Football Kung Fu Player

[355] Just Lie Down Like This

After Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu filled up their blood volume, they immediately drove to Wang Xing's side again. When they arrived at the place, they happened to see those people on the hillside walking down,

"How? Do you want to do it?" Leng Xiaodao asked Wang Xing.

"That's natural, you can't run away, so let's try to get them closer and fight with them in close quarters. Remember that the longer the fight, the better. This is the best way to attract other people. Team, so that we can use the strength of other teams to fight against the team in front of us." Wang Xing said.

"It's a good way, let's do it like this." Leng Xiaodao agreed, and then motioned Wu Yu to retreat with him, and while retreating, he sporadically fired at the people on the hillside.

"Zhou Yu, let's go." Wang Xing said something to Zhou Yu, and then hid in another small room.

After the team on the hillside felt the bullets from Wang Xing, they began to go to those huts, trying to eliminate the Lord and them.

However, the four of Wang Xing retreated while fighting, just not giving them a chance to confront each other, which made the opposing team go crazy.

"There is no way, Wang Xing." Leng Xiaodao looked behind him, and found that he had reached the 25th edge of the map.

"I know, just hold on, if there is no one in a while, we will spread out to both sides." Wang Xing said.

"Got it!" Several people agreed.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly bursts of rapid gunshots came from behind the opposite team, and Wang Xing felt happy when he heard it, and said: "Okay, it's done. They are here to help us."

As soon as Leng Xiaodao heard it, he heard it immediately. It turned out that another team from the whole team had arrived, and they happened to surround the middle team with their own team.

The team in the middle saw that there were people on both sides suddenly, and they became confused, so they opened fire indiscriminately.

"Zhou Yu went to a high place to shoot black guns, remember, fight the team that just came, Leng Xiaodao Wu Yu, the three of us will fight the team in front of us, the more chaotic the better, it is best to let them both fight and lose ” said Wang Xing.

"Understood." Zhou Yu nodded, then left the battle and headed for a high slope.

The three of Wang Xing poured out bullets with all their strength, trying to wipe out all the four people over there.

"Oh! Did you see it? The three teams are standing together. My God, it's so powerful. What should we do? Who is most likely to survive this scuffle?" The commentator pointed to the big Said the battle that was happening on the screen.

"I think it should be Wang Xing's team. After all, they have already had such a thing. They helped us that time. I think they should think more cleverly this time." Zhou Tian looked at the screen. The battle situation said to the team members around him.

"Wang Xing's team is not the kind of fighting team, but rather like a scheme, we can't take them lightly." One of the team members said.

"You don't need to say this, I have to beat them here again." Zhou Tian said with a frown.

Looking at Wang Xing again, because of the help of another team on the outermost side, three of the four people in the middle were killed in the chaos. Seeing this, Wang Xing knew that he couldn't fight any more, so he continued to fight and waited for the middle If there is no one left, your own team will meet with the outermost team. If this is the case, the strategy will fail.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting. Let's hurry up and go in the direction of Zhou Yu. It's better to drive." Wang Xing pointed to the jeep of the middle team.

"Let me do this kind of thing." After Leng Xiaodao finished speaking, he began to walk towards the team in the middle.

Only one member of the team in the middle was alive, and he wanted to drive this car away, but he didn't expect Leng Xiaodao to come and snatch him, and immediately hit Leng Xiaodao with a shuttle.

Leng Xiaodao saw why this guy was still alive, threw a grenade and got into the car directly.

The people in the middle team wanted to run out after seeing the grenade, but found that they couldn't go at all, because the people on both sides were desperately suppressing themselves, but if they didn't go, their hands would ring.

Leng Xiaodao silently said goodbye in his heart, and then drove the jeep to Wang Xing and Wu Yu's side, and after the two got into the car, he hurriedly started to drive to Zhou Yu's side

The man in the middle team was finally killed by Leng Xiaodao's grenade in despair, and his team was eliminated in this battle.

Wang Xing and the others don't care who is eliminated or who is not eliminated, they just want to find a safe place to hide first, if the team behind them knows that they have become someone else's helper, they don't know what they will think Woolen cloth.

"I said, Wang Xing, shall we knock out the latter one? After all, there are only three of them." Zhou Yu asked.

"Are there three? What's going on? Did you hit me?" Wu Yu asked Zhou Yu.

"That's natural, otherwise who do you think it is?" Zhou Yu said proudly.

"Well, you are amazing. Let's go to the river to stay for a while. We don't want the car. We will come out to check the battle situation when the poison circle stops." Wang Xing looked at the small map.

OK, you can go wherever you say. ’ Leng Xiaodao said.

"Then let's go." Wang Xing first drove the car to a slope, and after observing that there was no one around 423, he began to stroll towards the river, planning to find a place to hide

Zhou Tian laughed immediately when he saw this, because he had never seen anyone choose to run away in such an advantageous situation.

"That's it, get out of the car, blow up the car, let's hide for a while." Wang Xing got out of the car after speaking, and then walked towards the middle of the river.

"Get down, don't show your head, and be careful of being discovered." Wang Xing reminded.

So on the big screen, such a scene appeared, the whole team did not search for supplies, did not go to the opponent to fight the guns, but hid in a river, all lying on their stomachs, for fear of being discovered .

"What the hell are the members of this team, so timid, are they all new?" said a boy in the audience, who seemed to disdain Wang Xing's approach.

"How can a team that can compete in cross-city competitions be Mengxin? This may be a fighting style of theirs. This game is not about being brave with guns, but about surviving in the end." Another person may After hearing what the previous person said, he didn't agree with it, so he immediately talked about his own thoughts.

"Maybe you're right, but I just can't stand this kind of practice, it's too wretched." The boy said looking at the four lying people on the screen. .

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