Football Modifier

Chapter 24 Who is behind the scenes?

At this time, Li Tongfan already understood what Angulo wanted to do!

It's because of the training plan I gave Beckham. Angulo is the team's physical coach. He arranges for Beckham to train alone. He should really say hello to this fierce god first.

However, it is no longer necessary!

No matter who is right or wrong, Li Tongfan has decided not to forgive this stupid Spanish bear. The open-mouthed "yellow pig" and "incompetent Chinese" have made Li Tongfan have no patience to argue with him. Let the facts speak for themselves. !

"If Beckham's training method is better than yours, what should you do?" Li Tongfan stared at the menacing Angulo and asked word by word.

Everyone could hear the chill in his tone!

Angulo was stunned and immediately said: "If this is the case, then I am willing to apologize to you in public, but this situation is absolutely impossible."

Li Tongfan sneered: "Apologise? I'm sorry, I don't accept your apology. If I win, please pick up your luggage and get out of Madrid. There is no room for you here!"

Seeing Angulo's hesitant expression, Li Tongfan added: "If it wasn't to prove my training plan, based on your behavior just now, as the head coach of the team, I can tell you to get out at any time!"

Angulo gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, if I win, you have to get out, Chinese yellow-skinned pig!"

Li Tongfan didn't even look at him, and sat back on the swivel chair: "I'm sorry, you are not qualified to say such things to me, Mr. Physical Coach!"

"Coward, you will regret it!" Angulo said with a blushing face and walked away...

Grede and others looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.

Back at his residence, Li Tongfan analyzed what happened today in detail, and felt more and more that Angulo, a reckless man, seemed to be taken advantage of by someone.

If it's just because of the Beckham training plan, even as a physical fitness coach, there is no need to get so angry. You must know that even in an amateur team, such a blatant challenge to the head coach's authority is akin to eating arsenic with an old birthday star. Long life makes no difference!

But something happened so strangely, there are two explanations for it, either Angulo Meda is mentally retarded, or someone is causing trouble behind the scenes!

Now it seems that although Angulo has well-developed limbs and a simple mind, he is definitely not mentally retarded to the same extent as Fat Pig Liu, so the only possibility is the second possibility!

In fact, Li Tongfan had long expected that things like today would happen. He was now just like an unknown soldier leading a group of arrogant and arrogant generals in war. Regardless of his age and seniority, he was not worthy of carrying someone else's shoes. Although he had The appointment of Real Madrid's board of directors temporarily stabilizes the situation, but it cannot solve all problems.

The physical fitness coach Angulo Meda is just a daredevil. If his attitude is a little weaker, countless "Angulo" will spring up like mushrooms after a rain! Even having a cheat device won't help!

But, who could lose control so quickly and start playing tricks behind his back?

Player? Club executives?

Li Tongfan thought hard and couldn't figure it out!

Since he couldn't figure it out, Li Tongfan simply put it aside and stopped thinking about it. Compared to this matter, there were more important things waiting for him to do——

Modify Ronaldo's data!

If Fei Luo took the bottle of "safflower oil" mixed with soy sauce, rice vinegar, mustard and sesame oil to wash his feet and found that it had no effect, then he, the "qigong master", would be completely ruined!

Click on the game and open FM-MM (data modifier) ​​at the same time. After reading the archive, Ronaldo’s detailed attributes are at a glance:

First of all, in the "Personality" column in the "Basic Situation" category of the data modifier page, there was indeed a small green check mark behind the "Injury" sub-item, indicating that Fei Luo was suffering from an injury. Li Tongfan Click the small check mark with your mouse...

"Ding dong, this modification consumes one character point. Do you want to confirm?"


Then the little check mark disappeared!

This means that within a few hours, Fei Luo will happily discover that the qigong and "safflower oil" of the magical coach Mr. Fan Tong are indeed shocking, and he will regain his health!

Li Tongfan thought of this, a proud smile appeared on his lips, and he clicked to enter the "Ability" category of the data modifier. After glancing at the data, he couldn't help but be surprised...

Darling, no wonder this fat guy has suffered major injuries and minor injuries. His "Injury Tendency" is as high as 80. This is an absolutely authentic glass man!

With such a carrot physique, it would be unforgivable to not be injured, and it would be outraged by both humans and gods!

If Fei Luo's "injury tendency" is not modified, even if he is cured by spending character points this time, he will have to lie back on the stretcher in a month or so!

*** teaches us that to solve problems we must grasp the principal contradiction!

So Lao Li gritted his teeth and spent some character points, changing the injury tendency to 0 in one breath. Now Fei Luo really became an alien. To exaggerate, this guy went to a nightclub to pick up girls and drove drunk. In a car accident, the most serious thing is probably just a scratch on the skin!

After revising these two items, Li Tongfan pondered for a moment and found that just revising in this way was far from enough.

Because in the plan, Ronaldo and Beckham will be the two players that he can rely on the most in the next long season. Since he has to modify it, he might as well modify it to be more terrifying, so that it has shocking abilities, so that he can better help himself win one game after another. Otherwise, minor repairs will only waste character points in vain!

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child, and you can't be a child's mother if you can't bear the pain of losing your chu!

Damn it, let's fight!

Li Tongfan made up his mind with tears in his eyes, and then tremblingly modified several other data attributes of Fat Ronaldo:

In the "Basic Situation" category, consume one point of character to increase his "potential ability" from 190 to 250;

In the "Goalkeeping and Position" category, consume one point of character attribute to increase the value of "Forward Position" from 20 to 30; (Note: 20 is already the maximum value in the game system)

In the "Game Habits" category, consume two points of character to add the habit of "going forward when there is a chance", and remove the habit of "hesitating after getting the ball".

PS: The manuscripts are gone like diarrhea~~~~~

Guys, support Xiaodao, he is very badly ranked on the newcomer list, please vote and collect him! The first update will be around 20:00 in the evening!

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