Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 100 Helpless Anger Under the Rules

41 minutes into the first half, facing Schalke 04's daunting high-pressure tactics, Wang Po's pass after getting rid of the defense line created a score.

When the goal was reviewed, at the moment Wang Po passed the ball, Schalke 04's defense line had already moved to the vicinity of the center circle, exposing a huge gap behind him.

This is also the disadvantage of the high-pressure tactics.

He needs good teamwork, and the front line is the basis.

An inch longer is an inch stronger, an inch shorter is an inch more dangerous, roughly like this.

At the end of the half-time game, Dortmund temporarily led by 1 goal and entered the locker room.

When leaving the court, Wang Po and his teammates couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It must be said that Schalke 04's terrifying high-pressure tactics made them suffer. During the entire first half, everyone was tense. At this time, they relaxed and felt abnormally tired, as if they were hollowed out.

"Wang Po, you have to be careful in the second half. I believe the opponent will definitely pay special attention to you."

In the locker room, Tuchel reminded Wang Po as soon as he opened his mouth.

Schalke 04's style of play is tough and fierce. Wang Po's terrifying vision is a direct attack on the soft spot of their defense line. This must be prevented. Any head coach will emphasize the defense of key players.

The word "greet" made Wang Po's heart "click" and he felt bad.

"Greeting" is not a good word in the football world. Some small actions that mess with people's mentality and insulting language are already annoying. The most feared are those actions that violate sports ethics and ruin people's jobs.

The 15-minute halftime break passed quickly.

The second half of the game began.

At the beginning of the game, Schalke 04 launched a crazy counterattack, with intensity and confrontation at a higher level. For this, they paid the price of 2 yellow cards.

Such a fierce momentum has a sense of déjà vu of a thug.

In terms of momentum, it suppressed the Dortmund team, which mainly relied on delicate passing and control.

Many players began to feel fearful, and all kinds of half-points were taken away by the opponent. Such cowardly behavior made Tuchel curse on the sidelines.

Wang Po took the ball with his back in the midfield, and before he could make a move, he was kicked in the ankle by the defender of Schalke 04 and fell to the ground in pain.

Such deliberate fouls caused dissatisfaction among the Dortmund team.

Although the referee blew the foul, he did not play a card, but only gave a verbal warning, which angered the Dortmund fans at the Wies** Stadium and booed the referee.

The referee's soft hand made the players of Schalke 04 more unscrupulous, hugging and throwing, dragging teammates, stepping on heels, and various fouls were used on Wang Po, destroying the offensive rhythm of Dortmund's metronome at the lowest cost, affecting the offensive operation of the entire team.

So much so that 20 minutes into the second half, Dortmund did not even have a single shot data.

It seemed that what was going on on the green field was not a football game, but more like a foul war.

The loose standards of the referee made the game more and more tense.

Facing the close-fitting tricks of the Schalke 04 striker, the unbearable captain Subotic directly hit the opponent's neck with an elbow. The latter fell down and covered his face in pain, howling and screaming. This scene was like a pig being slaughtered.

This time, the referee did not show mercy and gave Subotic a ruby ​​card.

This completely detonated the Dortmund team. How many times did Schalke 04's provocative bad tricks not give a card warning?

You know, just 3 minutes ago, the opponent's suspected elbow strike appeared under the eyes of the referee, but he was indifferent.

Such double standards indulged the players of Schalke 04. Whoever changed, they would be furious.

"Why didn't you express your action just now?" Wang Po, who was affected by the tricks for the whole game, asked the referee emotionally.

"Okay, I'll just take what I see as the standard." The black referee said expressionlessly.

"Then look at what this is?" Wang Po pulled his socks that were already riddled with holes from the spikes, and his calves were covered with bruises.


A whistle sounded, and facing the chattering Wang Po, the referee showed a yellow card as a warning.

The referee stared at Wang Po and said coldly, "I can send you off with a red card, do you believe it?"

"Do you have the courage?"

Wang Po sneered.


Another whistle sounded, and everyone saw that Wang Po, who had just received a yellow card, was shown another yellow card.

Two yellows turned into one red, and he was sent off.

Wow, what happened to my God?

This was a scene that everyone, including the fans in front of the TV, didn't understand.

Which referee's brain was wrong?

Tuchel, who couldn't bear it any longer, rushed into the field regardless of the obstruction, causing a riot.

In response, the referee showed a red card again and sent Tuchel off the field.

In a short period of time, three red cards pushed Dortmund into the abyss.

In the subsequent game, Dortmund, who was two men short, lost the game to the opponent's pursuit of two goals.

After the game, angry Dortmund fans surrounded the Wiesbaden Stadium, wishing to eat the referee alive.

This was in their own home court, and they were eaten alive by the referee so blatantly.

After the game, Wang Po sat in the locker room for a long time and was unwilling to come out.

However, the reporters waiting to interview him were already overcrowded.

Annie was also in the group of reporters. Through the half-open door, she could vaguely see Wang Po's frustration, and the little girl felt distressed.

About half an hour later, Wang Po finally calmed down and walked out of the locker room.

Although Hamburg stood by Wang Po to help him share the pressure, the reporters' sharp questions came one after another.

"What do you think of the referee's standards?"

"What did you say to the referee that would lead to a red card?"

"Some people say that you are playing big cards by blatantly challenging the referee's authority?"


The endless questions came with various traps, and Wang Po was annoyed and did not answer these boring questions.

When all the reporters were quiet, facing the camera of the reporter, Wang Po said a meaningful sentence lightly, "Today's game reminds me of the group match in Moscow not long ago."

Although he did not name the players, the meaning of the expression was clear.

Yes, not only the players, but also the reporters saw it. Everyone has been in this circle for many years, and some tricks are revealed at a glance.

The various strange behaviors of the referee forced them to think about the dark side.

The so-called questions of these reporters are nothing more than hoping that Wang Po can make this matter clear and release the impact to the maximum.

Although angry and unwilling, Wang Po still maintains a trace of calm at this moment.

That night, despite the escort of security guards, he was still trapped in the West ** Stadium and could not move until six o'clock the next morning.

Just imagine, if there is no one to protect him, the referee may be eaten alive by the fans.

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