Football Modifier

Chapter 803: Blue Army Glory [First Update]

In the past season, the Blues Chelsea performed mediocrely.

Under the leadership of [Magic Gus] Hiddink, Chelsea did not achieve a qualitative leap as fans expected. In the end, they ranked third in the league in the 2012-2013 season and stopped in the semi-finals after entering the knockout stage of the Champions League.

Such results can only be regarded as mediocre.

So after the end of last season, before the club made a decision on whether to fire the Dutch god, the magical coach Hiddink took the initiative to resign.

Many professional football commentators believe that Chelsea's mediocre performance last season has little to do with Hiddink. The main reason is that the team's starting lineup is seriously aging.

In Chelsea's current main lineup, veterans such as [Iron Man] Lampard, [Warcraft] Drogba, [French Sharp Knife] Malouda and [Devil of the World] Anelka are all old and weak, no longer as brave as they used to be, and there is a lack of representative figures who can turn the tide among the young players. Last summer, the top target Modric finally joined without help, which greatly reduced Chelsea's combat effectiveness last season.

Hiddink is considered to be a scapegoat and paid for the aging of the Blues.

Now that Crazy Li is in charge of the team, with Abramovich's trust in this Chinese coach, he will inevitably invest huge transfer funds.

There is no doubt that Chelsea will set off a huge wave in the European transfer market this summer.

And such speculation was soon confirmed-

Soon after signing with Crazy Li in a high-profile manner, Chelsea Club announced a major adjustment of the club's management power structure.

Crazy Li became the big winner of this adjustment.

In addition to being the team's head coach and enjoying absolute control over the first team, the club's management, internal operations and transfers all fell into his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Abramovich announced that Chelsea would invest 100 million pounds this summer for the new head coach to rebuild the team.

As soon as the news came out, the Premier League was shaken.

Major media reported and commented that Chelsea's rise has become an unstoppable trend.

The Manchester Post joked in the report -

"... Obviously, the great Ferguson has been fighting for more than 20 years in Manchester United, and the rights he has obtained are not as much as the rights that Madman Lee has obtained a week after arriving at Chelsea. As for Wenger, who is a punching bag in Arsenal, he has to stand aside!"

The cold wind blew.

To be honest, although it was speculated before that Madman Lee would be powerful in Chelsea, when a series of news came out one after another, many people were shocked that Abramovich trusted Madman Lee so much.

Even Mourinho back then had never been so favored by the Russians!

Every team in the Premier League has a feeling of crying wolf.

Under the butterfly effect, some clubs that are not financially tight have announced an increase in transfer budgets. Everyone understands that the arrival of Madman Lee will greatly stimulate competition in the Premier League. If you want to stay in the Premier League after a season and get the huge broadcasting fees, then quickly recruit troops and expand your strength!


Time passes.

Half a month passed quickly.

However, what surprised many media and fans was that Madman Lee did not make any moves in the transfer market during this period, and he has been quite calm. Even through some other channels, the powerful paparazzi have not been able to dig up any other news.

Many people want to know what Madman Lee is up to.

Only Lao Li himself knows this.

In fact, these days, Lao Li has been meeting and communicating with Chelsea's old players one by one.

In Lao Li's view, if you want to rebuild an iron-blooded and invincible Chelsea, consolidating the foundation is the key, and this foundation is obviously these hard-working old ministers.

Lampard, Drogba and others have made great contributions to Chelsea's transformation from a second-rate team to a top-tier club in the top five leagues. They are highly respected and loved by Chelsea fans. If Li came to the team and disparaged and drove away these old players, and completely overthrew the original team to rebuild, it would undoubtedly be a mess and not worth the loss.

Moreover, in Li's view, these veterans are fully capable of occupying a place in his future plans and are still the main players of the Blues who dominate Europe.

Therefore, appeasing these people is Li's first plan to rebuild the team.

The effect of doing so is significant-

After half a month, those old players who were originally trembling with fear about their fate because of the arrival of the new coach have completely put down their concerns and are enjoying their respective holidays leisurely.

They are extremely happy to be able to play under the account of Crazy Li.

Especially Lampard and Drogba, who were so excited that they ended their vacation early and returned to the team's training base to start recovery training, just waiting for the new season to start under the leadership of Crazy Lee.

Because they understand that they have a good career left, and if they want to get the coveted Big Ear Cup medal at the last moment, the next year will be the best time.

Before the season started, Chelsea was already full of murderous intent.

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

After Lao Li appeased the old players who were still in his plans, he finally began to free up his hands to introduce new players.

Chelsea currently has Drogba, Anelka, Torres, Sturridge and Lukaku on the front line, which looks like a world-class forward line.

But in fact, the forward players, old and young, are not in their best condition.

However, Torres, the newly added striker in his prime, has always been at odds with Chelsea. In the past, when he was at Liverpool, he was a killer who blocked the gods and the Buddha, but now he has become a sick cat when he came to Chelsea. He played his best last season, but he only scored 10 goals in a season. He was far behind his peak period. Far.

Therefore, the transformation of the striker is necessary.

Lao Li searched and thought about it in FM for a long time, and finally sent two quotes.

Then there's the midfield.

[Iron Man Magic Lamp] Lampard is getting older. Essien, the former Ghanaian magic buffalo, has been seriously injured and has been so useless that no one wants the farmland. Brazilian midfielder Bastos is brave and foolhardy. Frenchman Malouda and Ivory Coast striker Kalou performed inconsistently again...

Fundamentally speaking, the midfield is Chelsea's Achilles' heel.

Therefore, enhancing the strength of the midfield is the top priority of the current team's transformation and reconstruction.

And Li Tongfan's first target for Chelsea was the midfield coach Chelsea had been dreaming of repeatedly last season - Croatian superstar Luka Modric.

As for the defense and goalkeeper, all players are instant choices and have luxurious configurations, so there is no need to worry about them anymore.

A few days later, Crazy Li, who had been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai, finally took action.

With this move, the wind roared and the clouds gathered, and the world was shaken——

40 million pounds to acquire Atletico Madrid's leading striker Sergio Aguero.

Signed Tottenham midfielder Luka Modric for £38 million.

22 million pounds to acquire Real Madrid's risk-free newcomer Nicolas Gigi.

The total of these three people was exactly 100 million pounds, and all the transfer fees promised by Abramovich were spent in an instant.

Such an average ability to spend money is indeed beyond the reach of many head coaches.

Don't you see that over the years, Manchester City has spent money all over the place, but they have money that they can't spend. Later, they hired Mancini to work hard and win the opportunity to play in Europe, and the situation has improved?

However, many professionals, instead of ridiculing Crazy Li Hua for spending 100 million pounds, actually applauded him.

Aguero has long been coveted by many giants. Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Manchester City... Any giant that is famous in the five major European leagues and considers itself worthy of Maradona's son-in-law status, all hope that he can To get this promising super striker, Atletico Madrid refused to let go of the liquidated damages of 45 million pounds. If they can bring him to Stamford Bridge for 40 million pounds, it is definitely a value-for-money deal.

As for Modric, Chelsea were in constant pursuit last season and the transfer fee of 40 million pounds was reported. However, Tottenham refused to let him go. At that time, the two clubs even had a quarrel over it. Who knows this season? When Crazy Li arrived, he still had the original 40 million pounds, but he easily brought people to Stamford Bridge.

The last Gigi, who is worth 22 million pounds, is even more incomprehensible.

Gigi belongs to England and is a local player. In the past few years, he has performed amazingly in the Premier League, Serie A, and La Liga. He has become the main forward of the England team and has long been recognized by the world as a promising super player. One of the forwards, "Transfer Market" estimates that Gigi's transfer fee is at least around 35 million. If his status and age as a local player are taken into account, plus the market conditions, if Chelsea introduces him, the original 40 million will definitely not be available. of.

Who knew that he would be brought to Stamford Bridge by Crazy Li for a "cabbage price" of 22 million.

The English paparazzi immediately started to work frantically to find out what happened after the transfer.

But many people can guess the general situation——

Aguero, Modric and Gigi are all players promoted by Crazy Li, especially the latter two. They went from being unknown to becoming famous all over the world because of Crazy Li's single-handed promotion.

Besides, Madman Li is invincible. If you follow him, you will follow the path of honor. His ability to train players is unparalleled in the world. I'm afraid that once Madman Li opens his mouth, the three of them will follow him even if they are at odds with Yuan in the club. . What's more, the transfer fee offered by Crazy Li is not large. Atletico Madrid and Tottenham have no choice but to let him go to avoid losing both their people and money.

As for Real Madrid letting Gigi go at a low price, it is probably due to the personal relationship between Crazy Li and Florentino.

After introducing three players in a row, Chelsea Club announced on its official website that the team's summer signings are over, and all that is left is the cleaning of redundant personnel.

In the next more than a month, many players who were not in Lao Li's plan left Stamford Bridge, including French striker Anelka and Ivory Coast striker Kalou. As for actively playing in the reserve team Nobody, that's more.

Time flies.

Chelsea played a number of warm-up matches before the start of the season.

The scenes that Blues fans have been waiting for are happening one by one——

Modric, the Croatian midfield master, has brought a long-lost spirituality and creativity to the Blues' attack, enriching the team's offensive changes a lot.

The arrival of [Tsubasa] Aguero has activated [Golden Boy] Torres, who was originally frustrated at Stamford Bridge. The two former Atletico Madrid partners are back together to conquer cities and castles, and both have shown the demeanor of world-class shooters.

Veterans Lampard and Drogba soon had a second spring in their careers, [Magic Lamp] began to shine again, and [Warcraft]'s magic and domineering power quickly recovered after a series of warm-up matches...

Chelsea fans are eagerly looking forward to the start of the 2013-2014 season. There is no doubt that a new blue dynasty is rising in North London.


This is not the end, there is still one more.

I promised everyone that it will end today.

The next update will be around 11 o'clock in the evening.

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