Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 188 Willful Simeone

Such news fermented in public opinion, causing Torres to be in trouble recently, seriously affecting the good image he had established before.

In my impression, Torres has always been called a "winner in life" by fans. He is a lucky player with flowing blonde hair, handsome face and strong strength. How can such a player not attract fans?

However, showing off his past to his opponents, a 19-year-old player, is simply too cheap. It has to be said that this approach is very low.

Such Torres made many fans unable to accept it, and they all expressed their intention to quit being fans or turn against him.

The worst thing is the team atmosphere.

The article in which Simeone accused Torres, which Tina personally wrote and published on New Football, is not fictional. The team atmosphere of Atletico Madrid has now dropped to the freezing point.

Simeone is a fanatical and extreme head coach who has a very high voice in the entire club. He is the god of Atletico Madrid, and no one can challenge his authority.

Torres can't do it either.

Back in La Liga, facing the challenge of the weak Levante team, Simeone did not even put Torres in the 18-man roster. The official explanation was that he was resting in preparation for the second round of the Champions League.

How could Atletico Madrid fans not understand? This is the snow, which further confirms Tina's article from the side, and what she said is true.

At present, the La Liga is a three-way competition, with Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​and Atletico Madrid ranked 1., 2., and 3. The points are very close, with 3 points more and 1 point less.

The La Liga has now reached the sprint stage of the last half. At this critical moment, no coach would be stupid enough to rest the main striker and the silver boot in the team.

Simeone does not seem to shy away from speculation and public pressure from the outside world.

Although it is said that Torres is rotated, in fact, the league lineup is still a continuation of the list in the Champions League against Dortmund, which is simply to adjust Torres's forward position and replace him with Gameiro, the center forward who has won the French Ligue 1 silver boot twice.

Simeone used such a naked way to tell the outside world that he has supreme authority and voice for the team and the locker room, and everything is under his control.

In a stumbling game, facing a weak team, Atletico Madrid won 1-0, further maintaining the pressure of catching up with Real Madrid.

Compared with Atletico Madrid's full-strength attack, Dortmund, which has a relatively large points advantage in the league, chose to rotate players in the weekend league. Five main players including Wang Pei did not appear in the game against Leverkusen.

The strong will always be strong.

When a team is in the position of a strong team for a long time, it naturally forms a kingly aura and a strong aura.

The most direct manifestation of the formation of this aura is that the team may play in a muddle throughout the game, but it can always win inexplicably. In this game against Leverkusen, Dortmund performed like this.

The same 1-0 score allowed Dortmund to continue to consolidate its top position in the standings, while also accumulating strength for the upcoming Champions League second leg in the middle of the week. It can be said to be a very cost-effective 1-0.

With Torres' provocation in the first leg and the subtle score, Dortmund's second leg against Atletico Madrid is bound to be full of highlights.

At the pre-match press conference.

The reporter threw out the recent hot topic.

"The main center forward of the league team did not appear last weekend. Is it related to the recent news reports?"

Simeone shook his head and denied that "this is a comprehensive choice based on my tactical considerations and the coaching team's assessment of Torres' physical condition."

Facing the media, Simeone's words were very official, and he shut everyone up with one sentence.

"Will the regretful defeat to Dortmund in the first round put pressure on the team in the second round?"

Hearing this question, Simeone frowned, looking unhappy, and snorted coldly, "First of all, I said that the Champions League knockout round is a 180-minute game. Now it's only the end of the first half. Anyone who has watched the game knows that we had many opportunities in that game and took the initiative on the field. This is a reflection of our strength. I think the loss was more due to lack of luck. I believe that we will not give the opponent any chances when we return to the home court in the second round."

As one of the strongest clubs in Europe today, Atletico Madrid's overall strength is unquestionable. Head coach Simeone himself is full of confidence and optimistic about the prospect of promotion.

When the reporter relayed Simeone's attitude to Dortmund coach Tuchel at the pre-match press conference of the visiting team, the latter smiled and said, "Combined with the score, it seems that we are the dominant side. Football games are not purely about lineups and values. In the end, it still has to be implemented on the court. Everything is determined by the results."

The styles of the two head coaches are completely opposite. The battle in the press conference was also quite exciting, creating a focus for the second round of the decisive battle tomorrow.

Match day.

A large number of Atletico Madrid fans appeared at the Calderon Stadium, beating gongs and drums to cheer for the team.

The Dortmund team's bus arrived at the stadium. As soon as he got off the bus, Wang Po was chased and blocked by countless reporters.

"Excuse me, is it true that Torres provoked you as reported in the media?"

For such a sharp question, Wang Po smiled and waved his hand, declined the interview, and entered the team's locker room with difficulty under the protection of his teammates.

According to the news before the game, Torres was not included in the 18-man roster for this game, just like the league last weekend.

Suddenly, all the fans who support Atletico Madrid were furious. "Is Simeone crazy? The top scorer is not allowed to play?"

"It seems that the report of New Football is not groundless, so willful! Simeone!"

"Yes, Simeone has always attached great importance to discipline and authority, especially in defense. Torres's approach in the last game was obviously contrary to the head coach's idea."


Wang Po does not care about the opponent's situation. Even if there is a player like Torres, the strength of Atletico Madrid will not be affected. On the contrary, it is very likely that the player who will replace Torres will be able to strengthen this link. It is enough to do well.

Dortmund, who narrowly won the first round and had some advantages, would have chosen a steady defensive counterattack, but both Tuchel and his coaching team and Wang Po and his personal team had a consistent idea: to strike first.

In terms of Atletico Madrid's strength, and in his home stadium, which is one of the best devil's home stadiums in Europe, it is definitely impossible to defend. It is better to do the opposite, surprise the opponent and disrupt their rhythm and layout.

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