Football Modifier

Chapter 560 Strong smell of blood [First update]

On June 11, 2010, the world-famous World Cup in South Africa officially opened.

This is the first time in history that the African continent has hosted the World Cup. It is seen as a sign and hope for the rise of African football. Therefore, not only the Republic of South Africa, but the entire African country is full of expectations for this World Cup!

The opening ceremony of the World Cup was held at the Football City Stadium in Johannesburg.

The official start time is at 14 o'clock in the afternoon, but the football stadium opens to fans early at 10 o'clock in the morning to warm up the seats of fans who arrive early!

When it comes to the opening ceremony of the World Cup, except for the charming 'Italian Summer' in 1990, few opening ceremonies of the World Cup can leave a deep impression on fans. The opening ceremony of the 2006 World Cup in Germany even lasted only 15 minutes. …

However, the opening ceremony of the World Cup in South Africa is unique -

At 14:00:30, the first to appear were the "Silver Falcon" and "Griffin" fighter jets of the South African Air Force, performing aerobatics over the stadium. After a series of light tumbling, the actors began to appear...

This unique opening ceremony lasted for more than 30 minutes!

In addition to FIFA officials, South Africa's national hero - former President Nelson Mandela, South Africa's Minister of Culture Shinwana, World Cup Organizing Committee CEO Jordan and others attended the opening ceremony. 1,581 of the world's top artists, musicians and Dancers participated, and the Latin Queen Sharage's song "WAKA", which burned with African style, ignited the entire stadium...

At 14:40:19, the fighter jets that had been performing in the air rolled out on a trajectory representing victory. The actors began to exit in an orderly manner. The scene recalled the exciting broadcast——

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the opening ceremony, Johannesburg, on behalf of Africa, thank you once again for coming to the 19th FIFA World Cup, 32 teams, 4 weeks, an unparalleled event!! Clock, right here, South Africa vs. Mexico , the opening match of the World Cup will be open to you! ”

"Wow wow wow, Sharach is the perfect goddess in my heart!!"

After collectively watching the opening ceremony at the conference center of the HPC Sports Center, all Argentine players felt shocked. Romero, the goalkeeper from Alkmaar, quietly poked Messi next to him and said excitedly.

Messi nuzzled in the direction of 'boss' Li Tongfan.

Romero's expression changed and he suddenly became much calmer and quieter. When the other players saw this scene, they all snickered!

Lao Li also laughed.

"All training today is cancelled. In an hour and a half, we will continue to watch the opening match between South Africa and Mexico. You must carefully experience the difference of the World Cup... I believe you will definitely gain something!"

Li Tongfan raised his hand to turn off the giant electronic screen in the conference center, then stood up and looked at the players, nodding with satisfaction. Obviously, after that scolding and rectification, the team's atmosphere is much better now!

This is exactly the result Lao Li needs!

Tomorrow the Group B match will start in full, and the Argentina team will usher in the first game of the 2010 South Africa World Cup at Coca-Cola Park Stadium in Johannesburg at 4 pm tomorrow. The opponent is the 'African Eagle' Nigeria team. Nigeria is recognized as a strong team in Africa, with well-known players such as Mikel, Martins, Yabo, and Enyema. It is recognized by the media and fans as the strongest team in Group B second only to Argentina!

Faced with such a powerful African team that coexists with strength and technology and has many well-known players from the five major European leagues, no team dares to underestimate it. Li Tongfan asked the players to watch the opening match between South Africa and Mexico in order to let the players feel it. Take a look at the terrifying atmosphere of the World Cup and prepare for tomorrow's fierce battle!

"Disband now and continue to gather here in thirty minutes!"

Thirty minutes later.

Johannesburg Football City Stadium.

force! ! !

The referee blew the first opening whistle of the 2010 South Africa World Cup, and the match between the host South Africa team and Mexico officially began!

A total of 84,490 fans came to watch the game, three-quarters of which were fans of the South African team. They cheerily puffed up their cheeks and played the national musical instrument 'Vuvuzela' in the stands. The entire Sports City Stadium instantly seemed like There are countless bees flapping their wings and flying "buzzing" non-stop!

The atmosphere is extremely exciting!

The two sides started a fierce offensive battle. The Mexican team was the first to cause danger. In just 105 seconds, young player Dos Santos launched an offensive. After the ball was distributed, Mexican midfielder Aguilar made a pass from the right, and the South African goalkeeper Cune missed the ball, and Dos Santos missed the goal with a shot at the center post...

After that, the Mexican team turned away and took advantage of the field.

It was not until the 15th minute that the host South Africa team threatened the opponent's goal for the first time. Midfielder Pienaar's free kick flew past the Mexican crossbar...

In the 38th minute of the first half, Mexico's young player Carlos Vela scored a goal in a corner kick. However, the referee ruled that Vela was offside and the South African team escaped.

Neither side scored a goal in the first half. It was not until the 54th minute of the second half that the host country broke the deadlock. The South African team launched a quick counterattack in the midfield. Modise's scalpel-like fatal through pass helped teammate Chabala. La got a single opportunity, and the little player hit an irresistible super-speed shot from the left side of the penalty area!

1:0! !

Midfielder Tshabalala scored the first goal of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa!

The Johannesburg Sports City football stadium turned into a sea of ​​boiling water. The South African fans blew the 'vuvuzela' louder. The host country's victory seemed to be close at hand...

Unfortunately, the South African team did not maintain the score advantage for too long. The goal of Marquez, a player for the La Liga giants Barcelona, ​​brought the two sides back to the same starting line!

After that, the two sides exchanged offense and defense, but neither scored a goal. As the South African team Femla broke through and hit the post with a single shot, the game finally came to an end. The opening game of the 2010 South Africa World Cup ended in a 1:1 draw. !

It is said that the South African authorities sent a helicopter to film and observe the training conditions of the first match opponent Mexico before the game. South African coach Pereira, who led the Brazilian team to the 1994 World Cup championship, even used the word "war" before the game. To describe the first match, however, the final result of 1:1 still disappointed the South African fans!

Compared with the opening game of the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the program battle of this World Cup is obviously a little less exciting and intense, and it has not left a deep impression on fans around the world!

Tshabalala, who scored the first goal of this World Cup, was elected as the man of the match. This can be regarded as the last consolation for the host South Africa team!

After the first game, people's attention quickly turned to another venue - Cape Town's Green Point Stadium. There, two hours later, there will be a strong dialogue between the Gallic Roosters and the French team against the South American powerhouse Uruguay!

Think about how Uruguay almost forced Crazy Lee's Argentina to a draw during the qualifying round, and think about Crazy Lee's exaggerated comment after the game that "Uruguay can even reach the semi-finals of the World Cup." The whole world is watching this game. The competition is full of expectations!

HPC Sports Center Convention Center.


Li Tongfan got up and turned off the TV.

"Okay, now you still have 4 hours of leisure time. You can go anywhere as long as it is within the HPC Sports Center... Of course, it is best not to go to the bar to drink. I hope you can spend more time in For fitness or energy storage... remember, you must go back to your room on time after 4 hours! Tomorrow morning, we will have the last pre-match training! "

The players were still waiting, thinking that the boss would ask them to express their thoughts after watching the game, so when watching the game, they were very serious and constantly analyzed the game situation and the performance of the players of both teams. I have prepared a lot of "high opinions" to speak...

Who knew that this was not the case at all? Everyone was dumbfounded!

Seeing the leader walking out of the conference center with a triumphant smile, the Hammers realized that they had been fooled. The more than twenty people looked at each other for a few times, and then dispersed with a roar...

Assistant coach Li Bing also shook his head and smiled.

He already understood what Li Tongfan was thinking——

Both Mexico and South Africa are difficult opponents of Argentina. Li Tongfan just hopes that through this game, the players can feel the real atmosphere of the World Cup and let the players understand the intensity and cruelty of such a competition. They will fight for it even in such a game. So intense, not to mention those strong dialogues!

The Argentina team's trip to the 2010 World Cup is destined to fight its way through a forest of strong players!

After returning to his room.

Li Tongfan took out his Hummer BEST-BOOK notebook and started running the FM2010 system to make final preparations for tomorrow's game against Nigeria. According to the previous experience of leading the Three Lions in the European Cup, this kind of competition usually easily triggers various system tasks, and Lao Li must be prepared for this!

After loading the archive, the sky-blue screen was calm, and the system reminder box did not pop up.

Lao Li moved the mouse to directly enter the [System Tasks] interface.

As far as the eye could see, Li Tongfan was shocked. The system interface had undergone huge changes. The original giant system task [The development of a superstar] was still displayed on the LCD screen, but the size of the entire screen had changed from 100% to 100%. It became fifty percent!

Because there is another system task occupying another fifty percent of the screen!

Li Tongfan could guess that this new system task must be at the 'giant level' without even looking at it. Otherwise, how could it compete with [Superstar Development] in terms of screen size?

Li Tongfan moved the mouse and clicked to read——

"Ding dong, player Li Tongfan, congratulations on triggering the FM system's second giant system mission [Eagle's End]. The requirements for this mission are..."

Two hours later.

Li Tongfan and all the coaches of the Argentine team appeared in the conference center of the HPC Sports Center to watch the Uruguay vs. France match on TV. While the players were having fun and resting, the coaches must do more and be able to Ensure that the team can use all favorable conditions to their advantage when facing opponents!

The convention center was quiet until the end of the game.

At the Green Point Stadium in Cape Town, the Gallic Roosters finally drew 0:0 with the intimidating Uruguay team. They have been winless in three consecutive World Cups!

On the TV screen, when the Japanese referee Yuichi Nishinori blew the full-time whistle, all the coaches in the conference center were excited. In the next game, it will be Argentina's turn!

Li Tongfan turned off the TV, turned around and took out a large pile of A4 paper information, distributed it to each coach, and said: "This is the most detailed preparation information for the Nigerian team. I hope everyone can read it carefully. We will use it in the next two Within hours, we will make targeted tactical adjustments for tomorrow’s game against Nigeria!”

The coaches from Argentina began to look through the information. Soon, they raised their heads, their eyes full of horror. It was too detailed. The information was too detailed. Where did Madman Li get such detailed information about his opponents? Could it be that he also followed the example of the host South Africa team and hired a helicopter to shoot over the Nigeria team's training ground?

June 12th.

The day after the 2010 World Cup in South Africa officially started.

The results of the first match day have long been spread throughout the world through modern media methods. The South African team did not achieve a record that matched their slogans and ambitions. The appearance of the French team was even more disappointing. Media from various countries have made Comment--

"A draw and a draw, the worst first match day in 32 years"

"Tourist fans continue to suffer casualties, South Africa World Cup cup"

"0 goals in the first game of four major competitions, Domenech has created miracles in 6 years as French coach"

"The vuvuzela resounded throughout the audience, the worst supporting instrument in history"

The first match day of the World Cup obviously disappointed the whole world, but this disappointment passed in a flash and soon turned into expectations. After the French team, another giant team will appear in the South African battlefield——

Crazy Lee’s Argentina team!

After two dull games, everyone is looking forward to Crazy Li's blue and white team to bring the first wave of explosive passion in this World Cup! Judging from past experience, in every national team game led by an offensive maniac like Crazy Li, there may be a huge score in every game, and it will become a cup classic!

It is worth mentioning that the Argentina team’s opponent, the Nigeria team, is not just a weakling. The African Eagles are considered the second strongest team in Group B after Argentina!

June 12, 4 p.m.

At the Alice Park Stadium in Johannesburg, the two strongest teams in Group B will stage a battle. The whole world is waiting to see it!

At 11 a.m., the Argentine team held its last press conference before the game.

"We have only one goal, and that is victory. No matter who stands in front of the Argentine team, there will only be one end, and that is to be crushed!"

In the press conference hall of the HPC Sports Center, facing the cameras of more than a hundred reporters, Madman Li challenged the Nigerian team with murderous intent. People smelled a strong "smell of blood" from this! ——

The first update of 4200 words.

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