Football Modifier

Chapter 80 The whole world’s suspicion and one person’s trust

Is there any way to collect all these "future supernovas" into my own account?

Be your own agent for young ladies?

Obviously not, not to mention whether Lao Li now has the energy and ability to provide professional services in financial management, legal and life aspects to his players all day long. FIFA's rules and regulations alone seem to be very restrictive in this regard!

The head coach who also serves as an agent will cause people to panic just like the emergence of "clones". Soon some people will wonder whether only his own players can get the opportunity to play, which is not conducive to the unity of the locker room. Maintain your authority with the head coach...

So can you find someone you can trust completely to hand over those "future stars" who are still waiting to be discovered by big scouts?

This idea is actually the same as the problem Lao Li encountered when he was looking for an agent for himself - there were too few suitable candidates!

Li Tongfan patted his head and suddenly thought, if it doesn't work, let his brother who is about to graduate from college try it! Anyway, it was as difficult for him to find a job after graduating from a third-rate university as it was for Wu Dalang to find a wife. In this way, the wealth would not go to outsiders!

But this guy hasn’t even passed CET-4 so far. He can’t pass the language barrier first, and his conditions in other aspects are even worse. He doesn’t have the teeth to swallow this big piece of fat!

This sudden idea is very tempting, but it is very difficult to implement it! Before finally making up his mind, Lao Li had to think carefully!

Put it aside for now, and wait for a chance to have a good chat with my brother when I have time to see what he means. Li Tongfan doesn’t want to become an evil feudal parent who takes care of everything!

Let’s solve Mata’s problem first!

Juan Mata doesn’t know how he has survived these days!

When he got up in the morning and opened the newspaper of the day, almost the whole of Spain was talking about him. Mata found that he had become famous overnight!

Unfortunately, unlike the sweet dream I had while sleeping in the players' dormitory of Castilla, after representing Real Madrid in the game against Real Betis, what I received was not flowers and applause, but overwhelming criticism and censure!

Poor technique, poor consciousness, poor body, poor running, poor passing...

The way the media describes me is nothing short of perfect!

When he was still a member of Castilla, Mata had imagined countless times that one day the head coach of the first team would suddenly like him, and then he would enter the first team, then play in La Liga, and then become famous all over the world!

All the young eagles of Castile have such a dream, and Mata and Dela Red waited until the God of Luck favored them! However, after actually playing in La Liga, Mata found that the development trajectory he had imagined in advance had completely changed. This feeling, to use a more vulgar term, is that the girl he worked so hard to pursue was kicked by someone else. The bud...

In the fairy tale of becoming famous with one goal, Mata guessed the beginning correctly, but failed to guess the ending!

Of course, for Mata, things are not so bad that it is irreversible, because there is one person who has maintained his support from beginning to end - Real Madrid coach Lee Tong-beom!

All the articles that Lao Li recently published in Marca newspaper in support of Mata were neatly cut out by the little boy and carefully posted on the bedside. Whenever he had time, the little guy would read them carefully, and then, All worries disappear!

Mr. Rice Tong said: "...You are not qualified to comment on my players..."

He also said: "...I know clearly what a great player Juan Mata is..."

Also said: "...Juan Mata will always appear in the Real Madrid first team lineup..."

Of course, what impressed Mata the most was Li Tongfan’s lustful words when they first met at Madrid Sports City: “…work hard, little guy, you will become a legend of Real Madrid!”

Even if all the suspicions in the world were put together, they would not be as much as the trust of him alone!

Mata jumped up from the bed, ran to the mirror, made a smiling face, clenched his fists, and said silently in his heart: "Come on, Mata! For your parents, for yourself, for... for your job - Mr. Li !”

Then after washing up, I ran to Madrid Sports City on time to participate in the team’s training!

Until now, the little guy is still earning the salary of the second-tier team and cannot compare with the superstars who receive high salaries. Buying a car-even a second-hand car that has been eliminated is a luxury for Mata!

The weather was very nice. When Mata ran to the training base, he was already sweating slightly. The first person to greet him was assistant coach Grede!

Mata found that Mr. Grede looked at him a little strangely, and seemed to be mumbling something in his mouth. In fact, if the young lady gets closer, she can clearly hear what Grade is saying: "... He doesn't look like Li at all. He shouldn't be an illegitimate child or a relative. Why does Li care so much about this little guy? ... …”

Mata mustered up the courage to say hello to the very strict "second boss" of the first team: "Good morning, Mr. Grede!"

"Oh, eh? Morning! Lee wants you to stop by his office before training!"

Xiao Zhengtai's heart was beating wildly!

Idiot - Mr. Li is looking for me? It's not just a scolding, my performance in the last game was too bad...

Li Tongfan looked at Mr. Mata who knocked on the door anxiously and smiled at him with a lustful smile: "How does it feel to be in the first team? Lovely Mr. Mata?"

This obscene smile made Mata even more elusive about Lao Li's intention of calling him over: "Very good, boss, I like it here and I want to stay here!"

Like other first-team superstars, Mata decided to call the man in front of him "boss"! Little Shota openly expressed his ambition to the "boss"!

"Sit down," Li Tongfan pointed to the chair in front of the desk. While greeting the somewhat reserved young lady, he took out a contract from the drawer: "Since you like it here, I think the next thing will be much easier to handle." , take a look at this first!”

This is?

Mata took the contract and looked through it briefly, and a burst of ecstasy suddenly surged into his heart. Wasn't it just for this day that he had spent more than 3,000 days and nights in ten years? The contract clearly states:

"Real Madrid Club is willing to offer Juan Mata a new contract with a weekly salary of 10,000 euros for four years, a signing fee of 500,000 euros, a minimum termination bonus of 50 million euros, and a salary increase of 5% every year..."

First team signing contract! !

The signing fee of 500,000 euros is enough to be worth the income of my parents’ hard work for six or seven years. As for other benefits...

Mata has been dazzled by the long string of numbers on the contract. The only thing that is clear is the obscene but sincere smile of the "boss" behind the desk - Li!

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Finally enough for the fourth update, my eyes are so tired that they hurt! But I feel a little relieved. I finally have an explanation with the tubes. I hope Xiaodao's character is not too bad in the eyes of the tubes! Tomorrow’s update will guarantee three and four!

Thanks to Xishan Daxia, Xu Chilin, makmanaman, Dismembered Dead Infant, Winter Wind, Book Friends 100526120819817, Wind Split, qgaoqi821216 and others for their generous rewards! The knife bows and thanks!

Thank you to the omnipotent God for working tirelessly to help Xiaodao point out the typos. Xiaodao will try to correct them all within this week!

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