Football Modifier

Chapter 1 A Pirated CD

"Boss, how much is this plate?" Li Tongfan asked the vendor angrily, holding a pirated version of Football Manager 07 (FM07) in his hand and licking the chocolate in his hand.

"Ten dollars!"

The vendor was holding a novel called "The Godfather of Champions" with great concentration and was reading it with gusto. Without raising his head, he impatiently said two words from his mouth.

Fake, you are so proud of selling pirated disks!

"I want it!"

Li Tongfan felt contempt in his heart, took out a crumpled note from his big pants, threw it confidently on the stall, grabbed the CD and ran away without a trace.

The hawker put down the book in his hand without being satisfied, picked up the money that Li Tongfan threw in the pile of CDs, unfolded it for a long time, and then cursed...

"Huh? Five dollars? Pick... a street boy and don't let me meet you again?"

It turned out that what Li Tongfan still had on the ground was just a five-yuan RMB note.

The vendor cursed for a long time, then suddenly showed a lustful smile: "Hey, even if you act like a ghost, you still have to drink my foot-washing water. The cost of this dish is only fifty cents, and I still earn you four and a half yuan!"

I am the invincible dividing line

"What a profit. I never expected that a pirated disk could be pirated so professionally!"

Li Tongfan returned home and installed Football Manager on his four-hand notebook IBMT30. He was surprised to find that this pirated disk that he bought for five yuan actually contained all patches. All the data was currently released by the game company. The latest information, in addition, also comes with FM.MM (data modifier) ​​and the latest version of the scouting tool.


It took fifteen minutes to get everything done. Li Tongfan excitedly clicked on the small game icon on the screen, and the game officially started!

"Welcome to the world of football games!"

The familiar voice of CCTV celebrity Huang Jianxiang came, and the scene at the beginning of the scene gradually unfolded!


Why is it different?

Li Tongfan was surprised to find that the starting screen of the game was a bit different. Familiar football stars flashed across the screen. It was so real that they looked exactly like real people!

"Did you spend five yuan to buy a high-end product?"

Regardless, Li Tongfan started to set up the game with excitement!

Choose a country?

Spanish football has been very lively recently, hehe, I chose it!

League level?

Damn, no need to ask, of course it’s La Liga, only fools play La Liga.

Coaching a club?

Well... let's choose Real Madrid. It is said that when you first choose this club, the computer will give you a lot of transfer fees, enough to buy a few superstars and a little devil. It will be fun for several seasons!

Coach's name? age? Country of Citizenship?

Li Tongfan filled in his information in detail very honestly:

Li Tongfan, nicknamed Rice Tong, 1984, China!

Many people always like to use random nicknames when playing FM, but Li Tongfan is not like that. Only by filling in your own real information can you have a sense of involvement and be YY enough.

After everything is done, a prompt box pops up on the screen: Do you want to choose personal binding?

ah? How do you jump out of this?

Li Tongfan has been exposed to the FM07 series before, and a similar prompt box does not appear. What's going on?

Li Tongfan thought for a while, no matter what, he probably really got a high-end disk, so he clicked the mouse:



The moment the mouse was dropped, Li Tongfan suddenly felt dizzy, and his eyesight turned white. It seemed like a lot of things were rushing into his mind!

I shook my head and finally felt better!

Farke, it seems that he and his hands have been having super-friendly relationships more frequently recently! It made me suffer from kidney failure! You should exercise some restraint these two days, don’t make yourself prematurely old!

All the options are settled, finally enter the game!

The news column on the main page of the screen displays two latest news:

"Fan Tong Li took over the "hot potato" of R. Madrid (Real Madrid): The R. Madrid board of directors confirmed today that Fan Tong Li's name will be imprinted on the door of the Santiago Bernabeu head coach's office immediately. Fan Tong Li, who was born in China The president said that he is very much looking forward to the upcoming challenge at M.Radrid and that he is already focusing on the next game against Malloca."

Damn it! tragedy! !

Fan Tongli? A loser? The nickname was actually used as a name?

Only then did Li Tongfan realize that according to English custom, the name is usually placed first and the surname comes last, but if his nickname and surname were reversed, it would become...

Well, it was a mistake. Li Tongfan didn't want to reload the database to change the name. He was just a loser, admit it!

Then read the next message, a personal letter from the president of Real Madrid. This is the most important thing. Look at how much transfer fee Calderon, an old guy with few hairs on his head, gave himself:

"R.Madrid President Ramon Calderon welcomes you to Santiago Bernabeu (Santiago Bernabeu). He hopes that you will adopt a prudent approach to manage the club and use a more sensible strategy in the transfer market to ensure the long-term development of the club. Ramon Calderon It was announced that the transfer budget for this season will reach 6.89 million pounds, and the team's salary budget for next season will reach 1.9 million pounds. According to the terms of the contract with the club, you have obtained a contract that expires in June 2007. A contract worth £44,000 a week!”

Fak Fak Fak!

Only 6.9 million transfer fee?

After reading the news, Li Tongfan yelled, 6.9 million pounds is not enough, and it can't buy Kaka a thigh. I originally expected to use all the transfer fees to knock Kaka over in one go!

what to do?

How about reopening? According to random probability, maybe the computer will give you a little more transfer fee!'s too troublesome!

Li Tongfan is a person who is afraid of trouble!

Got it!

Doesn’t that CD also come with FM.MM (data modifier)? Wouldn't it be enough to use it to modify the amount of the transfer fee?

But...will this reduce the difficulty of the game?

Forget it, forget it, let’s not change it. 6.98 million is just 6.98 million. Let’s just buy a few young demons with negative potential of 10 and raise them. It’s probably enough!

Just as Li Tongfan was about to open the scouting tool to search for a few little monsters, he heard his cell phone ringing, and a childish voice shouted:

"Master, the phone has come...the phone has come...why don't you answer the phone?"

What bastard is calling right now? Are you disturbing me from playing games? Li Tongfan answered the phone impatiently: "Which bastard? If you fart, hurry up!"

Over the phone: "..."

"Ah? Party for dinner... Wahaha, great, where is it? Come right away!"

Li Tongfan, who was in a bad mood, felt extremely happy after answering the phone. Can he be upset if someone treats him to dinner?

I have just been fired by my boss these days, my rent is about to expire, I am too poor to take the blame, and I am about to live on the street. Suddenly, a classmate from college invites me to dinner. I feel like I want to sleep and someone gives me a pillow!

Exiting the game and turning off the computer, Li Tongfan rode on the second-hand mountain bike he had been riding for six years since college, and rushed to the party venue excitedly.

Ps: Because the author always chooses Premier League teams when playing FM, the team names, player names and transfer fees in this book will be in English. I hope all veteran readers will understand! After all, we are writing novels, right? It’s just fun!

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