Mano had already worked out various plans in his mind.

"In the first half of the game, we mainly defended. As long as we can withstand the opponent's opening three-pronged attack, their morale will decline and then our chance will come. As mentioned before, we should attack the opponent's left wing. Once we launch an attack, we should press the opponent's left wing in a timely manner, change the rhythm, and catch the opponent off guard."

At this point, Mano pointed to the team leader, Gomez.

"You are the commander of the rush, understand?"

Gomez patted his chest and answered neatly, "No problem, boss!"

As a veteran who has been through many battles, Gomez has an excellent ability to read the game, and he is the perfect commander of the rush echelon.

Pressure and pressing in the frontcourt will give the opponent's defense a great deal of pressure in a short period of time, forcing the opponent to rush to clear the ball, rob the second point, or make low-level mistakes and seize opportunities.

High pressure and strong pressure pay attention to two points, one is the passing route, and the other is the cut-off.

The so-called passing route requires the first wave of rushing teams to force the opponent's back line to pass the ball within the designed pressing range. Once the opponent falls into the trap, the second echelon cooperates to press the ball-free players in the area and intercept the passing route.

Such tactics require a high level of team cooperation, timing of rushing, and physical fitness.

Of course, the greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

The sudden change of rhythm is a great pressure on the defensive players. For the offense, a successful high-pressure pressing is a great boost to morale.

It is said that the Barcelona Dream Three, which once had the epic midfield combination of Ha Baibu at its peak, is in control. In fact, his high-pressure pressing is even more powerful.

Looking around, that Barcelona Dream Three team, whether it is the offensive line or the defensive line, has almost no explosive physical fitness, but it can contain the bull-like bodies of various opponents, relying on super tacit understanding and terrifying high-pressure pressing ability.

Attack others with your own strengths.

Barcelona's dream three teams have a historical level of control. They exploited the opponent's central defender's poor passing ability, and used constant pressure to force the opponent to hastily clear or kick the ball. As long as they robbed the second point, it would be the opponent's nightmare.

With the ability of the team at that time, they just pressed the opponent to attack, with waves of attacking frenzy.

Xavi, Iniesta, and Busques played the functions of transmission, accelerator, and dealer in the midfield respectively. They were handy to each other, just like the formation in martial arts novels, with buff additions, which made it difficult to compete.

Although high-position pressing consumes physical strength, the dream three Barcelona team can fully use the gaps in controlling the ball to replenish physical strength and dominate the ball. The defensive side is obviously more tired and exhausted.

Unfortunately, with the retirement of Xavi, the aging of Xiaobai and Busques, the passing and control of a team that was almost like a precision instrument began to decline.

The trend of football passing and control has also begun to change.

Of course, because of this trend, two new positions were born in football, one is the central defender, and the other is the goalkeeper (I believe that in the future development of football, the goalkeeper will play an increasingly important role).

Benfica obviously cannot compare with the Barcelona Dream Three at that time, but it can intermittently press high and change the offensive rhythm to make the opponent at a loss.

"Okay, guys, we are not here to be losers when we come to the Dragon Stadium. The Champions League quarterfinals are just around the corner. Fight, Benfica!"

Mano clapped his hands, called on the players to gather together, fist bumped in the center, and shouted loudly.

"Fight, Benfica!"


In this game, Wang Po still sat on the bench.

There is no difference in the starting lineup from the previous round of the Champions League.

It's just that the formation was changed to 451, with four defenders, two pure defensive midfielders, the core Riise in the middle, the left and right sidebacks and the back waist line parallel to form the second line of defense, and the front line is the Benfica team's shooter Wang Gomez.

Entering the Dragon Stadium, the ears were filled with thunderous cheers.

This time, the boos were given to the Benfica team, and Wang Po also deeply felt what a devil's home field is. In view of the various unpleasantness with this team before, he seemed to have become the focus of the whole stadium.

Even during the warm-up, the boos accompanying Wang Po never stopped.

The blue and white fan formation is the main color of the Porto team's jersey.

The red and white team seemed particularly small in such a terrifying number of blue and white teams, like a drop in the ocean. Although the expeditionary Benfica fans were crazy about cheering for their beloved team, the gap in size could not be eliminated, and the sound was completely drowned in the boos.

Even so, the team can still feel the shouts of the fans.

Fighting north and south, never walk alone.

Fans have always been part of the football club and are always the twelfth person on the field.

This time, Wang Po did not have any communication with Silva and Ola before the game, but this does not mean that the fight will be annihilated. On the contrary, such competition is the most cruel.

Accompanied by the exciting UEFA Champions League theme song, the players of the two teams, Porto and Benfica, began to enter the field.

The blue and white scarf wall formed a mighty cheering team. Compared with the Luminous Stadium half a month ago, the momentum of this Dragon Stadium is no less.

The players on both sides are confident and full of morale. The calm before the game is as cruel as the game.

It is destined that there will be only one winner in this game.

Porto, who fell behind by two goals, will definitely not give up facing their long-time rivals, and it is foreseeable that they will fight hard!


The game finally started with a whistle.

As Mano expected before the game, Porto's strategy was to grab the start.

The two wingers used their speed and dribbling skills to constantly pull and tear Benfica's side defense line, opening a breakthrough for the central attack.


Riise, who was holding the ball in the midfield, was tackled by Silva, who was chasing him, and rolled on the grass with his ankle in pain.

The referee quickly stopped the game and showed a yellow card warning to Silva for the tackle.

Only 3 minutes after the start, the first yellow card had been issued, and the next time was destined to be turbulent.

Such a penalty result made Porto extremely dissatisfied, and the whole audience booed the referee on duty.

Benfica was also dissatisfied. This action was obviously directed at people, and he should be expelled with a red card.

The players of both teams surrounded the referee, trying to persuade him to change the penalty to their side.

The referee blew a quick whistle to drive away the players who gathered around him. The captains of both teams wanted to fight for it, but when they met the referee's sharp eyes, they swallowed the words on their lips, because his hands were already in his trouser pockets, ready to play a card.

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