Football Kung Fu Player

【89】Let The Japanese See! 【3 More】

In the evening, Wang Xing finished his meal and was about to go to the dormitory to rest, but Director Yu walked to Wang Xing's side with a livid face.

Mr. Chen looked at Director Yu with some surprise: "Little, what's wrong?"

"The Japanese lodged a complaint with the Arbitration Office of the Asian Organizing Committee. It was about Wang Xing breaking 7 Asian records in 7 games!"

Director Yu said angrily: "The Japanese are doing everything they can. Yesterday they used media fishing boats to influence Wang Xing's state. Today... they did something like this!"

"What does the Asian organizing committee say?"

Old Chen's face was also a little dignified.

Director Yu sighed and said, "The General Administration of Sports has negotiated with them, and the Asian Organizing Committee also expressed that they will conduct a blood test on Wang Xing!"


Chen Lao slapped his chopsticks on the table, and he was a little furious: "Why do you only conduct a blood test on Wang Xing alone? Is there no problem with the Japanese?!"

"Japanese track and field athletes have all accepted the blood test of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Asian Organizing Committee..."

Director Yu was helpless, but Wang Xing at the side understood a little bit, he stood up and said, "Then I'll go for random checks, do I just need to draw blood?"

"Nonsense, sit down for me!"

Mr. Chen gave Wang Xing a glance: "You think the blood test is so simple?"

Wang Xing looked confused, could it be that there is some kind of conspiracy involved?!

Blood test, that is, blood test, refers to taking a certain amount of blood from the athlete's body according to certain procedures and requirements, testing and analyzing it [and then judging whether the athlete has used the excitement map.

This is an anti-doping measure of last resort.

It is also the last step.

Generally speaking, athletes only need to hand over a urine sample to the competition before participating in the competition.

This is the so-called "urine test"!

With this urine sample, it can be tested to determine whether the athlete used the excitogram.

Why can you tell whether an athlete has used doping through urine?

The principle is simple.

After the human body takes or injects drugs, these drugs and their metabolites will more or less appear in the urine within a certain period of time, and these drugs can be detected by quantitative and qualitative testing of the athletes' urine. Whether the athlete has used doping.

And Wang Xing will go to the checkpoint to take a urine sample test before each game, in order to keep it for future use.

The inspectors will put the collected urine samples into two urine collection bottles, A and B respectively.

Bottle A was used for the test, and bottle B was sealed in a special refrigerator for use.

When the staff finds out that bottle A is positive, they will report the result to the relevant Doping Supervision Committee, which will then notify the athlete's delegation and ask the athlete to make a medication statement.

In addition, under the supervision of relevant parties, the testing personnel opened the bottle B of urine samples for re-examination.

If the results of the two bottles of urine samples A and B are the same, then sorry, the athlete has won the bid.

The testing party will report to the higher-level leading agency to decide how to deal with the athletes.

Nowadays, urine testing uses the latest high-resolution mass spectrometer, which has made a new leap and development in detection technology.

According to the regulations of the International Olympic Committee, since 1997, the precision of detection has increased from 10 nanograms per milliliter to 12 nanograms per milliliter, and the sensitivity has increased by 510 times.

This is like adding a small spoonful of sugar to a standard swimming pool of 25 x 50 square meters. In the past, the sugar content can be measured correctly. Now 5-10 standard swimming pools are filled with water, and the same can be measured by adding a small spoonful of sugar. .

In the past, what could not be found out two weeks after stopping the doping, now even if the interval is two months, it is difficult to escape the high-tech law.

However, technology is changing with each passing day.

The doping and anti-doping technologies are two processes of constant pursuit.

Many scientific research institutions are researching doping agents that can evade the detection of this high-resolution mass spectrometer; while the Anti-Doping Alliance requires countless scientific research institutions around the world to create high-tech drugs that make doping invisible. instrument.

These are two areas of constant competition. Today, the United States, Russia, and China are undoubtedly in the most powerful field of stimulants.

Many stimulants, even with the most advanced high-resolution mass spectrometers, still cannot detect whether athletes have taken them or not. Such as peptides, hormones and similar products such as erythropoietin (EPO), human growth hormone (hGH), etc.

Moreover, the cost of developing instruments is countless times higher than the cost of developing stimulants... So what should we do?

The Anti-Doping Alliance had no choice but to shift the detection direction to other substances.

No urine, just blood!

As long as an athlete uses a stimulant, it must be transported together with nutrients and other metabolites to various organs and tissue cells in the body with blood as a carrier, and play its role.

At this time, as long as the blood is tested, the evidence of doping can be "caught" in a timely and accurate manner.

What is particularly prominent is that some illicit drugs are currently difficult to detect in urine tests, but there is no problem with the blood.

"This blood test is a very powerful detection method... Many athletes, even if they have not taken doping drugs, may win the bid if they don't pay attention to their diet or drink some water indiscriminately!

Old Chen said with a serious face: "What's more frightening is that many countries will engage in tricks to ingest doping substances in water or food during the diet of other athletes!

"No way? Don't we all eat in our own territory?"

Wang Xing looked at the hotel restaurant. This is a hotel run by people from the Chinese dynasty...... In terms of safety, there must be no problem.

"Who can know?"

Mr. Chen was also very depressed (decided by Li): "So..... If you can't get tested, try not to go.... Let's see the interference from the General Administration of Sports, but... Any one of your 7 Asian records will cause suspicion... I just hope that the blood test can be delayed until the end of the finals tomorrow, so that even if there is a problem, we can suppress the fishing reel, You can spread the news of your championship to the country in advance, and the news will only show that you won the gold medal..."

"Old Chen, I don't want to do this!"

Before Mr. Chen finished speaking, Wang Xing stood up directly and refused: "I am not afraid of shadows slanting, I, Wang Xing, am not afraid of these conspiracies, since the Japanese want to be tested, then I will test them. ...I just want to prove to them that I broke the Asian record by relying on my own strength and my own talent!"

Then, Wang Xing said directly to Director Yu: "Director Yu, take me there... It's best, let the Japanese see it for themselves!".

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