Football Modifier

Chapter 662 Where will Crazy Li go next? [Update 1]

The departure of Argentina, the new king of the world, has restored the peace of the past to the land of Africa.

However, in the mainstream European football world, the storm set off by the media has just begun. FIFA has not announced the official best results of this World Cup, but the major media have made up their own best results. The awards can’t wait to be handed over to the players and teams!

There is no doubt that Argentina is the winner of this World Cup.

Reuters, which stole the show in its coverage of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, once again went before many professional football media. However, this time they did not hold any ‘award’ selections or use long speeches to praise the players and the team. Instead, they broke a big sensational news without saying anything surprising——

"Crazy Lee Returns to Real Madrid"

The article wrote: "Crazy Li's legendary experience at the Bernabeu and his crazy performances in the past few years - especially in the just-concluded World Cup finals, have made fans of the Galaxy Battleship and [Lafayette] Florenti Nuodu believes that Crazy Mourinho is no longer the head coach Real Madrid needs most, but Crazy Li is! Crazy Li’s coaching contract with the Argentina team will expire soon, and Real Madrid will not have to pay liquidated damages. It is reported that In order to grab [the God on the sidelines of football] from Inter Milan and Liverpool, Florentino is willing to pay him an annual salary of 18 million euros after tax to impress him. The two sides will start negotiations on the return of Crazy Li to the Bernabeu in the near future. , no accident, in the next season, after four years, Real Madrid fans can finally see the figure of [God on the sidelines of the football field] in front of the Bernabeu coaching bench, and that extremely coquettish middle finger. You must know that Real Madrid fans have always regarded themselves as the home team of Crazy Li... and the chain effect brought about by this signing is also very obvious. There were rumors that Mourinho, who joined Real Madrid, was forced out of his job by Crazy Li. , so he is very likely to continue to stay at Inter Milan. Of course, the Premier League teams Tottenham, Manchester City and Liverpool are also eyeing the madman, and Spanish [tactician] Benitez, who is rumored to be likely to be sacked, is also one of these teams. Popular candidates...This summer, heavyweight transfers in football will also be a highlight of the transfer market!"

This Reuters report immediately detonated the entire European football world.

Crazy Li’s contract with the Argentine Football Association is about to expire. This is actually no secret. Although the chairman of the Argentine Football Association, Grondona, has repeatedly emphasized that Crazy Li will definitely renew his contract with the Argentine team, many people know that Crazy Li has no plans to do so. He stayed on as national team coach for too long because his interest was in playing for his club.

There have been many media speculations about which club [God on the sidelines of football] will coach, and Real Madrid is certainly one of the candidates. But when Reuters pointed it out so confidently, and at the same time even revealed the details of the contract, it still First!

There is no doubt that this news has some people excited and some worried.

Of course, the fans of Real Madrid are excited. In the past two seasons, since Guardiola took over Barcelona, ​​the Galacticos have been severely suppressed by Guardiola before they fully woke up after experiencing the "mythical season". There is no chance to turn around. Although C-Ronaldo, who can compete with Messi in the player field, joined Real Madrid last year, Pellegrini, who has a good hand, did not surprise the fans of the Galacticos... Faced with such a huge The humiliation, coupled with Messi's performance as a king in this World Cup, has made many Real Madrid fans full of pessimism and worry about the upcoming 10-11 season!

They see no hope of fighting against Messi and Guardiola!

However, if Crazy Li could come, everything would obviously be different.

This man left too many good memories at the Bernabeu. Moreover, he was responsible for Messi's victory in the World Cup in South Africa. His crazy and bold genius 3-2-1-4 offensive formation was watched by countless fans. Fascinating... Since he can single-handedly put Messi on the throne of the top of the world, why can't he put C-Ronaldo, who is not weaker than Messi, on the throne of God?

Moreover, just thinking about Crazy Li's undefeated myth, Real Madrid fans screamed with excitement as if they had seen the league championship and the Champions League trophy in the 2010-11 season.

While some people are still doubting the authenticity of this matter, "Marca", known as the mouthpiece of Real Madrid, is also involved in reporting on this matter. The deputy editor of Marca - the former Among the Spanish journalists, Carlos Ruben, the "Crazy Li No. 1 Dog Leg", conducted a fan survey with great energy. In this one-day online survey, more than 500,000 Real Madrid fans participated in the question and answer, and As many as 95% of them believe that the return of Crazy Li "is the most decisive signing for Real Madrid during this summer transfer period", which is directly related to the Galaxy Battleship's ability to overwhelm its old rival Barcelona, ​​and only 5% of the remaining people fans chose to support the madman Mourinho who had great success at Inter Milan just last season!

Many media have been caught up in crazy reports on this matter. It seems that after just experiencing a wonderful World Cup, even the [Blue and White Legion] Argentina team, which won the Hercules Cup for the third time, finally won the World Cup in Johannesburg. [Son of God] Messi, who suddenly became the king of the City Stadium, is not as eye-catching as Crazy Li!

A head coach's reputation has reached such a level. Throughout history, except for the madman Mourinho, no one else can compare to the madman Li!

Many European football journalists flocked to Buenos Aires like a swarm.

July 20.

A large-scale float parade was held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. On the street leading to the Monumental Stadium, a blue convertible bus, which was urgently converted from a bus serving the team during the World Cup, carried the heroes of the "Blue and White Army" who returned with honors and the glittering World Cup, like an aircraft carrier cruising in the sea, slowly driving among the crowd...

The whole tour process was violent.

Thousands of arms waved wildly, forming a large white ocean with no visible edge. The palms were white waves. There was no edge to be seen. Almost all the citizens of Buenos Aires came here, and there were more people from all over Argentina who came to the capital to watch this historic float parade up close!

On the temporary stage of the Monument Park, the Argentine female president once again appeared in front of the fans. Although many people thought that this strong woman's attendance at the award ceremony of the World Cup final was a show, just like German Chancellor Merkel, she still insisted on her love for the [Blue and White Army]!

The brief speech of the female president Cristina ended with the continuous and intense cheers. When the captain Javier Zanetti loudly and proudly announced to all Argentine fans, "I assure you that Pampas football is still the best football in the world", the whole blue and white country was boiling!

The climax of the whole event came at the end. The honorary citizen medal originally awarded by the mayor of Buenos Aires was personally worn by the Argentine female president Cristina on Crazy Lee. Crazy Lee is the 8th foreign citizen to receive this honor since Buenos Aires set up the honorary citizen award. He is the only Asian to receive this award, which can be regarded as a record!

After helping the Blue and White Army to defeat super teams such as Germany, England and Spain, Crazy Lee's prestige in Argentina is no less than that of local stars such as Kempes, Maradona and Messi. Seeing Crazy Lee wearing the city's honorary citizen medal on his chest, more than 400,000 Argentine fans on the scene cheered and shouted!


The reports of European media continued.

At this time, FIFA's official best was finally released-

The best team of the 2010 South Africa World Cup.

In the goalkeeper position, Casillas finally won the election by relying on his previous excellent performance, overpowering the Argentine goalkeeper Romero. Although some Argentine media criticized Casillas for relying on his huge fame to suppress Romero, according to the official statistics, except for the seven consecutive goals in the final, the Real Madrid goalkeeper made more important interceptions and saves in each game than Romero, and he deserved the position of the starting goalkeeper in the best team!

In the defender position, Spanish full-back Ramos, Argentine central defender Samuel, English central defender Steven Taylor, and Argentine captain Zanetti were selected as the starting four. Almost no one was dissatisfied with this choice. Ramos won in the balance of data on both ends of defense and assists, Samuel's stability was the best, and Steven Taylor scored the most goals among central defenders - of course, his defense was also excellent. Zanetti went to the World Cup at the age of 36 and was able to score goals and assists, which can only be described as a legend!

The midfield was the most controversial.

Argentina's midfielder [Commander] Riquelme and Spain's [Ventilator] Xavi were both selected. The other two were [Blue and White Army] midfielder Mascherano and Brazilian superstar Kaka... This list of four people caused great controversy in the media. Many outstanding players such as Sneijder of the Netherlands, Alan Smith of England, Podolski and Thomas Muller of Germany were not selected, which caused dissatisfaction among media in various countries, but FIFA quickly took out data to speak and responded to the doubts.

As for forwards, [Barcelona King] Messi’s selection is undisputed.


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