Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 158: Disrupting the Midfield

South Korea's European midfielders, Lee Jae-sung, Koo Ja-cheol, and Ki Sung-yueng, blocked and strangled Wang Po.

South Korean players are known for running and fighting.

Facing Wang Po holding the ball, Lee Jae-sung immediately used a fierce foul to declare the strength of the home court.

Wang Po was tackled and fell to the ground, and fell on the court in pain.

Faced with such a big foul, the referee made a gesture to continue the game.

This caused dissatisfaction among the national football team.

Such an obvious foul was not called? Blind? Dreaming back to 2002?

Taking advantage of this scramble, the South Korean team launched a counterattack. Koo Ja-cheol passed the ball to the core player of the team, Son Heung-min, with a long pass, and the latter rushed with the ball on the wing.

Sensing the loopholes in the wing defense, the old captain Zheng Zhi hurriedly filled in and helped the full-back to defend.

Sticking in, kicking out, was stabbed away by Son Heung-min one step faster. The old captain hurriedly chased and defended, and the full-back quickly blocked, and the two jointly blocked the wing area.

It has to be said that Son Heung-min's footwork is extremely skillful. The Chinese national football team's full-backs couldn't get the ball at all. It was the old captain Zheng Zhi who took the ball away from Son Heung-min's back with a header, turned around and passed the ball to Wang Po's feet.

Faced with the referee's open standards in this game, Wang Po learned his lesson this time and passed Gu Zizhe with a change of direction. Seeing this, the latter hurriedly grabbed his jersey.

Wang Po's core strength is no longer what it used to be. He carried Gu Zizhe with the ball like a bulldozer.

The referee's connivance made the Korean team more and more daring. In the end, Gu Zizhe jumped directly on Wang Po's back.

Angry, both the fans at the scene and on the Internet were angry.

On the contrary, the Korean fans on the scene were complacent about such a penalty standard and found various reasons to excuse the referee.


The referee's whistle finally sounded.

Foul, free kick.

43 meters away from the South Korean goal, the Chinese national football team won a free kick in the frontcourt. This distance was too far to attack the goal directly.

In front of the ball, the strongest players of the national football team, Zheng Zhi and San Ge, gathered.

Center forwards Feiji Gao and Dabao had already entered the penalty area to ambush.

Zheng Zhi took four steps back and took a run-up. Just when everyone thought that the ball would be scored in the penalty area and the attacking players would attack the goal, in front of the ball, he suddenly shook his ankle and passed the ball with one foot, changing it to a short pass. After Wang Po got the ball on the side, he had a smooth journey.

All the players of the South Korean team gathered in the penalty area at this time, and there was a vacuum state without defense in the side area.

This opportunity without any defensive hardness would definitely not be missed with Wang Po's ability. He accelerated and dribbled the ball to the bottom line. He was observing and observing the opponent's defensive state.

The South Korean defenders were shocked, and three players quickly made up, and the crowded state in the penalty area was quickly alleviated.

The opportunity came, seizing the loopholes in the opponent's defense line, Wang Po passed the ball to the penalty area with one foot.

Feiji Gao rushed to the front point and headed the ball, but unfortunately there was a slight error in the judgment of the landing point, and the ball slipped directly from the front point.

Such a mistake accidentally attracted the attention of the Korean team's defensive players, resulting in Dabao at the back point being unguarded.

Heading the ball.

No one defended, the header was close at hand, but unfortunately, the ball was a little off and flew directly out of the baseline.

What a good opportunity! What a pity.

Everyone felt infinite regret for Dabao missing this opportunity, and the player himself knelt down with his head down.

The camera then swept to the Chinese national football coach Silver Fox on the sidelines, who had no waves on his face.

Yes, such a coach with so many honors, what storms have he not seen? Both his expression and his heart were very calm. On the contrary, he called the translator and shouted to the players to keep their attention and strengthen defense.

The Korean fans in the audience were shocked and sweated, and the Korean team escaped a disaster.

In the following time, the rhythm of the Korean team began to become a little cautious.

Son Heung-min is doing very well. He can play 1v3 in the Premier League and the Champions League, not to mention at the Asian level. Basically, there are no four people who can stop him.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to having too strong personal ability.

Especially when this outstanding person is on the wing.

Advantages: Many times, he can solve the problems on the offensive end without relying on the system.

Disadvantages: Super strong personal offensive ability can also easily make teammates feel dependent. The same is true for the South Korean team. All midfielders give the ball to Son Heung-min. Organizing the offense is his weakness, and rushing and finishing are his strengths. Therefore, most of the time, when the ball reaches the front court, it is basically Son Heung-min who leads the team, and the others follow the rhythm.

If this superstar is in the midfield, it will be different.

Although the national team faces the same problem as the South Korean team, there is only one strong point, Wang Bo, but the situation is different.

First of all, Wang Po is a midfielder who can attack and defend well. Basically, he can play on the central axis. His comprehensive personal ability is better than that of Son Heung-min. Although his offensive rhythm is not the same as his teammates due to ability problems, Wang Po controls the overall offensive and defensive rhythm of the team, and his adaptability is better than that of the wingers.

He can completely slow down and incorporate his teammates into his offensive and defensive system.

To put it simply, Son Heung-min of the South Korean team is more like an indestructible sword that can cut iron like mud.

Wang Po of the Chinese national football team is more like a shrewd mind.

Of course, the Korean team, which is composed of a large number of overseas players, is stronger than the Chinese national team in terms of overall strength. After stabilizing the rhythm, they took the initiative on the field.

The basic situation on the field is that as long as Wang Po does not advance with the ball, the player will definitely be lost after passing the ball three times.

His feet are too rough. It happens that the Korean team's midfielders are known for their endless running. The abnormal physical tank, the European-worthy confrontation rhythm, and the defensive experience of the competition make it difficult for the Chinese national team players to adapt.

"Be alone, Wang Po."

The silver fox on the sidelines saw it and shouted at Wang Po.

Obviously, the old coach also understood the doorway here. Since there is a strong point, use it.

Holding the ball, advancing, Li Zaicheng, Gu Zizhe, and Ji Chengyong took turns to become Wang Po's background board.

Faced with the skillful footwork like a butterfly, the three were fooled around.

One person can play with three people, and there is no effective restriction on Wang Po at all. There is only one way, foul.


The referee blew the whistle, and Lee Jae-sung committed a foul. Compared with the previous free kick, this position was closer, about 33 meters away.

This position was a bit awkward. If you attack directly, the use of footwork is very demanding, and to be honest, the distance is far from the goalkeeper and there is enough reaction time. If you kick the ball, it is a bit close, and you need to control your footwork and the landing point of the ball very well.

The third brother stood in front of the ball and prepared to take the penalty.

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