The 41st minute of the game.

While the commentators were chatting, Oscar advanced with the ball at high speed, and at the moment when Zheng Lin was about to catch up, he kicked straight forward.

The football was delivered to the foot of Eden Hazard on the left.

Facing Demichelis, who was approaching, he pulled and followed by a small acceleration, and he went directly to the bottom line.

And Remy also followed at this time.

When Eden Hazard knocked back to Remy, Demichelis had already shown a defensive gap here.

Remy also seized this opportunity and shot directly through Joe Hart's ten fingers.

The goal was Eden Hazard's use of his individual abilities to create space for his teammates to complete the lead-up goal.


The game resumes.

After Manchester City's kick-off, they were not in a hurry to attack, and they pressed in an orderly manner under the coordination of Zheng Lin and David Silva.

In the short time remained, Nemanja Matic did not let his guard down, because he knew that you must deal with it carefully before everything is settled.

This is his experience, but he can only do his own thing, and he can't say anything about the somewhat lax Oscar and Hazard, because everyone's experience is different, and their judgment is different.

This moment was also just as Matic expected.

After Zheng Lin made a wall collision with David Silva, he stepped forward at high speed, looking like he wanted to be the finisher of this attack.

But is that really the case?

Nemanja Matic was pulled away by Zheng Lin's run, leaving Ramirez an experienced veteran, not to mention Terry, who sat behind him.

After all, John Terry is at the back, so it means nothing to Chelsea!

For such a situation, Zheng Lin also knew that his first reaction was to skim over from Terry's left side, and if he covered up, David's pass could be transmitted to himself in the first place.

But reality forced Zheng Lin to change that idea.

Terry's solid card position caused Zheng Lin to deflect the course during the march, which also forced Zheng Lin to give up the idea of his main attack.

David Silva also noticed Zheng Lin's situation at this time, and after he dexterously dangled the ball past Ramirez, he sent the ball in the direction of Zheng Lin with a short pass.

[This is?] Zheng

Lin Yuguang saw Aguero's location, and he immediately had a plan.

After receiving the ball, he made a fake shot that made Terry stick out his foot to stop it, which was an instinctive action of Terry's body.

And after Zheng Lin smashed the ball at this point in time, he passed the ball diagonally with his left foot.

After Aguero received a pass from Zheng Lin sideways, he hit the goal without any adjustment.


"In the 45th minute of the game, Sergio Aguero equalised for Manchester City!"

"The assist was given by Zheng Lin, a young player who has only experienced one win, one draw and one defeat in the three league rounds in which the youngster has been absent, and all three results have been tasted, and it is precisely because of this that Manchester City are still behind Chelsea in points at this time, and they have only experienced the top position in the league in one round."

"But this focus fight, they still have half time, which means they still have a chance to fight."

With Sergio Aguero's goal, which amounted to a whistle, City equalised in the first half.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again.

After Manchester City's kick-off, they quickly returned the pass backwards, because they noticed Chelsea's defensive contraction, leaving only Remy and Eden Hazard to harass in front of them, this gesture is to show that they are not unacceptable for this result, everyone is taking a point, I still have 3 points more than you!

Pellegrini, who is also worried about the championship, has a dark face, which is a bit surprising to him, but it is also reasonable, if it were him, he would also choose to defend to attract Manchester City to attack, and then play counterattack, so it is almost a sure profit.

But this result is not very acceptable for Manchester City, and the draw result for Manchester City, if this point difference can be solved in this game, then it will be in a relatively good position for their subsequent competition.

In order to take the initiative in the subsequent competition, this game is bound to be won!

In the continuous pressing by Chelsea, Manchester City increased the speed of the ball, and it was at this time that Zheng Lin received a pass from behind him, and he quickly advanced.

This push was expected by Chelsea, and at half-time, Mourinho told him to stabilize the defense, the draw is acceptable, we have to drag them with a solid defense, force them to make mistakes, and then try to win the game!

Watching Chelsea's defenders hold their positions, Zheng Lin knows that it is impossible to tear apart their defences by running alone.

Zheng Lin in the process of propulsion, relying on the auxiliary function given by the system, he noticed the position of Keylor Keylor, a place that is not too dangerous for Chelsea, and the position of David Silva on the other side is stared at to death!

As for Aguero in the middle, that's not to mention, there are always people on his side.

Facing Mamanity, who was defending with the ball, Zheng Lin went straight past Nemanja after wearing a crotch.

But Nemanja Matic's excellent defensive awareness allowed him to catch up quickly.

And Zheng Lin did not give Matic a chance to catch up, he directly kicked the ball on the outside instep, and the football cut a beautiful arc between Cesar Azpilicueta and Terry.

Keylor Keylor Navas snatched the ball in front of Cesar Azpilicueta and was slightly downwind in the body collision, while John Terry blocked his shot.

Navas saw Aguero's position and opted for an inverted triangle pass.

Aguero didn't make any adjustments after receiving the ball and shot straight at goal.

The football eventually hit Zuma, who came in to the defense, and the football was refracted.

He was freed by Ramirez's big feet who followed.


Five minutes later, Manchester City made a comeback.

During the advance, Zheng Lin observed the route of David Silva's running, and although it may deviate from the actual situation, Zheng Lin knew very well that after Navas on the right was followed by Azpilicueta, then he had few options!

Only David Silva and Aguero remain, in contrast, Aguero has a little more defensive players around him, but David Silva also has a lot of players.

For Mourinho's defensive arrangement, Zheng Lin just wants to say: Big guy, you are awesome, little brother admires!

But the matter is man-made, Aguero, who is facing the defensive player, also has an idea, and after he and Zheng Lin look at each other, he also understood each other's thoughts in seconds.

His move towards Zheng Lin made Terry command Ramirez to follow, because if he went up, then he would leave a gap in the penalty area!

In this regard, he can only let the two who serve as the back to follow.

Terry's strength is the ability to defend head-on, and once it comes to chasing in speed, then he doesn't look good!

Seeing that Terry did not move, Zheng Lin also moved, rather than sitting still, it was better to take the initiative to attack.

After Zheng Lin made a croquette, he passed Ramirez and came with a very risky pass.

High returns and high risks coexist, so Zheng Lin chose to send out the pass to stick to the side of central defender Zuma.

He was betting that Zuma would not be able to react quickly.

But the result was also within his expectations.

Zuma blocked the pass with his foot and the football hit him in the leg and was bounced off.

Zuma's big foot unloaded on his chest and went out.

This was a failure for Manchester City's attack.

Although the momentum was played, it didn't really affect Chelsea's strategy to change, and they still stuck to their small area defense to ensure that there were no leaks.


The 63rd minute of the match.

Nemanja Matic intercepted Zheng Lin's pass with Keylor Keylor Navas, and he kicked the ball forward.

Remy, who had been in City's backline, headed the ball.

This situation is a little surprising, but not very surprising, because such a situation has been discovered before.

Remy stopped the ball and observed City's defensive tendencies, and he crossed diagonally directly to Eden Hazard on the left side of front.

After Hazard received the ball, after a feint, he broke through towards Musa Sissoko on the right side, which allowed Musa Sissoko to regain his stature after a stumble to chase Hazard.

At this time, the king of Zaqiu, who is in his early 20s, is it so easy to deal with?

In the process of advancing, he also noticed Remy, who had re-entered the center, and Oscar was already behind him.

After a little thought, he had an idea.

In the process of advancing, Eden Hazard kicked an arcing ball, which was a cross!

Apparently this is to give Remy in the middle a chance for the Oscars behind him.

Fortunately, Remy really gave it, and this wave he once again pressed Kompany to the ball.

He chose a swing when he hit the ball, which was a chance for Oscar behind him to shoot straight on goal.

"Oscar received a header from Remy and he shot straight at goal!"

"The ball flew into the stands with the crossbar, and judging by the way Oscar held his head in his hands, how much he was annoyed!"

Chelsea's attack also flew off.

There were decisive passes from both sides to the 70th minute of the second half, but the final kick was deviated, either flying, rubbing the pole out of bounds, or directly to the goalkeeper.

In the 76th minute, Zheng Lin advanced and suddenly fired a cold arrow, but the position was correct, but the force was a little great, and finally the football crossed the crossbar and flew directly to the stands.

For this result, Zheng Lin exhaled heavily.


The second half ended in 48 minutes, with the two sides attacking each other but not scoring a goal.

This is one of the reasons why they can only shake hands and make peace.

With the whistle blowing, Chelsea retained their advantage, which also gave them the initiative in the following games.

3 points.

This is for Manchester City to maintain their form in the future, otherwise there is a real possibility that the chain will suddenly drop.

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