Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 143: Blood Profit

The recording pen Hamburg held was enough to ruin Nick's reputation and leave him with nothing.

He couldn't help but be afraid.

Borg and Nick in the room were restless, with panic written on their faces.

"How do you want to solve this matter?"

After giving in, Nick took a deep breath, opened his mouth and said.

"What do you think?" Burger asked with a raised eyebrow as he knocked on the table.

He absolutely couldn't say anything about this kind of thing. After all, he didn't know whether Nick had a recording pen or other equipment, and asking a price rashly would give people a chance to blackmail him.

Especially when the other party is an elite lawyer, it is always right for such a character to be cautious.

Nick swallowed, thought for a moment and said, "In this case, we will withdraw the lawsuit from Mr. Wang Po of the team and pay 1 million US dollars in compensation."

Hamburger looked at Wang Po, obviously it was up to him to decide this matter.

"Then do you think I will agree?" Wang Po imitated Hamburger's tone, with a playful expression on his face. He was also wary of Nick.

"Ah, we can sit down and talk about this, right? You make a price."

Nick grinned and asked tentatively.

Wang Po shook his head and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Nick felt even less confident. He licked his lips and said, "Two million US dollars?"

Wang Po continued to shake his head.



It was like a bidding auction. Nick's constant offers always ended with Wang Po shaking his head.

Unable to bear it anymore, Hamburg wrote down a euro unit on the table.

"This matter has caused a great impact on my reputation as a player, and I think you should be obliged to resolve it."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Nick nodded repeatedly while wiping his cold sweat.

The entire discussion lasted for an hour and ended. In the first half, Nick and Borg were arrogant and domineering, but in the second half, the two were submissive.

Wang Po and Hamburg returned to the club contentedly.

Tina was still planning how to defeat Wang Po in one fell swoop this time, and quickly finalized several projects, spending a huge sum of money on this, spending 6 million US dollars.

The trio of public opinions became stronger and stronger. She firmly believed that Wang Po would be ruined this time, and Xin Qiu and Annie, who were bound to Wang Po, would also disappear from the media circle.

Just when Tina was about to complete these details, a phone call came in a hurry.

When she heard the news on the phone, Tina's whole body couldn't help trembling, and she didn't even notice that the phone fell to the ground.

It’s over, it’s over again this time.

Just five minutes ago, New Football published the latest article, which provided an in-depth analysis of the past occasions when official whistler Roger had been tasked with enforcing the law. If these were just controversies, then an intriguing photo at the end of the article aroused public opinion. Uproar.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the direction cannot be clearer.

Roger is finished, and so is Borg.

The alliance and the judiciary quickly launched an investigation into the matter reported in Annie's article.

During the investigation, their movements will be restricted and their duties will be temporarily suspended.

How is this going?

Just when all the fans were confused by the sudden news, another explosive news swept the entire Internet.

On Bayern Munich's official social media, the previous statement suing Wang Po was quietly deleted and replaced by an apology statement.

The statement explained that everything before was a misunderstanding, and that it was extremely sorry for the impact on Wang Po's reputation and was willing to provide 4 million euros in compensation.

Oh My God? What happened?

4 million euros, this is a huge sum of money. This is the Bayern club with Nick's legal team known as Munich's Pizza Hut. Are you giving in?

Faced with inquiries from fans from all over the Internet, Bayern remained silent and did not make any response.

Hey, that's weird.

For a time, the story behind this incident was also the focus of discussion among all parties. Unfortunately, both Bayern and Wang Po remained silent, making this incident an unsolved mystery in football. .

Of course, looking at this incident from beginning to end, it only took one day from the beginning to the end. Everyone originally thought that Wang Po would be in disaster. Who would have thought that it would not have any reputational impact, but instead stepped on Bayern Such a big club has made a name for itself in world football.

Not only that, the circle has begun to discuss the forces behind Wang Po.

Just imagine, it is impossible for a team of one player to defeat a big club like Bayern in a short period of time.

The three of them became a tiger, and the rumors spread from one to ten, and various versions of rumors began to spread among the people.

Someone from one of the top ten families in the world.

What kind of players are cultivated by super plutocrats?

All kinds of wild conjectures leave people speechless. The key is, some people actually believe these rumors.

No matter what, this wave has earned Wang Po enough popularity.

Many large companies and enterprises have issued huge endorsement contracts.

From this wave of harvest alone, Wang Po earned more than 12 million US dollars.

After getting rich, Wang Po was happy when he saw such a huge sum of money.

Of course, the happy part is the burger.

As an agent, he gets a commission, and the commission is not small.

After Hamburger took out 4 million from the 12 million US dollars, Wang Po felt a pain in his flesh and couldn't help but take a breath and said. "You are really a vampire."

"With the compensation, you still have 12 million US dollars left? Besides, I am in control of the overall situation this time and turned the tide. This share is what I deserve." Hamburger rolled his eyes. He knew the money and accounts in Wang Po's hand like a mirror in his heart, and said unhappily.

Wang Po was speechless.

Of the remaining 12 million US dollars, Wang Po plans to give 7 million to Annie for company operation and expansion, 3 million for team improvement, staff salary payment, equipment purchase, etc., and the last 2 million needs to be given to his parents far away in the East.

In the recent telephone communication, the current symptoms of uremia are getting worse and worse, and dialysis is basically required every day.

I hope this money can help my mother find a kidney and get rid of the pain of daily dialysis as soon as possible.

The league continues.

Under the leadership of Wang Po, Dortmund continues to advance, maintaining a 9-point gap with the chasing Bayern Munich.

The third game of the Champions League group stage has arrived.

Dortmund will first challenge Legia Warsaw away.

Compared with Tottenham and Sporting Lisbon, Legia Warsaw is very unfamiliar and its strength is slightly different.

For the purpose of resting and protecting core players, Tuchel chose to let Wang Po rest in this Champions League game to get points at the lowest cost.

Although the process was not perfect in the end, fortunately, Dortmund still relied on its hard power to take away 3 points with a 2-1 away game, consolidating its position as the first in the group.

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