Football Modifier

Chapter 86: Furry Football


The referee Fernando Wittens blew the whistle to signal the 21-year-old David Silva, the bat of Kai, to serve the ball!

The Real Madrid penalty area was suddenly in chaos, pushing and shoving!

Silva observed the positions of his teammates, stepped back three or four steps, and then took a run-up, hit the bottom of the football with his instep, and sent the ball quickly to the center of the Real Madrid penalty area!

Because there are the most people and the most chaos there, it is a good place to fish in troubled waters!

In the penalty area, Ramos hugged Albelda's waist loosely, Marcelo pulled Villa's underwear and tore it, Joel Luca used his armpits to press down Joaquin, who was a head shorter than him, and Cannavaro used his shiny big bald head to dazzle Vicente's eyes...

The football was very fast, and when it entered the Real Madrid penalty area, it seemed to be suddenly pressed from above, and there was an obvious drop!

More than a dozen players stretched their necks like little fire storks crying for food, and rubbed their heads towards the football!

Cannavaro's bald head leaned over... but didn't hit it!

Albelda jumped up and shook his brown hair... not high enough!

Maslow and Villa were entangled and couldn't jump up!

David Navarro did jump up, but before he could touch the ball, Joel Luca quickly pushed him down again...

Beckham at the far end and the alien fat man at the front of the penalty area squeezed the "bat" who wanted to rush over with his body, and mentally supported the Real Madrid leader Ka who was facing a severe test!

Although Silva's ball was very fast, the Valencia players were determined to win, but Ka was able to occupy the position of the No. 1 leader of the Spanish national team for a long time with the ability values ​​of 188 and 192. How could it be in vain... uh, false reputation?

This, this, this?

Tragedy happens every day, and today it's Casillas!

In the intimate "hug" between the players of both sides, Casillas, who was full of confidence, actually chose to leave the goal and attack. The handsome man raised his right knee to block his lower abdomen, stretched his arms forward in a "hook" shape, spread his five fingers, and took off like an eagle catching a chick, hugging the football that was close at hand...

Because there were too many people in the penalty area, Casillas closed his eyes when he was sure that the football would go into his arms!

This is a self-protection measure that athletes often take in fierce collisions!

Casillas, with his eyes closed, felt that there was indeed a round thing in his arms, and his heart was relieved. Then he hugged the ball tightly and was knocked down by someone!

I don't know who it was, and then he pressed heavily on him!

Without caring about so much, Casillas was about to get up and launch a quick counterattack with a hand throw, because just when he was about to hold the football, the beautiful man had already found that the lewd fat alien Ronaldo gave him a "wink", and then turned and ran towards the goal of Valencia!

Just now, the players of Valencia had all overwhelmed him in the half court in order to win the free kick. If he succeeded, it would definitely be a good opportunity to rewrite the score!

However, why is the football in his arms furry?

Less than 0.01 seconds later, the beautiful man heard a tsunami-like cheering in his ears. He opened his eyes and saw that the football in his arms was not a football...

What a big head!

It turned out to be the head of Raul Albiol, the central defender of the Bat Army?

Football... Where is the football?

Following the surprised expressions of the referee Fernando Wittens and his teammates, the beautiful man found that another white ball was still rolling gently in the goal behind him!

"Ah~~~~~ The ball actually went in... Casillas incredibly left the goal and was easily headed in by Valencia's central defender Raul Albiol..." Duan Xuange, who has become a Real Madrid fan because of Li Tongfan, was obviously helpless: "The most stable link of Real Madrid has a problem... Casillas... But for Real Madrid, this is not the first time they have fallen behind this season. There are still more than 70 minutes, and Real Madrid has enough time to change the score..."

"... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL... GOAL..." Dashield, the gold medal football commentator of Spanish National Television, Compared with Duan Xuange, Va-Kroyas was much more neutral: "Albiol was lucky to score a goal, which was the boy's first goal of the season... At 13 minutes and 31 seconds in the first half, Valencia, who played at home, took the lead... This ball was a free kick opportunity after launching an attack from Juan Mata's side. It seems that the harassment of the 18-year-old by Valencia fans was very successful. Will Li Tongfan replace him?"


Albiol struggled to break free from the arms of the big handsome man and hugged his teammates who rushed up to celebrate. Casillas, who realized his mistake, picked up the football from the goal in frustration and kicked it towards the center circle of the court!

On the sidelines, Flores, the bat coach who thought he had firmly grasped the weakness of Real Madrid, jumped up happily, and then took the time to wave his fist in the direction of the Real Madrid coaching bench!

Everyone knew who Flores was protesting to!

However, Lao Li didn't care about this "Bat Leader" at all. The result was already doomed. Everything he did was just a foil for Juan Mata. But the only thing that made Lao Li unhappy was why the situation simulated by the FM2007 system always had the opponent scoring first?

Although the reversal makes people excited, eating too much delicious ice cream will cause diarrhea. Isn’t it too bad to always have a reversal?

The game continues!

In this offensive game, Raul Albiol’s goal was like the first crack in the flood control dam. As the game progressed, the dam could no longer stop the flood and collapsed instantly!

Goals came one after another!

But the beneficiaries were not the Bats who scored first!

In the 18th minute, Real Madrid equalized the score. The goal was scored by Juan Mata, the "Castia youth training waste" who was sung and mocked by more than 50,000 Valencia fans for more than ten minutes!

This "shortcoming" of Real Madrid that Flores wanted to take advantage of gave the Bats coach a hard slap in the face with a magician-like performance!


I haven’t finished writing one game in three chapters, please don’t criticize me!

There are still a few hours before going to bed. I had planned to write one more chapter, but unfortunately I ate too many peaches yesterday, and my stomach is uncomfortable. I have a low fever of 37.5. I really can’t hold on any longer! Abalone, please help me count the results of the guessing activity, thank you for your hard work! I’m going to get an IV for tomorrow’s update, and I’ll contact you tomorrow! I won’t go on QQ today, please understand!

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