The short offseason did not allow Zheng Lin to improve much.

Simply from the panel, Zheng Lin has only increased his experience by about 5%.

But for Zheng Lin, the most important thing is that he was able to visit his girlfriend's parents, and the rest is a little bad about the club.

For such a thing, Zheng Lin's policy is to ignore it, and since the club has not been able to give a reasonable explanation, then he is not in a hurry to negotiate this contract.

Anyway, it's not bad money, then drag it first!

On the question of colour and ethnicity, this is the second time he's had it, the first time against Tottenham last season, and this time at the transfer fee, which feels bad.

For Zheng Lin, what can skin color represent?

Is it superior?

No, skin color does not give people any advantages, your advantage can only be the ability in your brain, as for their so-called color blood superiority.

Here in Zheng Lin, it is bullshit, and he believes in the ancient saying of the Dragon Kingdom: Wang Hou will have a kind of Xiangning!

So he will write down a small notebook for these guys who think highly of themselves, and when he has the opportunity to complete this counterattack, he will prove what kind of player he really is.

These are all problems on the pitch, so then fight them back with goals on the pitch!

Saying goodbye to his girlfriend, Zheng Lin has embarked on the return journey, and the anger he accumulated in the summer will be on it, as well as some run-in with his new teammates.


After returning to the team, Zheng Lin did not see De Bruyne, listening to Pellegrini's meaning, he will not return to the team until September, which is a bit surprising, but since there are things going on, Zheng Lin will face the "happy boy" Sterling.

For this big brother, Zheng Lin's mind is full of some spitting cake pictures, which is for Zheng Lin, if such pictures happen often, it is indeed enough headache!

However, it was soon experienced in the first round of the league.

The first round of the league was away to West Brom.

West Brom, playing at home, is still the main 442 formation;

[Forwards: Bellahino, Lambert

Midfielders: McLean, James Morrison, Fletcher, Craig Gardner

Defense: Brent, Lescot, Craig Dawson, Chester

Goalkeeper: Mercier

Coach: Pulis


and Manchester City replaced the newcomers they bought in the summer window;

[Forwards: Boni

up front: Sterling, David Silva, Zheng Lin

: Fernandinho, Moussa Sissoko

Defense: Kolarov, Mangara, Kompany, Sania

goalkeeper: Joe Hart

substitutes: Aguero, Demichelis, etc.]

When referee Mike Dean's whistle sounded at Hawthorn Stadium.

The game officially began, and Manchester City, who played away from home, chose to take the lead.

With the kick-off of center Boni, Sterling and Zheng Lin on both wings quickly inserted, and combined with Boni's standing behind West Brom's double midfield, which made West Brom's midfielders a little uncomfortable.

The game is like that, the more you have to make the opponent uncomfortable, your tactics, your position is the success.

David Silva noticed that Zheng Lin was already behind Maclean, and he sent the ball straight away.

The football led Zheng Lin to continue to move forward.

As he advanced, Brent at the fullback could not sit still, if he leaked people again, it would be directly pierced through the gate!

Zheng Lin swung the ball past Brent and pushed directly towards the bottom line.

At this point, he also noticed that West Brom's entire back line was retreating towards the box, and he also noticed Boni, this guy is here to replace Dzeko, so now is his chance.

Zheng Lin paused, and at the same time as Brent pounced, he kicked an arc cross, which was ready to find Boni directly.

"Wilfried Boni, header on goal!"

The commentator was a little surprised, isn't this Manchester City's offensive a little too fast! What and when, there was already the first kick?

"It's a great pass, but West Brom's goalkeeper Mercier said it's too early for you to break through my guard so quickly!"

"It's a goalball, Mercier held the ball slowly, he wanted to press the rhythm."

Indeed, this is not a hurry, especially when he is still looking around Raheem Sterling, a "loyal" fan of happy football, and some of his choices are not so simple!

The goal kick was opened and West Brom did not take possession.

Manchester City is back, and if they don't get an overwhelming advantage for a team that plays such a "crane tail", then they don't have to play!

Manchester City, which has resumed its attack, is mainly commanded by David Silva, whose choice is far more stable than Zheng Lin.

Sterling's running position can only be described in two words, and that is top.

Not the same as the position chosen by Zheng Lin is that Sterling's position is more able to threaten West Brom's goal, and Boni in the center sits, which puts West Brom's central defender in a very difficult choice, once Boni is left alone, then this lethality is not comparable to wing Sterling.

It is said here that although Sterling's shot is a bit watery, he is not unable to complete the goal.

Now that this time has come, you can only bet on him once, and Craig Dawson believes that his luck will not be too bad! His choice remains focused on Boni's side, as he does not believe that Sterling can seal his throat with a sword.

It is impossible to guess the opponent's mind, but David Silva's choice is who is in the better position, then who will complete the final kick.

The current position is more threatening is Sterling, and his choice is naturally him.

But the end result is a real headache!

With David Silva picking out a pass to Boni, Boni defended with Craig Dawson and passed the ball with one heel, typically feeding Sterling bread.

As long as Raheem Sterling keeps up, then he can get the assist for the goal, but it is gone.

"Rahim Sterling, he kicked..." The

voice stopped abruptly, and everyone did not expect that the ball that was almost empty, he actually flew, and it was still a very outrageous kind.

For such a situation, Zheng Lin couldn't help but shake his head, this is simply nobody.

He had the illusion that this would happen many times in the future.

I'm afraid this guy's happy football is built on the situation that others are unhappy!

Failed to score, Zheng Lin directly retreated quickly, and he was the first to retreat when there was a certain distance from the penalty area, after all, the goal did not happen, then it was necessary to ensure that the lost goal would not appear!

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