Football Modifier

Chapter 574 12000 update has been updated, Daozi sincerely and urgently begs for monthly ticket supp

Today I have updated more than 12,000 words in one go.

From 8 o'clock in the morning till now, except for lunch, I have been sitting in front of the computer.

Every day is like this. I always feel too tired when I go to bed. I am not afraid of laughing at my personal matters. For several days in a row, I have been too tired to have a passionate time with the female swordsman.

Besides, at this time, the female swordsman has been sleeping for an hour or two!

Crazy Joss, I think Daozi is qualified to open a single chapter to ask for monthly tickets!

This month, which day is not crazy?

I am the first to rush into the top fourteen of the monthly ticket list, and I am rushing in as a competitive type. I am so happy, so I want to save this feeling of happiness!

I want to fight, I want to be crazy, I want to work hard, I want to please my brothers and sisters crazily!

I think I should have done it!

So, brothers and sisters of the swordsman, if you have monthly tickets, please give them to me, so that I can keep this momentum!

Brothers and sisters who have already voted for the guaranteed monthly tickets, Daozi thanks you! Please ignore what I said!

If there are still stocks, vote for Xiaodao!

Sincerely begging for monthly tickets!

I love you guys!

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