Football Kung Fu Player

【378】Nothing At All

"A little brother fell down. From the mountainside, we are now organizing people to search for it down the mountain." Uncle Black Cat said.

"What?" The three girls screamed immediately, and then asked Uncle Black Cat, "Who is it?"

"It's that Wang Xing."

Hu Luoluo and Wen Xiaoyi covered their mouths and didn't know what to say, while Zhou Yu didn't say a word, got out of the car, and ran like crazy to the forest below the mountain~.

"Zhou Yu?" Hu Luoluo and Wen Xiaoyi also hurriedly got out of the car, and hurriedly chased after Zhou Yu for fear that she would have an accident - or be overwhelmed.

Zhou Yu didn't seem to hear it, no matter how the two girls called behind her, she just wanted to quickly find Tian Xing's shadow in the woods.

Uncle Black Cat came down quickly, followed by Wu Yu and Leng Xiaodao. Wen Xiaoyi and Hu Luoluo felt a little relieved seeing that they were fine, but Zhou Yu's mood at this time can be imagined.

"Where's Zhou Yu?" Wu Yu asked Hu Luoluo.

"When I heard that Wang Xing fell off the cliff, I forgot to run in the woods," Hu Luoluo replied.

"Let's go and look for it together." Wu Yu said to everyone,

Several people entered the woods, only to realize how complicated the environment in the woods is, and it is very difficult to find a person in such a complicated environment.

"Wang Xing!" 'Wang Xing! Where are you?' Zhou Yu's scream rang out in front. Everyone was afraid that Zhou Yu would have an accident, so they hurried to follow the sound.

Zhou Yu's face had already been scratched several times by the thorny thorn tree, but she still dived into the thorny tree recklessly. After seeing it, the black cat uncle hurried over, trying to pull Zhou Yu back.

"Leave me alone! If I can't find Wang Xing, I won't leave. Don't stop me." Zhou Yu's voice had changed at this time, becoming hoarse, and tears were streaming down his face.

But after all, she was no match for the strength of Uncle Black Cat, and was pulled out of the thorn tree by Big Tree Black Cat, and then pulled in front of Leng Xiaodao and the others.

Hu Luoluo hurriedly hugged Zhou Yu, also cried and comforted Zhou Yu, and said to her, "It's okay, Wang Xing is good there, so he will be fine."

While crying, Wen Xiaoyi called the people she knew who were good at searching and rescuing people, and asked them to find someone quickly.

When Zhou Yu calmed down a bit, Uncle Black Cat had already told his people the area around him, and asked them to search layer by layer, making sure not to miss any gaps.

Wu Yu and Leng Xiaodao also joined the ranks. As Wang Xing's friends and buddies, they felt that if they couldn't find Wang Xing, then they would have no face to meet Zhou Yu.

"Look at Zhou Yu, don't let her run around, I will look for it with Xiaodao, I don't believe I can't find it." Wu Yu said firmly.

"That's right, this guy Wang Xing is blessed with great fortune, he Leng Xiaoli doesn't know what to say.

"Leave the knife." Wu Yu didn't want to waste time, and being able to find it a second earlier would be an extra life guarantee for Wang Xing.

And what happened to Wang Xing?

About half an hour later, they heard the sound of a helicopter coming from the sky. Everyone looked up to the sky and found that this helicopter was bigger than the previous one, and the color was very eye-catching, with a bright red fuselage On the top is an orange propeller.

"They're here." Wen Xiaoyi said to Zhou Yu in surprise.

I saw that after the helicopter landed to a certain height, a rope was thrown from it, and then seven or eight people came out of the plane immediately, holding the rope in their hands and sliding down from the plane.

After these people slid down, the plane didn't leave but started to circle around the woods, and those people who landed on the ground had a brief exchange with Wen Xiaoyi, and then opened their hands box, began to input coordinates, and opened the life-seeking instrument.

"Xiaoyi? Who are they?" Zhou Yu felt a headache at this time, and he couldn't even see clearly.

"They are top-notch search experts. With them, Wang Xing may be found soon. And that plane also has a person-searching device inside. As long as there is an immovable target in the woods, it will immediately appear on the device. superior.

"Don't move... No, Wang Xing won't move." Zhou Yu heard this word, and immediately felt that he should not stay still, but should hurry to find Wang Xing.

"Calm down Zhou Yu, Wang Xing will find it sooner or later, you will lose you after you go, then how will you see the Lord waiting for you." Hu Fanfan frowned and said to Zhou Yu.

……ask for flowers……

"Yes, sister Zhou Yu, don't worry. It will get better." Wen Xiaoyi also comforted.

Here is comforting, the helicopter in the sky has found a weak signal of not moving, and the observer on the plane synchronized the position of this signal to the computer of the searcher on the ground. And then these searchers start walking there.

"Hello? You mean you already have a seat?" Wen Xiaoyi asked the person on the phone in surprise.

"That's great, that's great." Wen Xiaoyi kept talking, and hung up the phone. Just as Wen Xiaoyi wanted to tell Zhou Yu, she found that Zhou Yu was either tired or fell asleep.

"This?" Wen Xiaoyi looked at the sleeping Zhou Yu and asked Hu Hu Luoluo, Hu Luoluo shook his head and said, "I guess I'm angry and anxious, and I'll be fine in a while."

According to the instructions on the computer, the rescuers arrived there quickly, and then found Wang Xing hanging on the branch.

Put Wang Xing from the branch to the ground, and then began to conduct a preliminary inspection. It turned out that Wang Xing did not have any serious problems, but was a little overly frightened.

Woke Wang Xing up, and then asked Wang Xing if he felt any discomfort, Wang Xing felt it, and said to the rescuers; "No, I don't feel anything.

Then the rescuers took Wang Xing out of the woods, and Zhou Yu, who was waiting for the news, saw that Wang Xing had returned in his original form, and they were all surprised and speechless.

Zhou Yu was naturally the happiest. She thought it was a hallucination, so she quickly twisted her arm and found it hurt, so she cheered.

Hu Luoluo called and asked everyone else to come back, while Wen Xiaoyi went to the rescuers to thank them.

Wang Xing and Zhou Yu also felt that it was thanks to the help of the rescuers that they were able to see each other again this time, so they also expressed their gratitude to them.

After sending the rescuers away, Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu, who had been searching in the woods for a long time, also came out, seeing that Wang Xing's clothes were neater than his own" couldn't help but smiled and shook his head again and again.

"Wang Xing, I knew you were fine." Leng Xiaodao gave Wang Xing a fist with a smile. .

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