Football Modifier

Chapter 805 Postscript - Thank you letter - New book notice (very important, brothers and sisters mu

I have a lot to say, but I am at a loss when I pick up the pen.

Really, when I uploaded the last chapter, my heart suddenly felt empty, a little uncomfortable, and a little unbelievable: It actually...really...just ended like this?

From June 10, 2010 to August 17, 2011.

This is the journey of the football editor, and also the journey of Daozi's own growth, and the process of relying on each other and knowing each other along the way.

To be honest, before writing this book, Daozi's life was very bleak.

My girlfriend who I have been in love with for nearly 10 years is waiting for me, but at that time, I didn't have the money to get married. Daozi graduated from a prestigious university, but his major was not good. After graduation, he worked hard in a foreign company today and earned less than 2,000 yuan a month. After paying off the student loan and rent, he had to starve. He even had to rely on his girlfriend for help at one time. It can be said that he was extremely miserable.

Later, he had to drag his luggage and leave Tianjin.

After I came to HD, I was still thinking about taking the civil service exam. I ate gigolos for a while. Later, when I was waiting for the results of the civil service exam, I started to try to write a book. I read online novels for four years in college, so I wanted to give it a try.

I started writing an oriental fantasy book with nearly 200,000 words. It was not on Qidian. Another website bought it out for 15 yuan. (As for which website, you should be able to guess).

It was the World Cup at that time, and I was playing FM. I couldn't help but start writing the editor again.

But the idea of ​​the editor actually came to me when I was a sophomore.

After writing it, I uploaded it to Qidian. After all, I still wanted to develop in Qidian. Who knew that the results were unexpectedly good, and I soon received a notice of signing a contract from the backstage. I remember that it was one noon in June. My girlfriend came back from class and was taking a nap. After seeing the news, I jumped up happily in front of the computer, woke her up and celebrated with him, hehe...

Just a contract made me happy and want to cry.

That feeling was like finally grasping a little light and hope in the darkness.

Later, the performance of the editor has been very smooth. Although I went home once when Sanjiang recommended it, the update was super slow, 2000 a day, but in the end, with the support of you, the most lovely brothers and sisters, I survived.

Then it was put on the shelves.

It was put on the shelves 8 days later than other new books that month, but the 24-hour subscription gave Daozi real hope. After a month of hard work, I was full of fighting spirit every day, listening to the theme song of the 2010 South Africa World Cup, typing energetically, and updating frantically.

Dear brothers and sisters, at this point, Daozi would like to sincerely say thank you again, because you pushed Daozi, a newcomer, to the second place in the monthly ticket of new books in that month under such unfavorable circumstances!

Now think about it, it’s incredible!

The income of 6,000 yuan increased suddenly, plus the royalties of that month, it was more than 14,000 yuan, which was more than the family assets accumulated in a year of work before... Daozi and his girlfriend were so happy at that time that they didn’t know how to celebrate.

Finally, I decided to buy two Nokia phones, smart phones with touch screens.

Because both of our phones have been in service for five or six years, they are the oldest models, and I am embarrassed to use them.

Then I sent a lot of gifts to my parents on both sides of the family.

That was the first time in three years since I graduated that I had money to send things home, and I burst into tears.

I felt that I saw hope in my life. How much I love this line of work, and this line of work also gave me hope in life.

Of course, to be precise, it was you, my dear brothers and sisters, who gave me hope.

Here, I want to bow to you for the third time to thank you, thank you!

Then, it entered a stable update period.

Subscriptions and monthly tickets have always been good - for a newcomer, you and I even made it into the top ten of the monthly ticket list, although it was only for a short day or two, but it was really a miracle, just like Crazy Li's undefeated record, an incredible miracle.

At the end of the year.

When I saw the royalties, I knew that I had the money for marriage, and I could give my girlfriend who I had been in love with for ten years a dignified wedding without spending a penny from my family.

At that moment, I suddenly realized that she had almost become an old maid!

Happiness is approaching us.

During the Chinese New Year, I returned to my home in Yumen. There was no Internet. I rode a motorcycle to a mobile phone repair shop in the village every day to upload articles. There was a heavy snowstorm during that period. I fell on the road several times and was blown into the ditch by the roadside. I was frozen like a dog every day. When I rode out, my parents at home would worry for two hours...

However, it has always been your support that gave me hope, so I gritted my teeth and persevered.

Here, thank you for the fourth time, dear brothers and sisters.

After the Chinese New Year, I returned to HD and it took a period of stable update.

Then, during this holiday, I returned to my hometown and got married. I am ashamed that this period of time was longer, and of course I was busy and dizzy.

A few shameless guys in the competitive author group, such as Gaizi, Lao Guo, Want to Write but Don't Want to Say, Kick Ball, Bu Ming, Nether Angel, Zhu Tou Qi, XX God, etc., said they would come to the wedding, but in the end only Lao Guo came. Let's despise them together.

Of course, the gift money has arrived.

The fifth word of thanks is for the shrinking buddies of the competitive writers group. Thank you. I, a pink and tender newcomer, have stumbled along the way. You have helped me too much, making me a barely qualified person. The author slowly grew up.

There are a few more people to mention——

Geng Xin, the great god-level author of Qidian, is known as the fourth brother in the world. Although we had no friendship before, after chatting a few times on QQ, we felt that we were quite compatible. The fourth brother was a man of righteousness, and I found out later that the fourth brother secretly offered a leader as a congratulatory gift. However, this chance encounter turned out to be an old friend, and Dao Zi was deeply moved.

There are other great authors, Li Tian, ​​Douzi Trouble, Village Chief, Feng Ling Tianxia, ​​etc. Thank you for your help.

During the period of marriage, the support of brothers and sisters is naturally indispensable. Although I was so busy during that period that I didn't have time to read the book review section online, but with the reward income of more than 2,000 at the end of the month, I knew what you were going to do. You have given me so many precious blessings. Thank you together with my wife!

Now, the modifier has finally been successfully completed.

I finished the last chapter with trepidation, fearing that I would be scolded for being a lousy speaker. Fortunately, most of the brothers and sisters I saw gave me comfort.

Here, for the sixth time, thank you, my brothers and sisters.

Writing this book has gained me so much.

I finally turned my girlfriend into my wife, and I no longer have to drive without a license.

It's you who gave me opportunity and hope, really.

Thank you for the seventh time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Having briefly talked about the writing process, let’s talk about the plot issues of the modifier.

First of all, I admit that the finale omitted the task of Gigi’s [Superstar Development Plan]. In fact, I originally wanted to mention it later. The task must have been completed, and Gigi has become a viable player in world football. The fourth player to win the title. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lao Li to escape the shackles of the FM system, and he would be wiped out once he retires.

Apologize, apologize to my brothers and sisters.

Secondly, some brothers said that the hole about pirated optical discs has not been filled. In fact, the existence of optical discs is an absurd assumption. There is no way to fill this hole. It cannot be attributed to gods, so it becomes a fairy tale novel and cannot be attributed to outsiders. Starman, then it becomes science fiction, and all kinds of explanations will not work. Let's just think that the disc is an object of unknown origin. It is very magical and no one can tell what it is.

Again, at the end of the book, I was low on energy during the marriage period, and a lot of bugs and contradictions appeared. I corrected everything that could be corrected, but I still feel very sorry, so I apologize again.

Finally, from the beginning to the end of the editor, there are always imperfections and regrets about living like this. In fact, until the last chapter, the 24-hour subscription is still very good. If I write more than 10,000 yuan a month, it is not a problem.

But this book also has a complete victory in success and a complete victory in failure.

Real Madrid's two seasons, the European Cup, Chelsea's four seasons, and the World Cup are all highlights. If I wrote it in detail, I could write another 3 million words, but if I write it down anymore, it will really become a running account, and I can't jump out of the past. The routines and plots are still those plots, crazy Li pretends to be cool, some old players are resurrected, some Mavericks jump out and sweep all opponents...

In that case, the brothers and sisters will be disappointed and drown with their spit.

Moreover, since the time of the novel has far exceeded the real time, the sense of immersion is also gradually reduced, which will disappoint you even more.

So the ending ends very quickly.

And it can only end so quickly. Duze is cheating on word count, subscriptions, and everyone’s money.

I hope brothers will understand.

Next, let’s talk about the new book.

I have discussed the new book with many authors I know well, and the idea is very good, which made their eyes light up. It is no less creative than the modifier, and I am confident that I can write it well.

And, to answer a question many brothers have asked: the new book will not be competitive.

Daozi wants to try a transformation.

As mentioned before, Daozi was written about fantasy from the beginning. At that time, being able to be bought out as a newcomer who had never coded before would naturally not make a big difference. Daozi was still very confident about the new book.

It is a story about beasts cheating in another world.

Just like the journey of Madman Li, it is definitely a hot-blooded novel, and Daozi is confident of setting off a hot-blooded storm.

Finally, the most important point is -

Knife’s next book will be uploaded on September 1st.


Maybe it won’t be posted at the starting point.

(As for where it is, you can probably guess it, because I still owe someone a book and am still bound by that contract.)

Dao Zi thought a lot about making this decision.

One of the reasons was that the original contract was not completed, and there was also financial pressure. After I got married, I became extremely financially poor. I had to support my wife and earn money for milk powder, so I had to be more stable. Leaving this place where I grew up would be very difficult. Reluctant to give up, but what can be done if a man is poor but his ambition is short and his horse is skinny and has long hair?

But I also believe that in a less stressful environment, I might be able to write a more perfect story.

I hope this decision will not disappoint the brothers and sisters who have always supported Daozi.

In fact, there is an advantage for everyone: you don’t have to spend money to read Knife’s books in the future.

No more to say.

I hope that everyone will be able to support us by then.

Finally, those people in the competitive group insist on asking me to recommend books. In fact, you are all reading their books, right?

Mention it——

Gai's "Rebel", the man said, since the modifier is over, there is no need for monthly tickets. If everyone has tickets on hand, why not throw them to poor little Gai.

I want to write "The Domineering Midfielder" that I don't want to talk about, but this guy is writing a World Cup volume, but what he wants is not subscriptions and recommendations, but collections. What a vanity!

Zhu Tou Qi's new book "Best" seems to be doing well during the new book period. Everyone should water and fertilize more. The growth of competitive seedlings requires irrigation. There is also a lot of pressure on Zhutou, and there are also girls who have been in love for many years but have not yet married, haha, I should support it.

Lao Guo's "Green Broom Star" is also in the new book issue, haha, he is a great master, so I won't say more.

Competitive newcomer Blind Cupid 1’s new book "Almighty Monster", introduction:

Former World Junior Championship assists king + MVP

Once hailed as the strongest rookie in Asia

A guy who retired early due to injury and studied at Cologne Sport University, but after graduating, he was willing to become a physical education teacher.

After rebirth.

Kick the ball, crush the enemy under your feet, and make the opponent wail in the crotch.

When picking up girls, thousands of flowers are flying freely, and the wind blows the grass and leaves.

Song Zhe: I am a nightmare for defenders and a disaster for goalkeepers.

I am a monster swaying in the greenery, and I am also a king butterfly flying thinly among the flowers.

That’s all.

Dear brothers and sisters, don’t be too verbose. At the end of the day, you still have to bow, bow, and bow in front of the monitor, and say thank you to you with millions of sincerity.

Thank you, my brothers and sisters!

Please continue to support Knife!

Let’s meet again in the next book!

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