Football Kung Fu Player

【412】The Wild Boars Are All Solved

"Sure enough, he's still alive." Wang Xing was shocked, and then began to approach George's direction again, but soon, he saw the muzzle of the gun in George's hand burst into flames again, and then the gun The sound sounded, and the bullet went towards the big wild boar again.

"Pfft!" An extremely dull voice sounded, no need to ask, it must be that the big wild boar was hit again, but just in case, Zhou Tian and Wang Xing didn't have time to look behind, and just ran forward frantically.

"I hit should be." George felt that his shot must have hit the big wild boar's neck, so he started to walk towards the big wild boar. Wang Xing saw that George turned to him in the opposite direction. Walking on the road, he quickly reminded him not to do this, go back quickly, and see if the big wild boar is dead later.

George smiled and shook his head, picked up the gun in his hand, and then slowly moved towards the direction of the big wild boar. Although he knew that he should not be wrong, but who knows whether the big wild boar will bite himself before dying One bite.

Finally, when George came to the big wild boar, he saw a two-meter-long fat boar lying on its side on the ground, with a bullet hole in its belly and a bullet hole in its neck. Although the two bullet holes were the same size, the amount of blood It's different, you can tell at a glance that the wound at 233 on Bo's neck is the most fatal, because until now, blood is still flowing from that wound

George pointed the muzzle of the gun at the big wild boar on the ground, and found that it was completely dead, so he was relieved, and then said to Hebo through the walkie-talkie; "Call more than a dozen people to find out that the wild boar has been shot to death."

Uncle Hei nodded in agreement, and then began to send signals to his subordinates. Only then did Wang Xing and the others know that they didn't have to run away, because the big wild boar had already been killed.

"Wang Xing, go and see it, it's a big wild boar, I'll pass it." Leng Lie looked at the screen in the car, but because there was no threat, he picked up the walkie-talkie and started running directly into the woods, He wanted to see the real face of the big wild boar.

But at this moment, two rustling sounds suddenly appeared from the woods on the left, mixed with moaning and chirping sounds.

Leng Xiaodao, who had stayed in a place where pigs were raised, immediately felt that something was wrong when he heard this sound. When he listened carefully, his hairs immediately stood on end, and he immediately thought that it was broken. This is from the family of the big wild boar (cfbh) up.

Thinking of having a walkie-talkie in his hand, he hurriedly reported the situation to Wang Xing, and then he started running in the direction of going back.

Wang Xing and others who heard the news didn't react for a while, wondering if such a thing would happen, could it be that there is really this family of big wild boars nearby?

"Everyone, hurry up and find a safe place. If what Xiaodao said is true, then those wild boars are heading here. Everyone quickly pick up your guns, aim around, and shoot if there is any movement." George Said.

"Okay!" Wang Xing and the others agreed to come down, then leaned their backs behind a pile of rocks, and began to look into the woods around the big wild boar.

After about two minutes of groping, Wang Xing heard the sound of footsteps coming from far and near. No need to ask, it must be wild boars, and the number of them is not small.

"This, many do you have to have? Why do I think there must be a group." Zhou Tian listened attentively, and then said.

"Never mind how many will come, let's hurry up and do our job, as soon as we find a wild boar, we will shoot. Does your gun have enough bullets?" Wang Xing asked.

"I don't know, the main reason is that I don't know how many wild boars there are. If there are only a few wild boars, then it is enough, but if there are a group, there is no way." Wu Yu said.

George didn't speak all the time, he was listening carefully to the movement of the woods over there, trying to figure out how many wild boars would come running from it.

After listening for a while, George breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and said to Wang Xing and the others: "It's okay, there are only three of them, and we have enough bullets."

"You can hear this? It's amazing." Leng Xiaodao in the car said in admiration.

"That's natural. I have been hunting around since I was a child, and my parents taught me the skill of listening." George said with a smile.

A few people were chatting, and suddenly, they saw a wild boar the same size as the one killed by George running out from the opposite place, yelling and ran to the wild boar that was killed, After seeing the wild boars on the ground, they began to arch, let the ones on the ground get up first, but how could the dead ones move? The big wild boar that just arrived seemed to have noticed something, and after barking a few times, it started to move. Looking around, he soon found Wang Xing and the others hiding not far away.

The big wild boar grunted, and then started to run towards Wang Xing and the others. After running for a while, two more wild boars emerged from the woods behind them, but these two wild boars were about the same size. Much smaller.

"My God, this really is a family, but I don't know if it's the father or the mother who was killed." Leng Xiaodao said blankly.

Is there any difference? Don't talk, let us aim carefully, otherwise, Shi Yu will have to let them eat us all. Zhou Tian said, aiming at the head of the big wild boar in front of him.

"Hit the big one first, and hit the small one last." George said to those around him.

"Understood." Wang Xing and the others agreed, and then began to shoot at the big wild boar ahead.

"Bang bang bang!" The three bullets shot out and directly hit the head of the big wild boar in front of it. The big wild boar's head couldn't stand the three bullets shooting at the same time, and it burst open immediately. The three of Wang Xing looked at it, Immediately, I knew I had hit the shot, and just when I wanted to celebrate happily, I suddenly remembered that there were two wild boars from the small shop following closely behind, but after the first shot, I needed to pull the bolt. When the bolt is pulled and fired, it is estimated that there will not be enough time.

And at this critical moment, George showed the strength of a real shooter, because he hadn't shot the big wild boar before, so now he has time to shoot at the smaller wild boar, and after hitting one of them After a small wild boar, he pulled the bolt again extremely skillfully, and then fired a second shot.

"Bang! Bang!" Two bullets were fired, and they all hit the target. The two smaller wild boars fell to the ground almost at the same time, twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

"Is it over?" Leng Xiaodao looked at the three wild boars in front of everyone and muttered to himself. .

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