Football Modifier

Chapter 600 Explosive News [First Update]

Time is like water, passing by quickly.

The group stage of the South Africa World Cup is about to come to an end step by step in the cruel competition.

Former Argentine head coach [King of Football] Diego Maradona did not go to South Africa to join in the fun during this period. His leg injury has just healed, and his daughter Giannina does not allow her father to go to South Africa to indulge before he is fully recovered!

The sky in Buenos Aires is a bit gloomy.

Maradona sat in the living room of his home.

He had just finished watching the recording of two games in Group E of the World Cup -

The Japanese team relied on the world wave free kicks of "Newcomer King" Honda Keisuke and Endo Yasuhito, as well as the goal of substitute striker Okazaki Shinji, and three goals to beat the Nordic powerhouse Denmark. The Nordic team finally relied on veteran Thomason to score a penalty kick to get back one city, thus ending their World Cup journey.

On another field.

The [Orange Army] Netherlands, which has won two consecutive games, relied on the goals of the risky double villains Van Persie and Huntelaar to defeat the [African Lions] Cameroon 2:1 and locked the top spot in the group.

The dust settled in Group E. In the end, the Netherlands and Japan won the qualification for the group, while Denmark and Cameroon left a sad back in the South Africa World Cup amid the sad tears of the fans!

In the living room.

Maradona quietly watched the recordings of the two games.

On the TV screen, the fierce fight, the wonderful free kick, the crazy shouts of the fans in the stands, the tears of hard work, the crying of the elimination... Even the slightly harsh whistle of the referee made the aging king feel unstoppable blood boiling!

Through the small screen, Maradona seemed to see his youth in a trance - dominating the green field, invincible, pointing the sword, and the giants surrendered... What a happy time it was! !

Maradona always felt that it was the life that really suited him!


In the face of time and fate, even a great football king had to bow his head stubbornly. Sometimes, Maradona began to regret his absurd years of alcoholism and drug abuse... He originally planned to find the long-lost passion for the green shade by coaching the Argentine team to the South Africa World Cup, but who knew that a sudden car accident interrupted his way to South Africa...

"But, Crazy Li did a damn good job! If I go by myself, I'm probably not as good as him..."

Sitting in the living room, Maradona shook his head a little self-deprecatingly.

At this moment...

Maradona's beautiful daughter Angelina suddenly ran down from the attic, her black ponytail swaying lightly, with a mischievous smile on her face: "Daddy, your phone, haha, you will never guess who is calling..."

As unruly as Maradona is, he is looking at his beautiful and youthful daughter with rare loving eyes at this moment, the kind of nature as a father...

He reached out to take the phone, and there was an unfamiliar phone number on it.

Maradona frowned, subconsciously thinking that those damn media invited him to write some shitty column again. He refused many times, but they came back again, and they called his daughter's cell phone...Maradona snorted in a bad tone: "This is Diego Maradona... Who are you?"

There was a sly laugh from the other end of the phone: "Hey, Diego, it's me. I guess you must be bored and rusty staying at home now? How about it, are you willing to come to South Africa..."

Maradona was stunned.

Although it was just a short sentence, he had already heard who was on the other end of the line. He was a little surprised: "Hey, it's you... Damn it, how did you get my baby daughter's phone number?"

There was another burst of laughter on the other end of the phone.

"Diego, who told you to keep your phone turned off? Hey, your son-in-law Sergio is right next to me, how do you think I have Giannina's phone number? What do you think, Diego, consider my invitation..."



In the exciting World Cup in South Africa, crazy things happen all the time, but on June 28, Argentina's new coach Crazy Li suddenly held a press conference and announced the craziest thing, which made the whole world dumbfounded-

"Today, I regret to admit one thing to you-in the past period of time, some unpleasant things happened between me and my colleagues in the coaching team, and we could not reach a consensus on football philosophy... Such cooperation is difficult for both of us to accept. Considering the team's performance in the next knockout round of the South Africa World Cup, I have proposed to the Football Association to reorganize the coaching team. If Mr. Grondona agrees to my request, I will be happy to continue to perform my current coaching contract... Of course, if the Football Association thinks that the mistake is on my side, I am willing to take responsibility for what I said today!"

At this moment, more than 200 reporters at the HPC Sports Center were dumbfounded.

Each of them came to this press conference with the fluke idea of ​​"unearthing" or "making" some big news... But at this moment, when the real big news exploded in their ears, everyone was stunned!

Internal conflict?

Crazy Li and the Argentine coaching team had a conflict?

Reorganize the coaching team?

A few seconds later, the entire press conference hall suddenly seemed like an arsenal set on fire. It was turned upside down with a "bang". The reporters went crazy and crowded forward like a tide, regardless of the obstruction of the staff... …

"Crazy Mr. Li, when you say taking responsibility for things, do you mean resigning as head coach?"

There was a tall reporter standing on tiptoes and shouting heartbreakingly.

After he shouted this, the other reporters became quiet again, because everyone wanted to know the answer to this question - the reporter asked everyone's thoughts.

"Yes, that's exactly it!"

Li Tongfan had no expression on his face and gave the answer that reporters most wanted to hear.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

At the moment, everyone's attention in world football was originally focused on the remaining heavyweight contests in the ongoing group stage - the fate of the defending champion Italy team, the showdown between Portugal and Brazil, and the Matador Legion Spain. The team's games have firmly attracted the media and fans...

However, at this time, the internal disputes among the Argentine team's coaching staff suddenly broke out, and instantly swept the world like a 180-level hurricane!

No one pays attention to those games anymore!

Everyone is asking: "Crazy Lee, crazy?"

At an important moment when the knockout rounds were about to begin, with the team in a good situation of winning all three games, and without any disturbance before, Madman Li actually took the initiative to break the news about the internal conflict among the team's coaching staff... Is this... could it be He is not afraid at all, because this kind of thing will affect the team's record in the knockout rounds?

Or... have the conflicts among the coaching staff really reached the point of being irreconcilable?

After people were surprised by the suddenness of the news itself, more people began to think about more things worthy of attention after this news——

What kind of irreconcilable contradiction caused Crazy Li, a madman, to suddenly become furious and break with the coaching staff in such a mutually damaging way that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own combat effectiveness?

Faced with Madman Li's no-brainer approach, what method will the Argentine Football Association headed by Grondona take to solve the problem? Keep the coaching staff? Or keep Crazy Li?

Also, what kind of impact will this sudden inside bar have on the Argentina team, which was already in a good situation? Whose side will the superstars on the team side with?

Furthermore, will thousands of Argentine fans support their own coach or choose to support the foreign madman Li?

Question after question, the excitement of football reporters and expert commentators was boiling.

Everyone began to follow the development of the situation crazily, and some people couldn't wait to comment——

Spain's Mundo Deportivo rushed to the forefront this time. The Catalunians used a heartbreaking tone to strongly condemn Madman Li: "Argentina's promotion situation was originally very good, and Messi has also performed well in the current team. His true level... However, Crazy Li is obviously not willing to be lonely. His stupid actions and speeches have ruined everything that originally belonged to Pampas. The Blue and White Army must be demoralized because of this internal conflict... The Argentine Football Association should take measures The Thunder fired Crazy Li. You must know that with so many superstars, it is not only Crazy Li who can lead the Argentine team to victory!”

Another person who holds the same view as "World Sports News" is former England national team coach McClaren. In an interview with a reporter from "The Times", this uncle made no secret of his disgust for Crazy Li: "Crazy Li, a Sad guy, he has been carried away by his own results and has completely become an arrogant egomaniac who cannot tolerate anyone's opinion... I feel for my colleagues on the Argentina coaching staff who have put up with it. That madman took too long...There is no doubt that Madman Li is going to ruin Argentina's World Cup!"

England’s commentator, the steadfast [Lee Black] McDonald, finally took the opportunity to slander Li Tongfan again: “Haha, yes, this is the essence of crazy Li. No matter where he goes, he must let himself be Becoming the focus of the world's attention... It is a pity that Messi has overshadowed his shine in the Argentina team, so he will use such a stupid way to win the media's attention and the fans' attention..."

These old opponents of Li Tongfan, who couldn't wait to accuse him, poured dirty water on him like crazy, hoping to turn Li Tongfan into a global sinner in an instant!


I seem to have overestimated my coding speed, what a tragedy!

Two updates today. I have to save some articles. I'm sorry, I won't wait until I get back from the wedding to thank everyone.

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