Football Modifier

Chapter 60 Who deserves to sing and cheer?

Replaying the camera, after Casillas subconsciously blocked Robben's shot with his legs, "African Andy Lau" Drogba rushed in from behind and scored a goal at a small angle before the ball flew out of the baseline!

As the commentator Uncle Zhan Jun said, Real Madrid's defense against Drogba in the first half was only relaxed for 30 seconds, and this all-pervasive bloodthirsty monster seized the opportunity and hit it deadly!

The Bernabeu Stadium was suddenly silent at night!

No one expected that the Blues Chelsea, who were suppressed by Real Madrid for more than 40 minutes in the first half and were shaky and powerless to fight back, actually broke the deadlock on the field 30 seconds before halftime!

This was a simple cooperation that couldn't be simpler. The goalkeeper threw the ball in the backcourt, the forward coordinated, and then inserted and shot to score! If it weren't for Casillas's heroic performance, the Dutch little flying man Robben's first shot could have blasted the door of Real Madrid!

Real Madrid fans in the stands watched the central screen replay the goal process over and over again, holding their heads in confusion... This... We lost the ball?

Looking at Drogba, the Warcraft, hugging his teammates tightly on the field, Fan Zuang felt a bad feeling in his heart! At present, it seems that Li Tongfan, who has just won the trust of the fans, has been defeated by the shrewd Portuguese old coach Mourinho! Chelsea's sudden contraction before the midfield was clearly to attract all the Real Madrid players and then quickly launch a counterattack!

This is Mourinho's football philosophy, simple but deadly.

This madman never cares about technical statistics, ball possession, number of shots and other bullshit data. In his opinion, only real goals are the only standard - the standard of victory!

Only victory theory!

Looking at the more than 60,000 Real Madrid fans in the stands who were just singing praises for their rookie coach but are now speechless, Mourinho coquettishly opened his Armani windbreaker and waved his fist to protest to the fans of the home team!

Look, who deserves to be praised?

Not the Chinese rookie who won three games by chance, but me... me! Jose Mourinho!

The madman raised his hands to the sky and posed a "dominant" pose, just like he did at Camp Nou after defeating Barcelona last season and the season before last, ignoring the boos and curses of the opposing fans. He is the only one in the world!

Mourinho's cool pose killed many reporters' films. People are all focusing on this temporary winner! Except Fan Zuang!

The figure that appeared in Fan Zuang's camera lens is still Li Tongfan!

Old Li, standing next to the coach's seat, shook his head and smiled helplessly! This expression made the reporter Fan feel nervous. Is he going to admit defeat to this arrogant Portuguese?

It shouldn't be!

According to my understanding, this college classmate is definitely a typical representative of "a duck with a hard mouth after being cooked", smelly and hard, a wretched master who can bring the Ah Q spirit to the master level, how can he admit defeat so easily?

Why is that?

Others certainly don't know the depression in Lao Li's heart. The goal of "African Andy Lau" announced that Lao Li's "conspiracy" to provoke the FM2007 system with ulterior motives failed again! In the locker room before the game, Li Tongfan had already reminded the Hammers that there might be a goal before halftime. Who knew that these damned boys and handsome men actually took my words as fart, his uncle...

A blazing mountain of fire broke out in Lao Li's heart. Li Tongfan decided to "sacrifice the angry little universe and blast these useless people" during the halftime break! It seems necessary to launch a rectification movement in the first team to improve the organizational and disciplinary awareness of these Hammers!


After the wanton celebration of Chelsea's soldiers, kick off again in the center circle!

Less than 10 seconds after the Real Madrid striker touched the ball, referee Alexandre Pedro blew the whistle to end the first half!

Looking at the murderous head coach on the sidelines, the Real Madrid superstars felt their heartbeats speed up, and walked to the locker room with their tails between their legs, exchanging "good luck" looks from time to time!

"The Real Madrid players quickly returned to the locker room," Uncle Zhan Jun decided to express his own views during the halftime break: "For Li Tongfan, the second half of the game will become more severe. Facing a team like Chelsea, the possibility of achieving a big reversal is very small..."

Uncle Zhan Jun's words spoke the voice of all Real Madrid fans. Chelsea is such a desperate team. As long as it takes the lead, then this group of blue muscle men will definitely become the nightmare of all teams. Mourinho is definitely the ancestor of playing defensive counterattack tactics!

At this moment, the Real Madrid fans in the stands should sing "Where is the Road"...

Amid the silence of more than 60,000 Real Madrid fans and the celebration of more than 5,000 Chelsea fans, Li Tongfan was the last one to return to the locker room!

The home team's locker room was in the south, as quiet as a graveyard, while the visiting team Chelsea's locker room was filled with laughter!


Li Tongfan walked towards the Real Madrid locker room step by step. When he finished walking through the more than 60-meter player tunnel, the flame of anger in his heart had been slowly suppressed by him bit by bit! Blindly getting angry can't solve the problem. The goal lost at the last moment of the first half was also a huge blow to the Hammers!

As an excellent head coach, you cannot be swayed by your own personal feelings!

"Good job guys!"

The first words spoken by Lee Tong-bum and Mourinho after entering their respective locker rooms were surprisingly consistent! The difference was that the Chelsea players in the left locker room let out a burst of lively laughter, while the handsome boys from Real Madrid in the south locker room raised their heads and looked at their head coach in surprise!

Li Tongfan clapped his hands vigorously, and the clear applause was like a drum: "Hey, guys, look up! You see, you have beaten the proud English people to the ground, and that goal was just an accident! Uh... big Wei, I'm not talking about you! You are our accomplice!"

The ladies burst into laughter!

Robart Carlos, who was "instantly killed" by the Dutch Peter Pan at the last moment of the first half, couldn't help but raise his bald head full of depression, smiled and patted the England "accomplice" Beckham sitting next to him!

Grad was a little surprised to find that the originally oppressive atmosphere was completely gone after Li Tongfan's little joke!

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If you are interested in reading, please read it around ten o'clock in the evening. There will definitely be an update, just sooner rather than later! Bow and thank book friends 080706234828205, A Dust is Enough, Zi Xin His Dad, Jian Feng Kuai, Yi Jing Zhi Ying, Makmanaman, Creation, Public Security Officer, Wind Crack, Xiao Cao Yi, and the reward for dismembering a dead baby!

Because Xiaodao is always updating in the Internet cafe, I can only come here at night. Xiaodao will read everyone’s opinions! Xiaodao has returned home and is slowly finding his status! Try to make no less than 4,000 per day, because there are a lot of things to do in my hometown!

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