Manchester City lost after a brutal penalty shoot-out.

But this wave of penalties is not so easy to pass.

Not to mention the player's thoughts, simple media people will not easily miss this opportunity, even if Zheng Lin scored the first penalty.

But he missed a crucial penalty.

In their opinion, if it had been replaced by Sergio Aguero, that penalty would still have been scored.

It's all on top of that one if.

For the penalty that Zheng Lin wanted to go over, since he scored, Aguero was not very angry.

For him, as long as the ball goes in, then it is not a problem.

However, he still had some small chagrin in his heart, why Zheng Lin failed to score the last penalty.

If you want to say that let him fall into the well and say Zheng Lin, he can't do it, because he also likes this younger brother very much, and under normal circumstances, he is not competitive.

However, they clearly underestimate the shamelessness of some media professionals.

The next day's front-page headlines were already on the headlines.

[There was a huge conflict in the Manchester City dressing room, and Zheng Lin and Aguero fought fiercely for penalties on the field! ]

[Zheng Lin or Aguero is bound to have one side leave Manchester in the summer window. 【Zheng

Lin will become the core of Manchester City's future! 】

[Does the loss of Sergio Aguero's penalty mean he will leave Manchester City? 】


When these "bells and whistles" news dominated the headlines, they realized the problem.

These guys are obviously going to influence the Manchester City dressing room.

Plus at this time, Fernando, the most restless in the locker room, jumped out.

"That is, Manchester City is the club's habit, a young man will go to grab the core of the team penalty?

If this were to be in other teams, it is estimated that the cold bench would be worn through! "

Fernando's statement makes people think that this guy is crazy, if Manchester City really want to pursue it, you are afraid that you yourself will not be sitting on the bench!"

Although Fernando jumped out, it didn't make any waves, just added a touch of material to other melon-eating situations.

They were more concerned about the statements of the two parties.

Although their claims may be the result of Manchester City's behind-the-scenes operations, the change in expression on the face cannot be hidden.

After half a day, the party Aguero first came forward to say this.

"What did you think when Zheng Lin grabbed that penalty? I see that you were obviously stunned at that time! The

reporter's question made Aguero couldn't help but hold his forehead, and to be honest at that time, he was indeed confused by Zheng Lin's actions.

"There is no idea, Zheng Lin can make a penalty, that's enough, he's my favorite brother, it's just a penalty."

It's clear that Aguero just wants to make things stop there, but the "black-hearted" media people are not willing to give up this opportunity.

In order to dig up a big news, they will "not be ashamed to ask".

"Isn't that very unhappy with his final penalty?"

Although Aguero has seen these shameless reporters, these guys really have to step in, and they look like they will not give up if they do not achieve their goals, which really makes people feel disgusting!

For such words, he didn't intend to pay attention to them, if it weren't for watching this guy's words get more and more outrageous, he wouldn't want to come out and say something!


Zheng Lin on this side was still in that state of loss, informing himself very clearly that he wanted to come out, but he was a little powerless.

Some things are not something you can do well if you want him to do it, but need someone to pull you at the right time.

Tomorrow at home to West Bromwich Brom, although a downstream team, how many of the Premier League players will be simple?

So it's imperative to face it.

The phone that suddenly rang, Zheng Lin very consciously connected.

"Lin, it's time to get up, right?"

The gentle voice on the other end of the phone made Zheng Lin answer a little choked.

Listening to Zheng Lin's slightly crying voice, she also felt sorry for her boy.

In the most critical game, he missed the goal that determined the victory, self-blame is inevitable, when Zheng Lin looked confused from the camera, she guessed that he might not be able to walk out for a while!

It's normal if you can't get out, I'm afraid that he will suddenly take a "crooked road", which is the most headache.

"It's okay, isn't it just a game? Wouldn't it be nice if we took it back later! Looking

at the smiling girl on the other side of the video, Zheng Lin tried hard to adjust his situation, but the tears still couldn't be stopped, and they flowed loudly.

"If only you wanted to cry!"

Instead of holding this situation in your heart, it is better to cry loudly and release the pressure in your heart.

After a few minutes, Zheng Lin eased down, looking at the girl's soft gaze, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't feel embarrassed, we are a family, it's better to cry in front of our family than outside!"


Looking at Zheng Lin, who had regained his strength, Li Ruobai knew very well that this was just a statement, and the real heart knot needed to come out by himself.

If you really lose the final because of a penalty, it is not for nothing, but people will show better performances in the follow-up to prove themselves.

So the next step is to see Zheng Lin's own performance!

After crying, Zheng Lin's heart also became peaceful.

Before receiving Li Ruobai's call, he once thought that he had reached a low point, and he would face countless insults and accusations of losing.

"I'm much better now, thank you!"

"Thank you what, aren't you almost over the game? I haven't yet, I still have to go around to publicize, I'm so tired!

Li Ruobai's delicate little face quickly switched to an unhappy look, and that speed made Zheng Lin also raise a smile on his face.

Zheng Lin wiped his face again, and his tone became the same as usual, "Okay, after it's over, I'll go find you right away!"

"That's pretty much it!"

The two then began to talk intimately, and the atmosphere in the room became joyful for a while.


It was indeed a little disappointing that he did not advance to the next round, but Pellegrini had a new understanding of Zheng Lin.

For Aguero's penalty, the responsibility can actually be placed on him, because he has not clearly identified a penalty taker.

If there is no penalty taker, it means that anyone can take the penalty.

As for whether the penalty will cause contradiction, this is possible, but he is more worried about whether the penalty that determines the relationship between the winner and the loser will affect Zheng Lin.

If so, then it won't be too good for the next nine rounds of the league.

In this way, the midfield has one less threatening point, and then the control of the midfield is weakened.

The next nine rounds of league are crucial for Manchester City, even as they pocket half of the trophy to Chelsea.

If they lose one or two of those games next, City will be second to keep their Champions League place.

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