped out, heading directly to his aunt's hotel.

At this time, Wu Yu's aunt was waiting for the good news from the top floor in the hall, so she naturally didn't know that her guys had been taken care of by Zhou Yu and Wang Xing.

A mobile phone rang, and Wu Yu's aunt answered the phone. On the other end of the phone, Wu Yu said in a reproachful tone: "Auntie, you did a good job~"!"

Hearing Wu Yu's words, Wu Yu's aunt immediately understood, and it seemed that her nephew already knew about the matter upstairs, so she said with a smile: "You child, I'm just playing with them, and I don't take it seriously."

'Playing? Go up and see for yourself, what are your men now? And you know that you almost lost several friends by doing this. I will never come to your place again. After Wu Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, the speechless aunt was stunned for a moment, wondering if she was really wrong, but after thinking about it for a while, she suddenly felt chills, and said to herself that there should be no accident upstairs.

So she hurried to the elevator door, but by coincidence, just in time for the guests to eat, Aunt Wu Yu who was anxious decided to climb the stairs.

But from the first floor to the top floor, there are a total of twelve floors. Aunt Wu Yu got a little out of breath when she got to the fourth floor, and when she reached the sixth floor, her legs didn't feel like her own.

"Oh, it's my own fault. I shouldn't have thought of such a bad idea." Aunt Wu Yu continued to climb upstairs as she thought about it. When she reached the ninth floor, Aunt Wu Yu felt that she couldn't do it anymore, and she couldn't climb anymore. , So I struggled to move to the elevator.

It was not easy to squeeze into the elevator and reached the top of the building, but Aunt Wu Yu who was standing outside the gate was a little scared, thinking what if the people inside had an accident, what would they say about her if nothing happened?

"Come here, come here." Leng Xiaodao looked at Aunt Wu Yu outside the door through the cat's eyes on the door, saw her standing hesitantly, and asked Wang Xing and the people beside him; "Everyone is ready." Ok?"

Zhou Yu nodded and said excitedly: "Get ready, just wait for this old witch to come in."

'Everyone spread out, he is coming in. ’Leng Xiaodao saw Aunt Wu Yu through the cat’s eyes, and seemed to have made up her mind, and began to walk towards the gate.

Leng Xiaodao and the others quickly dispersed and hid, waiting for Aunt Wu Yu to open the door.

"Squeak!" Aunt Wu Yu opened the door, just thinking to see if her people or Wu Yu's friends were okay, when she heard a few slight sounds of things tumbling and falling.

Aunt Wu Yu raised her head and looked up. Before she could make a sound, she saw goose feathers suddenly falling from the top of her head.

In the blink of an eye, another bucket of water was poured directly from the top of the head. How could Aunt Wu Yu have received such a big halberd before, and immediately screamed.

Wu Yu happened to catch up to the upstairs at this time, and when he heard his aunt's screams, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp. He hurriedly opened the door and entered, only to find a human-shaped object sitting on the ground trembling in front of him.

Wu Yu looked closer suspiciously, only to realize that it was his aunt, so he quickly helped her up and put her on the sofa.

After Wang Xing and the others heard the scream, they also felt that the matter was a bit serious, so they hurried out to look, and found that Wu Yu had also come, so they stood a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

〃Well, it seems that we need to sit down and talk calmly. "Wu Yu also felt a headache for Song.

So a few people sat in a room full of goose feathers and started a discussion.

Wu Yu comforted (Zhao Haozhao) the aunt who was a little frightened, and was the first to say: "I know that my aunt is doing something wrong, but isn't it a bit... a bit... . Well, I can't say it anyway.

Wang Xing said: "I want to apologize, it is true that we only thought of revenge in this matter, and did not think of the consequences, so I regret it now.

Wen Xiaoyi also bowed her head, apologized, and then walked to Aunt Wu Yu to pick off the goose feathers on her body.

Although Leng Xiaodao and Zhou Yu felt uncomfortable, they saw that their other spouse had apologized, so they also said sorry.

"Okay, okay, don't apologize, I know I am the one who is really wrong." Aunt Wu Yu spoke suddenly, and while she was talking, she signaled Wen Xiaoyi not to pick the goose feathers on her body, and then stood up Get up, and continue to say to several people: "I was wrong, I thought too simple."

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