Football Modifier

Chapter 22 Network Core Training Method

In order to make the plot more coherent, a short paragraph from the previous picture is also added to this chapter, and it does not count towards the word count of this chapter!


its not right!

Li Tongfan suddenly realized a very, very serious problem. If the data was modified silently, who would know his credit?

Maybe the rosacea-ridden Real Madrid team doctor will say that Fei Luo's patellar fracture was cured by himself using a secret recipe that has been passed down for eighteen generations, or that the flesh-faced physical fitness coach will say that Beckham's sudden transformation into a peerless beast waist was actually his own arrangement. The latest results in aerobic training...

It doesn’t matter if some peaches are picked by others, but some peaches must be kept for yourself to enjoy!

Thinking of this, Li Tongfan decided to postpone the modification. Before that, he must adopt a method that can clearly highlight the glorious image of our old Li Yingming, unparalleled, and omnipotent great head coach, and remove this watery, red peach. Pick it off and enjoy it yourself!

what can we do about it?

Time passed, and after consuming more than 2,500 precious brain cells, Li Tongfan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, lying on the table and began to write furiously...

the next day!

Madrid Sports City!

"Hey, David, come here!" Assistant coach Grad stood on the sidelines and shouted to Beckham, who was training with his teammates.

"Grade, what's the matter?" Beckham picked up the towel and wiped his sweat while running over.

"It's not me who has something to do, but Mr. Fantong. I want you to come over now!" Grad pointed to Li Tongfan's office.

Beckham thanked him and walked to the office with a puzzled look on his face!

Strange, why are you looking for me?

As Beckham walked, he slowly reviewed the past few warm-up matches and his recent training in his mind. It seemed that he had not shown any violation of the team's requirements. How could he be the first to find him? Could it be...

Thinking of this, Beckham smiled bitterly. He was getting older, and his speed and physical fitness were far inferior to before. In several warm-up matches, except for the first game against Osasuna, Li Tongfan arranged for him to play as a wing midfielder. He rotated with the newly joined defensive midfielder Gago. In this new position, his performance was not good. It seems that the new head coach has a problem with him!


No matter how talented you are, you will never be able to defeat the silent erosion of time, such as Pele, Maradona, Beckenbauer, Zidane...such as yourself...

Since ancient times, beauties are like good generals, and they are not allowed to grow old in the world!

Anyway, a wealthy club like Real Madrid that values ​​profits over righteousness has never been a warm place for veterans to live in their old age. It is time for soldiers who have an iron-clad camp and flowing water to leave. You must not accept old age! Maybe I should really consider Victoria’s opinion and go to Major League Baseball to happily enjoy football at the end of my career...

However, I am really unwilling to leave like this...

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

Although the person sitting opposite him was a young man who was nearly ten years younger than him, Beckham's professionalism was really impressive, and his words did not reveal the slightest contempt.

Li Tongfan looked at his idol up close, and couldn't help but put away the teasing mood in his heart. In the words of an authoritative aunt in the cultivation world at Qidian, every pore in his body felt comfortable, but In order to maintain the dignity of his head coach, this guy still put on an "international dead face" that neither smiled nor angered: "David, you know, your recent performance in the game is not very good..."

Sure enough, it came, and Beckham felt a chill in his heart...

"This can't go on like this." Li Tongfan saw his heartthrob classmate's expression dim and knew that he was wrong. He could no longer care about selling out, so he quickly added: "You will be the core of my plan, David." , I need your support both on and off the court!”

"Oh...ah? Nuclear...core?" Beckham was stunned, thinking he heard wrongly.

"Yes, it's the core, David, but your position needs to be changed!" Li Tongfan took out a thick document from the drawer, handed it over, and said: "This is the new training plan I made for you. I hope You can support the team with a strong back, just like Pirlo and Gattuso did in Milan!"

Pirlo and Gattuso?

Beckham took the information in confusion and found that the word "core" was printed in large cursive English on the first page of the information. The ink was dark and dignified, giving people a sense of trust. He then looked up at Li Tongfan, who saw a pair of clear and sincere words. s eyes……

"Okay, I'll give it a try, but what's going on with this graphic? Do I need to follow this?" Beckham glanced at the training plan and found that there were some patterns mixed in the information, with various figures drawn on them. There are various little figures in strange postures, some sitting cross-legged, some making orchid fingers with their ten fingers, and some doing handstands against the wall...

What a fresh training method? Yoga? Or judo?

Li Tongfan explained with a serious face: "Yes, David, you know, I come from the mysterious ancient country in the East. This set of things is called Qigong in our country. It is a magical skill passed down secretly by my ancestors of the Li family for eighteen generations. It can stimulate the body's energy." It has potential, is environmentally friendly, pollution-free, and has no side effects. I would never tell an ordinary person about it!”

Beckham was in awe: "Oh! I know, Bruce Lee, showing off love examples of flight suits (Chinese Kung Fu)..."

Li Tongfan continued to lie: "Yes, it's kung fu. As long as you train according to this method, you will soon become the number one midfielder on the court..."

Looking at Beckham who was gratefully holding the so-called "Qigong training method" and excitedly rushing to test it, Li Tongfan lay on the table and covered his mouth, almost laughing out of the overnight snack in his stomach: "Come on, come on, Classmate Xiaobei, for this training plan, I bathed in incense and burned incense. With the help of Baidu master, I copied and pasted all the online versions of Bodhidharma Yi Jin Sutra, Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and Sunflower Book... …”

The training plan is a cover-up, but what really works is of course the super invincible cheating device!

After taking care of Xiaobei, Li Tongfan turned his attention to Fei Luo, who was lying on the hospital bed battling a fractured patella. But this fat carrot is not as easy to deceive as the honest man Beckham. Li Tongfan still has to use his brain a little more...

The third day.

In the Real Madrid infirmary!

Ronaldo, who had just flown to France for expert consultation, came here on crutches to undergo a routine examination by the team doctor!

"Hey, Ronnie, things are a little bad," Gonzalez Gudarro, the big-nosed team doctor, took the results of the MRI and pressed his nose: "Have you been drinking again recently?"

"Shit, the French guy who did the surgery didn't tell me not to drink..." Ferro looked around and talked to him, his eyes flickering.

Gonzalez was used to this and rubbed his nose: "You are not the first to be injured, Ronnie, you should know this..."

"What can I do? Gonzalez, I'm not here to listen to your complaints..."

PS: Thank you, brothers, for actually pushing The Knife to the top ten of the new book list!

Tomorrow, Monday, Xiaodao is going to hit the new book list, so I will try to update it three times a day, with the same number of words, about 2,000 words! I hope everyone can continue to support Xiaodao! Regarding the current problems in this book, Xiaodao will open a separate chapter later to explain to the readers!

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