Football Modifier

Chapter 4 Games manipulate reality

Li Tongfan couldn't wait to turn on the computer and start FM2007. After a series of realistic pictures, he officially entered the game screen.

First, take a good look at the terms of the head coach's contract in the game: one year, weekly salary of 44,000 pounds, transfer fee of 6.89 million pounds, and salary cap of 1.9 million pounds.

Then, Li Tongfan opened the paper contract provided by the foreigner in the hotel and carefully translated the English terms: one year, weekly salary of 44,000 pounds, transfer fee of 6.89 million pounds, and salary cap of 1.9 million pounds.

All the terms are exactly the same, no difference!


Putting down the contract, Li Tongfan let out a long sigh, and slowly believed in his judgment in his heart, but this conclusion was too incredible!

Because, Li Tongfan's conclusion is:

Everything that happens in this game will be fully reproduced in reality!

Although this is an extremely absurd conclusion from both innate reason and acquired experience, there is no other reason to explain why Real Madrid Club would send a vice president to China to sign this inexplicable head coach contract with him.

Once the contract is signed, it means that Real Madrid Club is bound by law. Once it breaches the contract, it must pay a valuable penalty.

A penalty that Li Tongfan may never earn in his lifetime!

I believe that Calderon, the old man, would not be so stupid as to send his confidant Carlos Bucero from afar to give a stranger who has never met a huge sum of money that cannot be refused!

This conclusion is too shocking, and Li Tongfan decided to confirm it again. So he minimized the game screen, clicked on Baidu Dashen, and carefully searched for some recent information about Real Madrid.

Sure enough, Real Madrid Club does have a deputy general manager named Carlos Bucero, and then Baidu found this guy's photo and compared it carefully. It is exactly the same as the foreigner he met at the Sheraton Hotel today!

In the past 2005-2006 season, Real Madrid performed poorly under the leadership of Brazilian head coach Rosenberg. Rosenberg was fired halfway through the league, and then assistant coach Carlo took over the team. In the end, Real Madrid only won the league runner-up that season, and was suppressed by the old rival Barcelona led by Rijkaard for the second consecutive year, which directly led to the abdication of club president Florentino.

The superstar policy failed, and the Galaxy Battleship is facing the crisis of sinking!

After the new president Calderon took office, finding a head coach suitable for the team became a top priority. As the most successful club in the 20th century, Real Madrid is a symbol of success and honor. Countless world-class coaches are trying their best to coach this club...

Of course, this information is not enough for Li Tongfan to fully confirm the absurd conclusion he has drawn, so before the initial and final choice, it is necessary to take a small measure to test it.

Open the game again, enter the main screen, and open FM.MM (data editor). Enter R.Madrid in the input box. After clicking Search, the main screen of the data editor lists all the players belonging to Real Madrid.

Li Tongfan roughly scanned it and selected the Brazilian player Emerson. After double-clicking, he entered Emerson's attribute interface.

After thinking for a moment, Li Tongfan changed the end time of Emerson's contract from June 30, 2009 to May 2006. In this way, Emerson is no longer a member of Real Madrid in the game, because the game time has reached early July 2006.

After the data was modified, Emerson became a free agent!

In the real world, Emerson played for Juventus, a giant in Serie A, in the 2005-2006 season. After the season ended, Juventus was relegated to the second division because of the phone-gate incident. As a big star in the team, Emerson chose to flee Juventus and join Real Madrid, signing a three-year contract with a weekly salary of 40,500 pounds.

In other words, Emerson in the real world has only joined Real Madrid for a few days. From any perspective, leaving the team less than ten days after joining is an extremely absurd thing.

If what happened in the game can really be perfectly realized in reality, then in a few days, the news that Emerson, who just joined, has left Real Madrid will be revealed in the international football news.

Next, what Li Tongfan needs to do is wait!

Wait for this incredible thing to happen bizarrely in reality.

Dividing line

For three consecutive days, Li Tongfan did not contact the foreigners at the Sheraton Hotel. In addition to dealing with Fan Zuang, a super enthusiastic gossip man, he put all his thoughts on the international football section of well-known online media such as ** and Sohu, waiting for this miracle to happen!

However, until noon on the third day, there was no sign of trouble!

Just when Li Tongfan was about to give up, the following news appeared in the **International Football section:

"The peerless war god bids farewell to Real Madrid, the Brazilian king returns to his roots"

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Tongfan was moved, like an old man in his sixties or seventies with epilepsy. Li Tongfan's hand holding the mouse began to tremble, then he took a deep breath and clicked on the news:

"The latest news from our reporter: Brazilian superstar Emerson, who has just joined Real Madrid this season and has not played a minute for Real Madrid, has reached an agreement with the club to terminate his contract freely. This is really a puzzling decision. We know that Emerson Sen just joined Real Madrid on July 1 this year and played for the club for no more than ten days. This set the latest record in world football because of..."

Li Tongfan trembled for a long time, then took out his mobile phone from the bed and dialed the mobile number of foreigner Carlos Bucero...

Farke, invincible!

Hey, dividing line

Sheraton Hotel!

Li Tongfan picked up the brown signature pen and signed the contract with flying colors!

CarlosBucero is very happy and finally completed the task.

To be honest, before coming to China, he never thought that it would be so difficult for the world-famous Real Madrid to sign an unknown coach. During the three days without contact with Li Tongfan, he once thought that the cooperation would fail.

Although even if the cooperation fails, the price is only the loss of a rookie coach, to a certain extent, it can even be regarded as avoiding the loss of profits.

But for a club like Real Madrid, not being rejected by champion coaches like Capello and Hiddink, but being humiliated by a rookie, is this different from a elegant millionaire who stretched out his face to sympathize with a beggar, but was embarrassed by this What's the use of two slaps to the skinny beggar?

Uh, that’s too far off topic!

"Mr. Fantong, I hope you can arrange your itinerary as soon as possible. We need to return to Madrid within three days and hold a press conference to announce your arrival!"

Okay, just be a loser, Li Tongfan admits it!

As for when to go to Spain, Li Tongfan doesn’t care at all! Even though I have a super cheating device in my hand, I can still imagine how world football would react if they knew this news:

Real Madrid's die-hard fans gathered in large numbers at the stadium or the municipal square to protest?

Eight generations of his ancestors were exhumed from their graves and whipped severely by the merciless Spanish and even world media?

Domestic media's exaggerated reports such as "Chinese Dragon Enters Real Madrid, Galaxy Battleship Enters the Red Era" have pushed themselves to the forefront of countless netizens' verbal criticisms?

Think about the fact that Wenger was ridiculed mercilessly by the English media when he moved from Japan to Arsenal, and you will know that anything is possible!

Therefore, after careful consideration and weighing, Li Tongbum's positioning for himself is very clear: the ultimate goal of Li Tongbum, who holds a super cheating device, is not to become a legend in the coaching world, but... it is the 44,000 pounds in the contract provided by Real Madrid. weekly salary!

In this case, being low-key is a must.


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