Football Kung Fu Player

【409】Hit Wild Boar

Everyone waited for a while, and then heard a few busy footsteps from outside. Wang Xing looked outside and found that many waiters came in one after another carrying various large and small tableware.

Leng Xiaodao was a little puzzled, because he didn't know why there was such a grand place, why didn't he go through the back door or somewhere else, why did he have to always have the front door?

The answer was soon clear, and I saw the waiters walking towards Wang Xing's people with the tableware in their hands, and then opened the lid covering it, and immediately everyone saw the things on the table.

"What are these? Why haven't you seen them before?" Leng Xiaodao curiously picked up a piece of meat and looked at it carefully. He found that the skin on it was not from the livestock that he usually ate.

"These are some wild animals that were hunted in the wilderness. By the way, why don't you go hunting with me after dinner at the "Six Seven Seven" family. Of course, if you don't want to go, you can go to other places." George said .

"George, is there a real guy? I'm talking about guns, and Xiaodao asked curiously.

"Ah, you actually ask this question. In our country, basically every family has them, and mine has quite a few, too. Semi-automatic ones are basically available." George said modestly.

"Huh? Semi-automatic? Is there a fully automatic one?" Zhou Tian asked, copying his hands.

"It's not allowed, so I usually only have semi-automatic." George can see that he is a good man who abides by the law.

"Okay, otherwise, let's go hunting after dinner. Do the girls want to go?" Wu Yu asked the girls for their opinions.

"Our words..." Hu Luoluo glanced at the girls and found that their interest was not very high, so she said to Wu Yu: "We don't plan to go, we want to walk around after dinner, can you mr george?"

"Of course, this is very good, by the way, can you accompany Wendy?" George asked.

"As long as Wendy is willing, of course it's fine." Hu Luoluo replied with a smile.

"Then thank you." Wen Dai smiled and expressed her gratitude to Hu Luoluo.

Everyone told the waiters their favorite flavors, and then the waiters began to make meat food on the spot. When Wang Xing and the others arrived at the table, they found that there were already other small snacks on the table. Things, thinking about not eating for a long time, Wang Xing and the others started to pick up some snacks and started to eat. Before eating a few pieces, they saw the waiters walking over, smelling the delicious smell, Wang Xing I know it must be delicious.

Sure enough, after the waiters opened the lid, they saw the contents inside, a variety of cooked meats, and some small vegetables decorated with "It looks very real

You're welcome, I know you guys like to use chopsticks, so I've prepared chopsticks too, you can treat this place as your home, don't worry about those red tape rules...

"Oh, it's so hot, it burns my tongue." Leng Xiaodao smashed his mouth, and it could be seen that his indeterminate bite just now really burned his tongue.

Everyone looked towards Leng Xiaodao, Jiu saw that he was holding a large piece of meat with both hands and was chewing vigorously. Although his tongue was burned, it still did not stop him from continuing

George looked at Leng Xiaodao with a smile, said something great, then even threw away the knife and fork in his hand, picked up a piece of meat with both hands, and took a hard bite.

"Oh my god! I just realized now that it's a waste of time to play with the knife and fork when eating. It's the right way to eat it directly. Wow, it's great." George's mouth was full of oil, and his hands were also .

Seeing that the master's family was like this, Zhou Tian followed suit and picked up a piece of meat to eat, but it was just a few of them. Wu Yu and Hu Luoluo, Wang Xing and Zhou Yu had a clear division of labor for small meals. Chunks are cut and then fed to each other.

Wen Xiaoyi stared blankly at Wang Xing and Wu Yu, his eyes were full of envy, and he looked to the other side. Leng Xiaodao didn't think of his appearance at all at this time, so he sighed and said in his heart that it was true. People are more popular than people.

"Hey! I knew you would look at me like this. I've already cut it up for you. What do you think this piece looks like?" Leng Xiaodao suddenly put the silver plate in front of Wen Xiaoyi and said,

Wen Xiaoyi first looked curiously at Leng Xiaodao, whose hands were full of oil, and then looked into the silver plate. Suddenly, a sweetness flooded into his heart. It turned out that Leng Xiaodao actually cut the meat into a heart shape, and this is not over yet. , he cut two small characters on both sides of the heart shape with a knife

"Hey." Leng Xiaodao smiled foolishly, like a child.

Wen Xiaoyi twisted him in embarrassment, then took the tissue in her hand and wiped Leng Xiaodao.

Xiao Qingqing and Ah Miao feel rather boring, because no boys strike up a conversation with them, not because no one talks to them, but because no one gets close to them, and there are people not far away who keep throwing dog food , How can this make people eat.

Fortunately, this meal did not take too long, because George's people came to tell him that a wild boar appeared in the woods not far away. It was very big, and if possible, it was best to go there immediately.

As soon as he heard the big prey came, George was so excited that he ate a few bites in a hurry before thinking about picking up a shotgun to shoot wild boars.

"I will, I want to go too." As soon as Leng Xiaodao heard about this, he immediately yelled that he wanted to go too.

"Are you going too?" Zhou Tian wiped the oil on his hands and said, "I was still thinking about going."

"Let's go together, the girls just stay at home." Wang Xing said.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Wu Yu ate the meat that Hu Luoluo handed over, then stood up and said, "Let's go now?"

"Yes, right now." Leng Xiaodao felt eager to try.

"Okay, Heb, because Curry is bringing some 4.2s." George said to the butler outside the door.

"Good sir."

"Then let's wait in the car outside, the guy will be shipped soon." George explained with a smile.

Leng Xiaodao kept nodding, thinking that he would be able to see the real gun soon, he couldn't help rubbing his hands.

"Xiaodao, look at your prospects, be careful, even though I am also nervous." Zhou Tian said with a smile.

"That's right, you're also nervous, Wang Xing, how about you?" Lian Xiaodao asked Wang Xing.

Wang Xing shook his head and said: "Why am I nervous, I don't hold a gun, I just watch you guys fight."

"So that's the case, no wonder." Leng Xiaodao nodded and smiled, then stopped talking.

Everyone followed George into the car, and then began to drive towards the woods. .

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