Winning seven consecutive league games!

Seven games, one goal and 15 assists!

Able to steadily create at least two goals per game!

Ling Feng's performance today can be said to have stunned the media and fans of the Premier League!

And Ling Feng also ranked first in the Premier League assists list with an outrageous performance of 15 assists!

Before the start of the season, although Ling Feng's performance was very outstanding and excellent, some people still had a certain degree of doubt about him.

They always felt that although his assist data was outrageous, it was only a flash in the pan.

After all, there are some professional players who get into the state very quickly before the start of the season and can play amazingly on the court.

But as the schedule progresses , this very ideal competitive state is difficult to maintain for a long time!

Although Ling Feng had already occupied the top spot in the Premier League assists list with his outstanding personal data before the start of the season, some people still think that Ling Feng's dominance at the top of the assists list should not last long!

But now that seven rounds of the league have passed, this voice of doubt can be said to be getting smaller and smaller!

After 7 games, he can still maintain the ability to create more than two goals per game.

This is absolutely unique and extremely rare personal data!

At this time, if you say that Ling Feng relies on temporary luck and short-lived performance, it would be too brainless!

After all, 7 league games account for nearly one-fifth of the entire season!

If it is really a good state before the start of the season, then the player's strength should have been revealed long ago!

On Ling Feng's side, not only can he continue to maintain an amazing level in personal data, but his performance on the field is also more surprising than the other!

This also makes people feel that Ling Feng's ability to come up with such an outrageous performance is not an accidental"177".

It is a necessity of his extremely amazing talent and strength!

And now a topic that the Premier League media is talking about is that the league has only been played for seven rounds.

But Ling Feng seems to have a tendency to lock in the Premier League assist king this season!

Because in a horizontal comparison, in the past few Premier League seasons, after the end of the season, the players who can get the Premier League assist king, their assist data is about 15 times!

Last season, David Silva, a Manchester City player who won the Premier League assists title, had 17 assists after the league ended.

This data is also the highest number of assists for the Premier League assists title in the past 10 years.

If this data is used as a reference, Ling Feng only needs to complete two assists in the next 31 Premier League rounds.

He can basically lock in the assists title of this season!

This analysis looks a bit funny!

After all, Ling Feng now has the ability to create assists twice per game!

And completing two assists in more than 30 rounds of games is not something you can do casually with your eyes closed!

But behind this somewhat funny analysis, it makes people feel more terrified about Ling Feng's strength!

In 7 games, he has almost completed the number of assists that many top Premier League players have in a season!

And this is Ling Feng's first season in the Premier League in his personal career!

At a young age, he has played out the peak season data of many top players!

How can such a Ling Feng not amaze the Premier League media?!

In fact, if you don't compare it with the assists king data of the past few seasons.

Compared with other top midfielders in the Premier League this season, we can also see the huge gap between Ling Feng and others!

The data on the assist list shows that it is quite clear at a glance.

Ling Feng ranks first in the assist list with 15 assists.

If you turn your attention to the second place in the assist list, you will find that the assist number of the second place in the assist list has dropped drastically!

The second place is the assist king of the Premier League last season.

David Silva, the core midfielder from Manchester City!

He contributed 5 assists in 7 league games this season.

And Manchester City is still on the standings, tied with Leicester City with 7 consecutive wins!

5 assists in 7 games.

This is actually David Silva, who has played the best data in the first seven rounds of the league in his career!

And this data is also the existence that many professional midfielders look up to!

Even if Ling Feng did not exist, David Silva would still be the biggest favorite for this year's Premier League assist king!

But it's a pity.

The appearance of Ling Feng may make his chances of winning the honor of assist king again become very slim!

David Silva, who ranked second in the assist list, had 5 assists.

Tied for third place were Tottenham's midfield core Eriksson and Manchester City's rising star De Bruyne!

But their assists were only 4!

And the assist numbers outside the top three in the assist list are even more needless to say.

But those who accomplished all this were all Premier League stars with extraordinary strength.

Looking down the assist list, the more you look, the more you can deeply feel the outrageous degree of Ling Feng's assist efficiency!

It even gives people a very strong feeling.

Ling Feng seems to be completely not in the same level of strength as these Premier League stars on the list!

On ESPN Sports, in the show of ace commentator Chaplin, he analyzed and commented on the situation that Ling Feng was completely slaughtered in the Premier League assist list in the seventh round of the league!

"We may be witnessing history right now!"

"A history that is likely to be unprecedented and unparalleled in the history of the Premier League!"

"In seven rounds, he made 15 assists! I don't know what words to use to describe this 18-year-old genius from Dragon Country!"

"There is no need to say much about Ling Feng's personal strength. He has demonstrated it to the fullest in the Chelsea game!"

"If there are any fans around you who still have doubts about Ling Feng's ability"

"Then I suggest you stay away from him, because this person is not honest and even a little stupid!"

"The current Premier League season assist record is 25 times, which is an amazing number"

"Maybe in the past, I would have thought it would be difficult for anyone to touch this record again!"

"But this season seems to be completely different, the appearance of Ling Feng shows this possibility!"

"If Ling Feng continues to perform at his current assist efficiency,"

"Then Ling Feng can not only break this record that has been untouched for a hundred years in the history of the Premier League!"

"He can even refresh and improve this record to an amazing level!"

"After all, according to Ling Feng's current efficiency, breaking the number of 25 assists"

"It is very likely that only half of the league schedule will be enough!"

"Now when I say this, I am still very excited inside!"

"Because I and the fans are really witnessing the birth of a football genius!"

As a top commentator in the Premier League, Chaplin

's TV program has always been known for its professionalism and rigor.

Sometimes when commenting on a player,

Chaplin will not only praise the player's strengths, but will also point out without hesitation that the player has some aspects that need improvement!

But for Ling Feng,

Chaplin, who has always been rigorous, seems to be unable to find any shortcomings in Ling Feng!

For what Ling Feng gave, there are only various praises and amazement!

Chaplin's TV program has a great influence.

Everyone was originally amazed at Leicester City's just 7 consecutive league wins.

And now Chaplin's program has once again drawn the fans' attention to the Premier League's assists list!

Premier League fans had no idea before. They only knew that Ling Feng played extremely well in every game.

And every game had assists recorded.

As a result, after taking a look at the assists list, everyone's eyes widened completely! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What?! Ling Feng has 15 assists now?!"

"Oh my God! The data of this Dragon Country genius is too amazing!"

"Before I knew it, Ling Feng already had 15 assists?!"

"David Silva, who won the league assists title last season, only had 17 assists in the entire league?!"

"My friend, you are using the word"talent" a little too much! 17 assists in a season is already an outrageous top performance!"

"But after comparing it this way, Ling Feng's data seems even more outrageous!"

"According to Ling Feng's current efficiency, how many assists can he get this season? Could it be more than 30?!"

"30���? If Ling Feng's current assist efficiency is maintained, 50 assists would be enough!!"

"I am now very curious about what these top midfielders in the Premier League are feeling at this moment?"

"From their perspective, would they also be amazed by the 15 assists by Ling Feng, who is at the top of the assists list?!"

"Isn't this nonsense! Have you ever seen anyone who can achieve personal data like Ling Feng?"

"Perhaps the professional players’ experience will be more profound than ours! Because they are the ones who know the court best!"

"They will know better than us how incredible Ling Feng's current data is! How difficult it is to achieve it!"

After successfully completing 7 consecutive victories,

Leicester City's morale can be said to have reached an unprecedented peak! []

Now every Leicester City player has a wonderful feeling!

That is, they can clearly feel the horror of the team's growing strength!

This feeling is a completely positive feedback!

Because Leicester City players found that as the team's tactical execution with Ling Feng as the core becomes more and more proficient.

In the game, they will play more comfortably.

The control of the rhythm throughout the game will also be more relaxed!

And this undoubtedly makes everyone extremely confident.

As long as they play the game around Ling Feng

, the current Leicester City will be able to create more incredible results!

And this feeling can be most deeply experienced through the experience of the game!

In the 8th and 9th rounds of the league...

Leicester City defeated West Ham United and Stoke City with scores of 2:0 and 3:1 respectively!

These two teams ranked 8th and 9th in the Premier League last season!

They are definitely mid-level Premier League teams.

They were all placed in the last season.

Leicester City faced these two opponents in a row.


And it is two consecutive away games.

This will definitely cause the team a lot of headaches and distress!

The results that can be achieved will definitely not be satisfactory.

Forget about winning.

A draw and earning a point away from home are considered very good!

But now Leicester City.

The mental outlook and mentality of the entire team are completely different!

It is completely different from last season!

And in terms of strength, there is naturally no need to say more!

The ones who have the most say at this time.

Naturally, they are West Ham United and Stoke City, who are Leicester City’s opponents!

The two teams The team naturally knew that Leicester City was the dark horse that everyone in the Premier League feared this season!

In these two games, they took them very seriously.

They didn't underestimate the enemy at all!

But even so, they still couldn't change the team's fate of failure!

The starting lineup of Leicester City today has not changed much from last season.

The only new face in the midfield is Ling Feng!

But it was Ling Feng who became the most troublesome person for the opponents in these two games!

He also became the key point to determine the trend of these two games!

And what surprised the two opponents the most was...

���Just the Dragon Country genius in front of him.

What is really amazing is that both opponents can clearly feel it.

In addition to this Dragon Country man.

The performance of other Leicester City players on the field is also completely different from last season!

The overall feeling is that everyone's strength has been significantly improved!

Such a big change in just one season is absolutely unimaginable!

The opponent has such feelings and thoughts.

In fact, it is completely within the expectations of Leicester City coach Ranieri!

As a coach who accompanies the team every day for training and competitions.

Ranieri has the most direct perception of the changes that have taken place in the entire Leicester City team!

With the usual hard training and the training in actual combat,

Leicester City's new tactics have been polished to be extremely satisfactory!

The effect received is naturally needless to say!

What really makes Ranieri very pleased is that everyone in the team, under the influence of this new tactic, seems to be rising to another level in their understanding and knowledge of football!

And the occurrence of this phenomenon is the most commonly said"players have improved"!

In fact, Ranieri was also very surprised.

After all, the league has only played less than 10 games.

Although it is not a small number, it is definitely not a lot.

In such a short number of games, the team's tactics can be run-in so well.

The biggest credit is naturally inseparable from Ling Feng!

It is precisely because Ling Feng can show a wonderful performance in every game.

He has maintained his state of 3.

7, which has reached an astonishing level!

There are almost no ups and downs in the excellent state!

Under such circumstances, in almost every game.

Ling Feng, as the engine of the team's offense, is almost running at full power!

It is Ling Feng's stability and efficiency in strength.

Only in this way can the team's tactics be run-in.

Every game is at the best level, gaining experience and improving!

Under such a premise.

The"rising ball" phenomenon of many Leicester City players.

It naturally appeared!

After successfully defeating two opponents.

Leicester City has now extended their winning streak to a terrifying 9 consecutive wins!

The result of nine consecutive wins has tied the club's longest winning streak in the Premier League!

The last time Leicester City accomplished such a feat in the Premier League was more than 30 years ago, the last season before legendary player Lineker left the team!

At that time, it was the most glorious moment for the Leicester City team!

And now, Leicester City, with the talented player Ling Feng, is expected to break this long-forgotten legendary record!

And the opponent they are going to face next is also very strong!

It is Tottenham, ranked 2nd in the league standings!

If they want to create a new record, they must climb over the mountain that is hindering them!

When they achieved 9 consecutive wins in the league and tied the team's record, the most excited people were not only the entire Leicester City team and the fans.

���Leicester City manager Wiggins was already in a state of ecstasy!

He was not only happy about the team's results, but also the huge benefits that the perfect results brought to the team! The one who best embodies this phenomenon is Ling Feng, the core of the team and the first rising star in the Premier League.

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