Football Modifier

Chapter 609: Surprise Change on the Court [Two in One]

The eight men in front of the Argentine coaching bench immediately attracted countless attention.

"Oh oh oh oh, the scene of Maradona gliding on the lawn detonated the whole audience... However, he had to wash his Armani suit after the game... because when he was kneeling and paddling, the Argentine football champion I got all the grass clippings from the Football City Stadium in Johannesburg..."

"Hahaha, Argentina scored a goal, and Maradona, the goalkeeper coach on the sidelines, was even happier than he was when he scored in the World Cup!"

In the commentary box, golden mouths from all over the world were also attracted by this scene.

German commentator [Golden Bomber] Klinsmann laughed loudly and was explaining: "Haha, we must understand that the current Argentine team can murder countless films and eyeballs on the sidelines, and it is not just Crazy Li. , in addition to him, there are Maradona, Caniggia and Redondo... You have to admit that the current Argentina team's coaching bench is even more popular than the players playing on the field. Superstars!"

"As expected, the Blue and White Army broke the deadlock shortly after the start of the game, 1:0!!! Crazy Li's team is heading towards the quarterfinals!"

"Diego Milito scores a goal... disaster strikes, Mexico is in trouble!"

"...This is so hard to understand, hard to understand!! As an experienced world-class coach, Aguirre's formation and tactical choices in this game are a complete tragedy. Facing a man with far greater strength, Beyond the Argentinian in the Mexican team, he actually arranged a 4-3-3 attacking formation so crazily..."

"If changes are not made quickly, Mexico's demise is imminent!"

In the commentary box, the golden mouths from all over the world had sharp eyes and made judgments one after another.

As the most professional commentators in their respective countries, they have watched and analyzed countless football matches of all kinds in the past time. The professional intuition they have developed over a long period of time always makes them better than those fanatical fans. See the situation clearly in advance.

The game resumes quickly.


Aguirre looked grim and worried.

Even those problems that the commentators can see, coach Aguirre naturally sees clearly.

So soon, the Mexican team’s formation quickly changed——

Giovanni dos Santos retreated slightly from the forward position and came to the midfield. The team's formation changed to 4-4-2, and the number of midfielders was strengthened.

Aguirre did not replace defensive players. For Mexico, which is one goal behind, it is meaningless to strengthen defense now. Adjusting the players' positions makes the formation more balanced. This is under the current situation, as The best choice the Mexican team, which is lagging behind and underdogs, can make!

But despite making the most correct changes, Aguirre still had an anxious look on his face.

In the seat not far away, 'Spy Coach' Carlalgado looked even more anxious. This stout middle-aged man watched the development of the game on the field with concern, and from time to time gritted his teeth and looked at Madman Li who was not far away. , the expression on the face is extremely rich!

At this moment, he is definitely the one beating the hardest among all the hearts at the Football City Stadium in Johannesburg.

the other side.

The Argentinian's mood is completely opposite——

"Wow, hahaha, this guy Aguirre is really stupid... Haha, 4-3-3? I really don't know what he thought about it?"

After Maradona celebrated the goal, he picked up Caniggia's towel, ignored the latter's objection, wiped the green grass juice on his suit, and came to Li Tongfan's side triumphantly, his face written all over Proudly: "I think if we continue to attack hard, we can score 10 goals in this game, hahaha!"

On the seat behind you.

Seeing their old comrade putting the dirty towel after wiping off the grass juice around his neck and laughing wildly with his hands on his hips, Redondo and Caniggia both lowered their heads and used their suits. The collar blocks his face...

But the mature and steady Kempes came over.

The expression on his face was not as relaxed as Maradona's: "Diego, you are wrong. Javier Aguirre's mistake was because he misbelieved that guy's observation information." At this point, Kempes Pointing to the 'spy coach' Carralgado on the Mexican team's coaching bench, he then added: "Of course, this is also the success of Li's confusing training in the past two days... But now he understands himself After the mistake, it will not be so easy for the world-class coach to react... Li, how about letting the players retreat a little and strengthen the defense in a short period of time? :0 score may be enough to help us get everything we want.”

The last words were spoken by Kempes to Li Tongfan.

Li Tongfan sighed slightly in his heart, but the expression on his face did not change. He shook his head gently and rejected Kempes' proposal. At the same time, he did not give any explanation.

Through spending time with each other these days, Li Tongfan has completely understood the personality characteristics of these "big-name colleagues" around him - [Prince] Redondo, who always has a calm and elegant smile; [Son of the Wind] Caniggia, who is always serious Incomparably, [Soccer King] Maradona's character is arrogant and lawless, while Kempes...

In Li Tongfan's opinion, Kempes is indeed an absolutely modest gentleman, just as many people have said before. Moreover, he is very careful. In the [8-man coaching team], Kempes was the first to discover the existence of the Mexican 'spy coach' Carralgado, and saw clearly Li Tongfan's intention to indulge this opponent's spy, while the other few people did not even discover the existence of Carralgado...

However, in addition to these personality traits, there are some cautious elements in Kempes's character that are almost timid. This makes him, as a football coach, always appear cautious and lack courage when facing many situations. For example, now Argentina is only one goal ahead, and his choice is not to pursue the victory but to defend and avoid, and the opponent is just a team like Mexico...

The reason he is afraid is simply because of Aguirre's reputation!

This... In Li Tongfan's opinion, it is a bit incredible!

Perhaps, this is why Kempes's playing era was extremely brilliant, but his career as a head coach was extremely miserable!

You should know that when Li Tongfan changes tactics in the game, he pays the most attention to psychology and momentum.

Let's not talk about whether Aguirre is as powerful as Kempes said, nor whether the Mexican team's counterattack can really pose a threat to the Argentine team... Let's just say that when the Hammers on the field still have an absolute advantage, Li Tongfan will never consider the so-called defense, because doing so will easily dampen the players' confidence and momentum, and will have a counterproductive effect!

Li Tongfan did not explain these things to Kempes.

Because for a careful person like Kempes, he will figure out the joints sooner or later, and letting him figure it out himself will definitely be much more effective than Li Tongfan's "speaking"!



On the field.

Facing Mexico, which has made tactical changes, the [Blue and White Army] still relentlessly carried out a fierce attack. The breakthroughs of the two wingers Di Maria and Aguero were unstoppable, and the deterrence of Higuain and Diego Milito in the penalty area did not weaken at all.

The crazy attack allowed Argentina to still firmly control the rhythm of the game.

25th minute.

Argentina once again played a wonderful cooperation-

Aguero broke through the defense of Mexican defenders Guardado and Salcido on the right and made a cross from the bottom.

[Little Smoker] Higuain headed the ball to Messi's feet outside the penalty area.

[Barca King] stopped the ball and flicked it in one go.

Then, Messi pretended to shoot from a distance, a fake move that was real enough to deceive Mexican central defender F-Rodriguez to turn around and block the ball with his back, and suddenly changed the shot to a push, gently pushing the ball under the opponent's feet!

This is a surgical pass!

It penetrated the Mexican team's defense line without any suspense.

At this time, [Inter Milan's new prince] Diego Milito, who inserted from the side like a ghost, finally got a once-in-a-lifetime single-handed opportunity. Facing the 1.73-meter goalkeeper, he did not hesitate and calmly pushed the ball into the far corner!

2:0! ! !

Argentina expanded its lead.

On the sidelines.

Such a goal made Aguirre, the Mexican coach, feel like he was struck by lightning.

After losing two goals in the first thirty minutes, the experienced Aguirre's first reaction was not to try to reverse the situation, but to look up at the sky above Johannesburg. Through the white ceiling, he seemed to have seen the plane carrying the Mexican team back home gliding over...

And Carragado, who had been sitting in the coach's seat, was heartbroken!

This time, Argentina's typical 4-4-2 two-wing flying tactics scored a goal, which once again stabbed his heart full of regret and unwillingness, making him heartbroken!

Not far away, there was jubilation in the coach's seat of the Argentine team.

Eight men in suits and leather shoes stood in a row on the sidelines, forming a black landscape that almost never appeared on the sidelines of a football field. They were smiling and cheering, raising their arms high, and the aura they released was enough to attract the world's cameras. Blue waves surged behind them, and huge cheers surrounded them...

The debut of the [8-man coaching team] was domineering, arrogant, and glorious! !

After scoring, the players rushed to the sidelines. Diego Milito, who scored twice, performed exactly the same as Riquelme and Aguero, who benefited from the team's tactics and scored goals in the previous game. He shook his wet hair, ran to the sidelines, and gratefully hugged Crazy Li.

"Mario, do you think we still need to defend now?"

After the celebration, the match of the long shirt has started again. The fans in the stands are still cheering with great interest. Li Tongfan turned his head at this time and asked Kempes standing beside him with a smile: "Do you think Aguirre is really that scary?"

Kempes was about to persuade Li Tongfan to slightly shrink the formation when he was leading 2:0. Hearing such a question, his heart choked slightly. He looked at Crazy Li who smiled at him meaningfully. Suddenly, he began to lower his head and think.

Kempes found that maybe Crazy Li wanted him to understand something.

Something that he had always ignored, but it was very important.

"What did you say? Defense? Oh, God, please!! At this time, we should continue to attack fiercely and score 10 more goals! Hehehe!"

Next to him, [Soccer King] Maradona, who was celebrating and demonstrating towards the Mexican team, only vaguely heard the word "defense" in the conversation between Li Tongfan and Kempes, thinking that Lao Li really wanted the team to strengthen defense. , immediately turned around and complained: "Li, you are an even person here, but you must not defend!"

"Hey, Diego, there's no one to defend!"

At this moment, Li Tongfan changed from the "educator" who was caring to Kempes to the prankster and madman Li in an instant. He laughed and jumped to Maradona's side. Then, these two arrogant and shameless guys stood side by side at the edge of the white line of the Argentine coaching bench. In unison, they made a move toward the Mexican coaching bench. A grimace with his tongue hanging out made the 'Spy Coach' Carralga so angry that he almost fainted...

Then, the two of them returned to their seats and sat down, arm in arm.

The stadium stands burst into laughter instantly. Obviously, this is a happy little tidbit. The two 'gods' showed their arrogance or childlike innocence. Everyone seemed to feel the Argentine 8-man coach in an instant. A harmonious scene of the group.

Assistant coach Li Bing, however, has been sitting quietly in his seat.

Maradona's words just now gave him a very strange feeling, which made Li Bing couldn't help but think: If one day, Maradona, who likes to point fingers, really has a fierce conflict with Li Tongfan in terms of command on the battlefield, then What impact will it have on the Argentine team?

Between these two men who are as arrogant and as stubborn as diamonds, who will be the first to choose to compromise?

This is really a terrible scene!

43rd minute of the first half.

Amid the cheers that filled the sky for the third time by the Argentine, on the Mexican team's coaching bench, coach Carlalgado once again lowered his head in pain.

The Blue and Whites score again!

It is still a very typical wing cross tactic.

But this time, the person who opened the Mexican goal was [Barcelona King] Messi. He received Di Maria's knock back in the penalty area and fired a rare powerful shot, humiliating [Green] for the third time. Giant] Goalkeeper Perez who is 1.73 meters tall!

3:0! !

The Argentinian cheers were like a sharp steel drill, piercing into Carralgado's mind, making him almost suffocate with regret.

He saw Crazy Li, Maradona and those abominable 'liars' cheering heartily in front of the coaching bench not far away. Their ferocious faces looked like hungry wolves gnawing flesh and blood suddenly raising their heads in the dark night...

He saw the Argentinian fans in the stands cheering and wildly provoking the Mexicans. Their raised middle fingers and flying spit looked like the ugly bloody teeth of cannibals...

He saw Messi and his teammates laughing arrogantly, with unabashed ridicule...

Finally, he saw the old man Aguirre whom he had always admired - this white-haired Mexican coach who is the only famous coach in Mexico. At this moment, his face was full of the shame of failure, and the confusion and unwillingness that could not be concealed under the huge score...

Anger, resentment and unwillingness began to rise!

At this moment, if there was a knife in his hand, Carralgado could not wait to rush over and insert the knife into the hearts of Crazy Lee and Maradona, just like the previous three goals were inserted into his own heart!

force! ! !

Until the referee blew the whistle to end the first half, Carralgado was still confused. He didn't know when he walked to the edge of the players' tunnel, and watched the players pass by one by one. Even touched his shoulder...

Mexico coach Aguirre saw this scene.

The old coach walked past Carlalgado and sighed softly.

But this sigh, so weak that it was almost inaudible, was like a heavy hammer, hitting his heart hard in an instant. Carralgado suddenly looked up and saw Crazy Li and Maradona holding each other's back. Walking over with a smile...

I don’t know why, but at this moment, Carralgado’s anger suddenly exploded! !

Anger arises from the heart and evil arises from the courage!

He rushed over desperately and yelled: "You two super bastards and big liars..." Like a male dog whose spouse was taken away, Carralgado suddenly became extremely Being extremely aggressive, he rushed over, grabbed Maradona's hair, and pulled him forward...

The world paused for a second.

No one could believe what they saw. Actually... someone hit... Maradona? In front of more than 40,000 crazy Argentinian fans, just... nakedly beat Maradona?

Oh, God! !

It wasn't until Marshal Ma screamed "Ah" when he was attacked that Li Tongfan realized that although he was considered a young and Dangerous boy in the stadium before, Marshal Ma, who had been away from the battlefield for a long time, had been beaten by the short and stocky man Carral. He grabbed his hair and pushed it to the ground... Everything became messy. The fans in the stands were surging wildly. The Argentine substitute players who were warming up on the sidelines rushed over here with red eyes. The players of the Mexican team one after another Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them!

Li Tongfan almost instinctively raised his hand and punched the short, sturdy Mexican man in the jaw. Although Lao Li didn't know why this guy didn't first fire on himself, the 'culprit' who had deceived him, but from Caralga Judging from his aggressive appearance, this guy would never let him go, so Lao Li decided to strike first!

Carralgado fought back with red eyes...

The two of them were like two roosters entangled together, so hot! !

The whole stadium was in a state of shock!

The reporters who were filming the players were squeezing in here like crazy. Their faces were flushed, they were breathing heavily, and the cameras in their hands were flashing crazily...

"God, what happened? The coaches started fighting on the sidelines. Was it Madman Li who made the first move?"

"Maradona is lying on the ground, not knowing whether he is alive or dead..."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, this is really breaking news!"

"Definitely the biggest news since the opening of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Two 'gods' and a Mexican coach got into a fist fight on the sidelines... The media reporters who were filming the game seemed to have smelled blood. The smelly sharks swarmed over like crazy!”

"The game itself has become a secondary thing, and off-field factors will definitely become the focus of media attention tomorrow!!"

"Oh oh oh oh, as I said before, Crazy Li's [8-man coaching staff] will definitely become the focus of the game. Now it turns out that this prediction is not wrong at all... Hahahaha, coaches The performance was even better than I expected!”

"What an incredible scene...The referee walked to the sidelines to see how he would handle it? Oh oh oh oh, is it a red card!! Or a red card?? The referee showed Crazy Li and the referee from the Mexican team a series of Showed a red card?”

"Oh my God, it's actually a red card. This means that even if the Argentina team finally advances to the top 8, Crazy Li will miss at least the next game of the Argentina team!!! The Blue and White Army is in danger..."

In the commentary box, commentators from all over the world screamed in surprise.

On the field.

The angry Argentine players and coaches were like a tide. The Pampas football god and the team's savior coach was beaten. The rage spreading in the crowd was enough to melt an entire towering diamond mountain. If allowed, If these guys who are stimulated and lose their senses rush forward, the Mexican Carlalgado will definitely be torn into "meat elements"...

Fortunately, the security guards at the Football City Stadium in Johannesburg are very professional. Before the angry crowd rushed to the scene of the incident, they still clung to each other like the closest lovers even after receiving the red card from the referee. Crazy Li and Carlalgado were carried into the players' tunnel together, and then the security guards stood ready to block the crowd outside...

Even the referee, linesman and fourth official were like rabbits crawling into the tunnel.

The boos, curses, roars, and figures hitting the ground turned the entire stadium into a chaotic Shura Stadium at this moment. The fans were extremely excited in the stands, looking at the dark entrance to the players' tunnel. Everyone wants to know what will happen there in the next fifteen minutes?

Is Maradona lying on the ground seriously injured?

Crazy Li and the entangled Mexican coach, how far did the fight go, and who won?

Carralgado got a red card, which had no impact on the Mexican team. At most, it just lost an unimportant task. However, for the Argentine team, losing Crazy Li, in the next game , everything will become complicated and confusing. Can the newly formed 8-person coaching staff hold up the sky of Pampas in the next game?

In other words, after the next quarter-finals, can people still see Crazy Li and his Argentina team at the World Cup in South Africa?


China's railways are not strong enough and they are running around in panic. They have just arrived.

Tomorrow the knife will return to its previous updated state. thank you all!

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