Football Modifier

Chapter 363 Public opinion frenzy! Controversy about virginity

[Premier League Nightmare] Barbara did not rush to ask questions. Since this is Newcastle's home court, the first person the reporters paid attention to was the visiting team coach Juande Ramos who was about to leave here with the team!

As the loser of the game, Juande Ramos looks bad!

However, the Spanish coach still accepted the interview with reporters in a very graceful manner. Unlike Li Tongfan, who has always had food in his hands and was calm in his heart, he has always been indifferent to reporters. Juande Ramos, who is new to the Premier League, treats reporters The attitude of journalists in the British Isles can be called friendly!

As a newcomer to the Premier League, Juande Ramos obviously hopes to avoid getting into trouble with the media through his goodwill, so as to lay the foundation for success in his Premier League coaching journey.

In terms of effectiveness, I have to admit that Ramos's tricks did work to a certain extent. Indeed, many media from the British Isles have a favorable impression of this gray-haired, elegant young marshal!

In the five minutes before the post-match press conference, Juande Ramos worked hard to maintain his calmness and elegance, patiently answering every reporter's question... until a female reporter from "The Sun" asked When asked "How is your relationship with Crazy Li?", he shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, and then exited the press conference hall!

Relationship with Crazy Lee?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, do you have to say it yourself?

After Juande Ramos left the field, Crazy Li was the only one left behind the interview table.

At this time, the real meat show finally arrived!

All the reporters rushed to point their microphones in front of Madman Li who had been sitting behind the interview table...

However, no matter what questions they asked, Li Tongfan just stared at Bruce Barbara behind the crowd with a smile and did not answer anyone. It seemed that the person who was constantly asking questions around him was not a living person, but a group of buzzing flies that he didn’t know what to call!

"Mr. Li Tongfan, first of all, congratulations on your victory in this game. I would like to know what you think of the scandals between Podolski and Juan Mata that I reported in The Times?" Barbara Finally asked her first question.

This sentence was like a military order issued by the most majestic commander. The reporters who had been surrounding Li Tongfan just now stopped talking and even took the initiative to make way for Barbara to get closer to the interview table. Ask a question!

This scene didn't happen because of how much reporters respected this proud woman!

On the contrary, the relationship between them and her was quite friendly, and even a little bad due to the competitive relationship among their peers. You must know that Barbara being called a "Premier League Nightmare" is not just for players and coaches. This "nightmare" is also valid for reporters. In the past three years, under Barbara's fierce criticism, it has caused There are also many famous journalists who have been disgraced!

This proud woman is like a female praying mantis, not only catching insects, but also chewing her own kind!

The reason why everyone got out of the way at this moment and left the time and space for Barbara to ask questions is because according to the reporters’ tried and tested experience in the past, as long as [Premier League Nightmare] Barbara appears, There will always be big news. The ability of this woman who is so proud that she even has spikes on her breasts to make news can feed a thousand reporters who follow her to eat soup!

Everyone is waiting for the confrontation between [God on the sidelines] and [Premier League Nightmare]. This will undoubtedly be big news that can catch the attention of any Premier League fan!

Facing Barbara's question, Li Tongfan finally put away his previous playful smile, opened his mouth and yawned, waved his hand and said: "Miss Bruce, to be honest, I am very disappointed with your first question. How disappointing! Look at these people..."

Li Tongfan stretched out his finger and pointed around the press conference hall: "Each of them has the ability to ask such a question, which is really unsatisfactory... So, quickly change the question before I get bored. Come on, use your [Premier League Nightmare] strength and ask more pointed and exciting questions, haha, let’s have fun together, isn’t this what you’re after?”

These words made the entire press conference hall fall into silence!

The reporters all turned their attention to Bruce Barbara. Faced with the almost teasing difficulties from Madman Lee, would this woman, who was as proud as the last British aristocrat at the end of the century, go crazy?

can you?

It seems that a more intense game than the just-concluded battle between the "Winning Group" at St. James Park Stadium is about to take place in this space of less than 60 square meters...

On the verge of breaking out!

"Mr. Fantong, as a journalist, first of all, please understand that I have never regarded being unconventional as a principle of my profession. The questions I ask only focus on things that are widely concerned by fans... In fact, since I After reporting on the last scandal, as the most representative person of the Newcastle club and the one who should apologize for this matter, you disappointed the fans and chose to avoid it and blocked all media. Don't you think As a high-profile public figure, should I make a statement about this?”

Li Tongfan was a little disappointed, because there was no embarrassment or embarrassment on Barbara's face. The woman cleverly repeated her question with a natural and calm expression: "As a public figure, I think you have Need to apologize to the fans for the scandal involving Podolski and Juan Mata, crazy Mr. Lee!”

"Well, before I apologize, I have a very important question to ask you, Miss Barbara. According to what you just said, I think as a public figure, you should also be obligated to satisfy the fans' curiosity. Right?" Li Tongfan was silent for a moment, and then asked Bruce Barbara with a smile.

"Yes! This is my duty!" Barbara gave the answer without hesitation.

"Well, we all know that the Sun did an interesting survey six months ago. Of the 13,485 male fans interviewed, 89% They are all very concerned about one issue. As a public figure, should you be curious about these 12,000 fans? "

Amid the stunned expressions of the seventy-four journalists in the press conference hall, Li Tongfan asked the question word by word that almost everyone knew: "Miss Barbara, are you - or not -... virgin?

"A disastrous away defeat, Tottenham Hotspur was the first to fall behind"

After the battle at St. James Park, the first voice in the media was naturally that after the first seven rounds of the Premier League, the group that had won four consecutive games finally had another laggard.

In the first six rounds, four teams maintained complete victory. This is the first time since the establishment of the Premier League. Many experts believe that this is because the madman Li, who is known as a complete winner, has stimulated the major giants after arriving in the Premier League, which has improved to a certain extent. The overall competitiveness of the Premier League is just like the effect that the Portuguese Mourinho had when he came to Stamford Bridge!

After this battle, even the Red Devils godfather Ferguson and Arsenal professor Wenger, who rarely commented on other games, rarely took the initiative to express their respective views on the battle at St. James Park at the same time——

Ferguson: "The performance of Juande Ramos proved that as long as the tactics are properly prepared, Crazy Lee is not invincible, and the second half of the battle at St. James Park told us: A Crazy Lee who has learned to retreat and defend will be Becoming more terrifying..."

Wenger: "David Thornton is a talented player, Zhirkov is also a talented player, Hugo Lloris, Gareth Bale, Javier Pastore... they are all a group of super players. Highly gifted genius, this young Magpie army created by Madman Li this summer scares me..."

Two long-renowned football godfathers, two unabashed speeches of praise!

One from the perspective of the head coach and the other from the perspective of the players, Crazy Lee and Newcastle were in the clouds. It seemed that after defeating Juande Ramos, Crazy Lee finally won the heartfelt compliments of his opponent, but only Only those who have a deep understanding of the characters of Ferguson and Wenger will understand what the two cunning foxes are planning——


Even if these words cannot make an equally cunning guy like Crazy Li feel arrogant and underestimate the enemy, what about Newcastle's young players? Who can guarantee that these little guys who are so proud after the first seven rounds will not get carried away?

The outcome of a football match is decided by the head coach before the game, but it is decided by the players with their feet during the game! In many cases, talented players can often withstand criticism and censure with their strong hearts, but they cannot withstand one or two light compliments. This is the threat of the "sugar-coated bullets" mentioned by the great leader Mao Zedong...

Premier League coaches have too many ways to deal with young players!

After the battle at St. James' Park, Li Tongfan was greeted with more than just praise. An angry woman frantically accused Madman Li of being a "lack of education" in her column -

“…Madman Li’s speech at the post-match press conference made me lose all my last remaining respect for the Chinese who led the England national team to the top of the Alps three months ago… I bet , if he loses football, his personality will be no different from a homeless man wandering at the intersection of Grinder begging for a piece of dry bread..."

The entire British Isles were surprised that Bruce was so out of control. Although [Premier League Nightmare] had used the most violent words to criticize some players or coaches in the past, but after rising to the level of personality, using such harsh words that hurt others and himself was like a He cursed like a bitch after being slapped, this was the first time!

"Miss Barbara, are you a virgin?" 》

[Premier League Nightmare] The reason for the gaffe was quickly exposed by other reporters who attended the press conference that day. No wonder...

Almost all British people still remember the methods that the furious Barbara used after Franklin, a reporter from The Sun, conducted this fan investigation on Barbara six months ago to make Franklin completely disgraced. ...It is said that no newspaper company has dared to hire the former Sun's top reporter. Franklin's mansion has been mortgaged and auctioned by him who is impoverished...

Crazy Li is a real man!

People want to know, can [Premier League Nightmare] Bruce Barbara make [Football Stadium God] become a man as destitute as Franklin?

At this time, in the head coach's office at Newcastle Rigberton's training base, a shameless guy was frowning!

Frowning deeply!

Because, in front of him was a newspaper, on which...


400 words for free, monthly ticket requested!

Thanks to: Apoe, AimarYang, Mala, Only Love Competition Xu Chilin, Tiandi I am the Supreme, mario82, several dear swordsman brothers and sisters for their rewards, Xiaodao bows 90 degrees to thank you!

Thanks to every brother and sister who supports the modifier! I love you!

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