Football Kung Fu Player

【376】Take Time

Uncle Black Cat's subordinates heard from Zhou Tian that several cars were coming. He also immediately knew the seriousness of the matter, so he hurriedly supported Zhou Tian and was about to walk outside.

As soon as he walked to the outside of the cave, he saw a familiar figure coming towards him, and directly bumped into the men of the two black cat uncles who were supporting Zhou Tian. The burly guy pushed someone who was about his size over.

"Brother? Are you okay?" The person supporting Zhou Tian quickly stood up, and then helped the knocked-down person to his feet and asked.

"It's okay, this guy is so powerful that he can even sumo wrestling. My moves are a bit wrong with him." Uncle Black Cat said.

"We have rescued him, and now we can go, big brother." Another person supporting Zhou Tian said.

"Okay, I'll drag him, you guys hurry up and go." The black cat uncle looked at Zhou Tian, ​​nodded, then made sure of his feet, and ran in front of the burly man.

Zhou Tian originally wanted to help, but seeing that the strong and strong man could beat a man of his size, he thought that if he did the same, he would probably just let others beat him casually.

"Hurry up and go." Uncle Black Cat tried hard not to be hit by Zhuang Shuo, and then said to Zhou Tian and others behind him.

After hearing Uncle Black Cat's words, the three of them hurried to the outside of the mine. As soon as they got outside, they saw their companions walking in. Zhou Tianxin said that the burly man must lose this time.

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked down the mountainside, he saw several off-road vehicles driving up the mountain from the bottom of the mountain one after another. His premonition told him that these cars did not belong to the group who rescued him.

'Did it come so fast?' said a person who was supporting Zhou Tian and looked at the off-road vehicles with wide-eyed glasses.

The situation here was also seen by the driver and Wang Xing on the top of the mountain. Wang Xing and the others were very anxious and thought they should go down to help, but as soon as they moved, the driver who was punching just now stopped and said: "You will be beaten if you go down at this time, wait a little longer, everyone will come up in a while."

"No way, how did you know?" Leng Xiaodao said with an expression of disbelief.

"Hmph, there is only one mountain road here, and now it seems that the road below has been blocked. If you want to get a chance to breathe, you have to go to the top of the mountain. Otherwise, are the two groups fighting on the narrow mountain road?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand at all." Wu Yu looked at the driver and thought to himself that the driver is not a fool.

However, although Wang Xing and the others were a little skeptical, things turned out as expected by the driver. The people who supported Zhou Tian saw that the mountain road down the mountain was blocked by the off-road vehicle on the opposite side, so they started to walk up the mountain. In addition to the few people of my black cat brother, other people also started to come up.

"Uncle Black Cat, don't fight, hurry up to the mountain, everyone has gone to the mountain." Hu Luoluo, who had been looking at the screen, saw that although Uncle Black Cat was not the opponent of the burly man, he was still struggling. Support, wanting to buy time for his brothers, he said to him.

"Understood, I'll go right here." Uncle Black Cat signaled his subordinates with his eyes, and the subordinates understood what Uncle Black Cat meant, and began to leave the mine and go up the mountain. After the man went through two moves casually, he also started to run up the mountain outside the mine.

When all the members of Uncle Black Cat reached the top of the mountain, the driver smiled and nodded, and then said to Uncle Black Cat: "Black Cat, didn't you expect to lose today.

"Losing? Where is this going? Just watch, wait until those guys come up, and I will keep them safe." The black cat uncle walked to the edge of the mountain road, and then looked down the mountain. When he saw it, he was shocked , I saw a large group of people wearing the same clothes with a stick in one hand and a shield in the other hand coming up the mountain at a high speed.

"Are they all with guys?" Uncle Black Cat knew at a glance that the comers would not be as easy to deal with as the group of killers before. If the two sides fight for a while, he might lose on his side.

"If it doesn't work, let's call the police." Hearing Uncle Black Cat's tone, Leng Xiaodao knew that he might not be able to win this time.

"What do you think of the black cat?" the driver asked.

"Call the police? If that's the case, we can't tell. We just don't know if there is another way." Uncle Black Cat said.

Wang Xing and the others shook their heads, because they had searched the surrounding area just now, and there was nothing on the top of the mountain except for a bare open space, and as the driver said, there is only one mountain road in the whole mountain. If you want to come down from the mountain, apart from this mountain road, I am afraid that the only way is to fly.

«Plane? By plane?' Hu Luoluo suddenly thought that there was a helicopter on the roof of Xiaoqingqing's hotel. Although it was rarely used, it was very cool to have it on the hotel.

"Hello! Xiao Qingqing? Get someone to fly a plane to me right away. It's urgent." After Hu Luoluo told Xiao Qingqing the specific address, she began to wait.

"Is the plane big? How many people can it hold?" Zhou Yu was also very anxious, after all, one is her big brother, and the other...

"You can only hold six at most. I think as long as the main person can be taken away, the other party will probably be nothing." Hu Luoluo said, although it is a bit selfish (Zhao Le's), but There is also no way.

"Uncle Black Cat, there will be a helicopter coming in a while, so hurry up and take Zhou Tian and the others on the plane, and the rest... I'll leave it to you." Hu Luoluo felt a little embarrassed when he said this, after all, this is It's really not righteous to ask people to drag those heavily armed guys.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Black Cat readily agreed immediately, and said to Hu Luoluo: "Miss, don't worry, keep these young masters from being hurt."

After the conversation, Uncle Black Cat immediately ordered a few people to block the mountain road in order to spare as much time as possible.

Because the people at the bottom of the mountain were wearing thick clothes, and they were holding this thing in their hands, so their speed up the mountain was not fast, and this gave the people on the top of the mountain a lot of time

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." A sound of propellers came from far and near, and Uncle Black Cat knew that the plane was coming. .

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